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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Just to pitch in on the tech node lock/unlock bug, I have seen this bug VERY rarely, when using KCT, and without Kerbonomics. It's very rare, and most times the game sorts itself out after a restart, but I have lost games to it. I have used Kerbonomics now for a while, and have not seen this bug pop up. So I can confirm that it does happen without Kerbonomics, but I just recently had to do a clean wipe because of another mod conflict, so I have no logs remaining from that time.
  2. Yeah have to say, love this idea, will probably use it, but would prefer, maybe alternate, solid~ish color like the other two command pods, less strip~ish~ness. Edit: And downloaded.
  3. Hm, not sure how I feel about this latest update. I only use certain parts out of your mod, and i'm not very good, read I can't, edit MM configs, so how hard exactly is it going to be for people like me to only get the parts I want, and prevent the parts I don't want from showing up?
  4. I would like to see competing contracts at some point. get the same contract by 2 different entities, picking one would lock out the other, and couple that with a system, that as you make these choices, certain contract givers will like/dislike you more by your choices, and give you better/worse reward and or contracts in the future. that would make the contract system feel more rewarding I think, rather than select, complete, repeat.
  5. Small report, I have noticed the mod will, very rarely not subtract funds for kerbal paydays, and when It does, it also does not give out the additional funds it says it does. other than that, awesome mod.
  6. Just found this mod yesterday, loving it, aside from the very rare collider issues: That's only happened twice, and yes, my front wheel is extended.
  7. actually I was wrong, I got the same issue in one test without this mod, so still trying to narrow this down.
  8. Is anyone else seeing a lot of map framerate stutter in the tracking station? My framerate drops horridly in the tracking station with this mod, and yes I have the latest version. I also am running a lot of mods, so it could easily be a mod conflict, but I notice when I remove this mod it goes away, so its either this mod, or this mod and another{s} that's causing it. I'm slowly pulling out mods one at a time to find out if there are other culprits but its a long process, so I thought id ask if anyone else is seeing this, or had it, so maybe I can narrow down the possible offending mods.
  9. Ah okay. that explains why its always a tiny amount. I start all my careers in superhard mode, barely any funds, and my reputation buried as far into the negative as it will go, and set the rewards in the difficulty to lower than hard mode. {No one on my kerbin believes in the space program, till we prove it can work!} Lol.
  10. i see a line for received funding, what exactly is that and how is it calculated? sorry if im missing something that had been explained before...
  11. can't get this mod to work, loading hangs at kittopia/ring texture <-something, not exact wording there. its not even loading enough to generate a error log when it fails out. if no one else is seeing this, im betting a mod conflict, as im running 30+ mods. My main suspect would be active texture management, has this been tested with that mod?
  12. if I wasn't already running my ksp on the memory redline, id take this....
  13. I got the Jeb's on a mission when he isn't, and double pay bug as well. And a link to my output log too: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tuonoxr1abkw55u/output_log.txt?dl=0
  14. hm... tempting. Don't think im too keen on messing with the stock solar power curve, maybe make that optional? Edit: Ha ha, never mind, missed that you can opt out by deleting the file for it.
  15. Im trying so hard to be patient, but I'm jittering like a squirrel on caffeine, 'cause this mod is sooo good. I want it to be fixed up right, but I can't play without it, insta-build stuff feels like cheating now. don't suppose there's any update on when the update might happen? :blush: If not that's cool. I'll just keep trying to wait over here, you know, patiently.
  16. Jeb broke the universe again. He does that sometimes, when mission control doesn't let him have his way. Seriously tho, that's weird.
  17. Thanks for the Update! This mod is one of my must haves, and all the hard work is very much appreciated!!!
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