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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Sorry to ask this, but Tweakscale is an absolute dependency for this mod? I really want to start using this mod, but I recall one or two of my other mods haven't played nice with tweakscale in the past..
  2. I'm using all the mods you have listed except, Tech Manager, Smart parts, Planetshine, Part Wizard, And Feram Aerospace research. I do not have issues like this. The only thing that really draws my eye is the poor graphics rendering, I'd almost hazard a guess that maybe active texture management isn't playing nice. I'd suggest clearing that out, and testing it. If I remember correctly, in a previous version of ATM there was a bug that broke Minmus, you couldn't land there or build anything there. I think there was even a hole at Minmus' North pole you could fall into. It could be that that bug has resurfaced.
  3. Curious, I see in some of the screenshots, theres an icon for an arch, on for a pyramid, and one for a monolith? How do you get those icons to show up, I don't have them? I have latest version.
  4. The Bravery bar is better full, the stupidity bar is better empty. Sorry for the confusion, Its been a long night.
  5. For anyone that's interested, Pizzaoverhead made a mod, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55104-0-90-Rover-Wheel-Sounds which adds awesome sound effects to rover wheels in game, and I edited up a config to add the sounds to the pack rat wheel, as well: @PART[PackRat_MiniWheel] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/RoveMaxS1 } } Download the mod, add that to the MM config in the mod, your good to go. [least it works for me] I'm new to MM configs though, this is the first one I've ever actually gotten to work.
  6. Pizzaoverhead, and anyone who's interested, I added sound effects to RoverDude's awesome packrat rover just add this to the MM config included in the download of rover wheel sounds: @PART[PackRat_MiniWheel] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/RoveMaxS1 } } You can use any of the sounds files you want, I just picked the one I liked.
  7. Erm, yes. I didn't totally miss that.
  8. This Before this mod, I added a time delay of my own to any rocket that I'd build so my game wasn't design build fly in the span of 5 in game seconds. A few friends of mine and I play together, and we use this mod to do real competitive play, and some cooperative with craft sharing and persistence editing. [nothing cheaty, just to keep our 'ships' sync'd] Each of us controls our own nation's space program and helps or tries to hinder each other. We recently added BD armory mod, and two of my buddies almost immediately went to war with each other. [which is a real chore since we don't actually use one of the multi-player mods. Those of us not involved in the war decide the outcome of battle type scenarios that get passed around to decide the outcome of the battles / war.]
  9. Well, look at all the times the Doctor rebuilt something, and added 'bigger on the inside' tech to it. Stuff was bound to get around. He also built anti-grav units into a child's toy once, as I recall... - - - Updated - - - Holy kraken, no wonder some of my reliable ships stopped making it to orbit [lack of fuel or flipping out like they were top heavy.] I never realized what was going on.
  10. So, I'm Informing you of an issue with the recover active vessel to storage, if you build a craft with symmetry then break the symmetry in flight, recovering it will break KCT. this is easily reproducible, build a plane in SPH, attach wings with symmetry option, launch, run plane into building to knock off a wing, recover active vessel to storage, then try to edit broken vessel, step back and watch Kraken attack.
  11. Speaking f that add pop up, I almost couldn't disable the joke module, because that damn add kept popping up faster than I could click the right buttons. Lol. Still laughing about it.
  12. Lol I saw that post just as I was getting up and heading to work, I just loaded KSP now, after work, and it all makes sense! LOL. Good one!
  13. You could look into using Kerbal construction time, the newest version has a feature that allows you to recover an active vessel into vab or sph storage, edit it and relaunch, paying only for the parts you change/add. It does add build times to everything though, but I like that. I use that plus Roverdude's MKS/OKS with the ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads to build stuff in places other than KSC.
  14. Can I just say, this mod, with the new Kerbal Inventory System mod is amazing? How hilarious is it that Kerbals can carry missles and rockets in their pockets and attach them in the field to stuff? I laughed so hard. {only issue is that weapons manager doesn't seem to recognized weapons attached to craft in the field, so manual launch is required.}
  15. Damn That bug just won't stay dead. Pretty sure I remember he fixed that one once before. Edit: Actually that bug was supposed to be fixed this patch. huh.
  16. I've been playing for a while now, and haven't been able to repro it yet, so I'm not sure what was going on. Could just be some random KSP weirdness. If it pops back up though, i'll send it your way.
  17. I didn't have time to report this last night, work got in the way, but I figured out how to recover a craft into KCT storage then refuel and relaunch, however, I eventually noticed that every craft I launched after that one recovery, had the real chutes on the craft set to the exact same pre and full deployment settings as chutes on the first craft I launched and recovered. This isn't an issue for me, as I personally edit each chute for each new craft I make, but if I loaded a previously used craft, KCT seemed bound and determined to use the old craft's settings, in a few cases, deploying too late, and with way not enough parachute to stop the descent before litho-braking occurred. I have never seen this behavior before with the previous version of KCT, and KCT was the only mod I updated last night, so I'm not sure what was going on. I'm going to plunk around with it some more here in about 5 minutes, and see if I can get a repro on this, and if so, get you out some log files and such.
  18. So, actual game-play question, does a craft need to be landed on the Launchpad or runway to be recovered to storage to be edited? or is just landed on Kerbin enough? Haven't actually figured out how to do this yet.
  19. oh, okay, just thought there was something weird I didn't know about in there. I haven't played ksp without this mod since you first made it, so I was pretty sure if herobrine was a thing and the fact I didn't was kind of embarrassing. Since I don't play minecraft. well, now I don't feel so stupid.
  20. This is looking amazing, but I have a question, I see this has a RPM setup, I can't use RPM, my system has issues with running it for some reason, if I download this, will it just not have a IVA if I remove all the RPM configs, or will it not work at all?
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