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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Do you need one from right after the crash was happening? I can upload my log file from right now, but it's from several missions after I reverted back to the old version: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8gil5ubkmhyn17n/AADHX-RYrUak-U4G221XWUXAa?dl=0 I just pulled that out for a KCT error, but if you need a log file from right after the crash, let me know, and I'll re-update to the latest version and try to reproduce the error.
  2. Got a strange KCT error, just now, tried loading a quick save, and game broke. got an error message saying there was an error loading KCT Data, and to upload log file here. so, Here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8gil5ubkmhyn17n/AADHX-RYrUak-U4G221XWUXAa?dl=0
  3. Is anyone else having trouble getting the female kerbal voices to play? I get nothing, and I've got the latest version, in my install. wanted to know if anyone else is seeing it, before I throw out a bug report and logs.. Edit: Nevermind, figured out what I did wrong. Ignore this.
  4. Loving the lines that show connection, however, it seems to not like it if you have lots of probes running connections and switching them at high time warp. I have about 20 probes running around near Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. Anytime I get hit high time warp, all the probe connections switching around locks up KSP and dumps me to desktop. It doesn't generate an error log, and as far as I can tell, I'm not hitting the memory wall and crashing. I'm not really reporting this as a bug, Toadicus, unless you think it might be, in which case I'll toss you a logfile. Mainly I was just posting to let people who run high density sat constellations know there might be some issues. Edit: This issue persists even with the lines turned off. Had to revert to version 1.8 to prevent crashing.
  5. Ah, I never even thought about rep requirements. I like to play extreme hardcore mode, I start with my rep as low as it will go, and rewards as low as I can stand them. Never really considered that it might affect the contracts that much, I always seem to get all the stock contracts.
  6. Okay, screenshots and output log with the new config setup you asked for. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mmjdvpcwwlw0hvt/AAAdBU0cvMmfF2aTm_ug851Ua?dl=0
  7. Okay, tried again with the debug option: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7ii7aln9wdr0e92/AAD3xcLTj9dPjORvUJNmSXY-a?dl=0
  8. Odd, I did change and rename like you said... hm.. maybe I changed it in the wrong place? Did I do it wrong? Should it be changed in the second place, or the first, or elsewhere?
  9. Screenshots here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rx0btngr83wa2z8/AAC4xfEMuGv_NzTUNXPBH1c1a?dl=0 everything looks green, but I'm still not getting any custom contracts, I even went and reinstalled the main mod and the mod packs, still nothing. I'll try and figure out the cfg default file in a bit and get a log to you from that. Edit: output log now included in the link above, Restarted KSP and just spent several minutes canceling contracts, finally got one from the tourism pack... to rescue a stranded kerbal.
  10. Yeah I frequently cancel contracts to get ones that I want, and its been a week real time, and almost 2 kerbin years since I've seen a contract configurator contract pack contract. [ holy cow, that's a mouthful just typing it] My PC is rendering a youtube vid right now, but as soon as its finished, I'll get you a output log. Edit: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qht61snw6efgwh6/AABBJlQMxtQOl5TfPlNLMDw8a?dl=0 Here is output log, persistence file, and the settings from my anomaly and tourism contract packs, I'd already made modifications to their settings to have only 3 max at a time, so maybe I screwed something up in those that killed them?
  11. When we update the base contract configurator mod, do we also need to reinstall the contract packs? I'm using the anomaly surveyor, and tourism + packs [yours] and since I updated to the version previously, and now this version, I haven't gotten any contracts from those packs. I've been hesitant to reinstall those packs, because I'm afraid it might reset my progress, but after a good week of play and no anomaly contracts beyond island runway and desert pyramids, and no tourism contracts at all, I'm out of ideas. I thought maybe those contracts were just taking a while to cycle in, but this has gone beyond a ridiculous amount of time to wait.
  12. Small note, don't know if anyone else is seeing this, or if its a mod interaction on my system, but trying to rename a craft stored in the KCT menu, or while a craft is building/rolling out, causes the KCT window to flicker rapidly.
  13. I'm going to assume my physics slider is set to default values, since I don't think I've ever noticed a physics slider before.
  14. I know the bug is still present in pure stock games, without your fix it happens way more often, so it is definitely still needed. One thing I noticed from looking at the screenshot that I posted the other day, if you look really close, the 2 side lv-t 45's look like they spawn inside the launch pad, below the collision mesh, so maybe that's what's causing the occasional stuck on Launchpad?
  15. It's really, really hard to get the sticky Launchpad bug to happen. I can do a hundred launches and it might only happen once, but it seems to be centered on the lv-t 45. the only time I've had it happen is on designs with 2 or more of the lv-t 45's touching the Launchpad, but even with that happening, its not reliably replicable. launch/recover/launch ad nauseam.
  16. Big negative on the stock plus options. Didn't even install them into the game file. I was only using, Bandwithfix, kerbaldebrisfix, mk3strengthfix, moduleaerosurfacefix, modulecontrolsurfacefix, fairingfix, wheelfix, and stickylaunchpadfix. nothing else. I went back to the older version to be safe, but just removing the folder moduleaerosurfacefix seemed to fix it.
  17. download link is still downloading 1.1.3 is that wrong, or download link just hasn't updated yet?
  18. Okay, got a bug issue. Installed the latest version, and my advanced canards now flicker in and out of existence. Got a video of it, but the flickering is only visible in the first second or two of the vid, otherwise it's just invisible. https://youtu.be/KgeNAzPC984 and logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5bl765gp2cbu1be/AACN39Y17ClLxcs9ZZhbrmhCa?dl=0 Edit: Also with the latest stock fix any time I get a craft over 6000m, the camera flies away from the ship at high speed.
  19. I have a question/request. The stock fairings, have no ejection sound, and it bugs me to no end, how hard would it be to make the fairing ejection make sound? even if it was the standard decoupler sound?
  20. Ran into a bug today, had contract to do a series of magnetometer scans, launched a plane to do it, landed at the first one, and got an error from the scanner that said no more samples could be taken. here's a pic and log: Whoops wrong link, heres the right one. :https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xwftc87l53tmheh/AAC4_hW-p-sAYeQw5SYBmPEva?dl=0 Edit: this might actually have nothing to do with this mod, after a game restart I noticed the craft in question had all variables locked, fuel didn't drain during flight, electric charge wasn't consumed, throttle was set, and couldn't be adjusted. This 'bug' may have just been KSP being, well, KSP. You might want to still take a look to be sure, but I don't have any clue how to read the output log myself, so I wouldn't even know how to track down whats going on. sorry if I wasted your time on this.
  21. Actually, just had the stuck on Launchpad bug, here's the log if you want to take a look. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g51hchxhbwpnuq3/AADxGVraekz-xIrHb_olRXjCa?dl=0
  22. I can confirm this is still a thing with the sticky launch pad fix. Its rare, but it happens to me with the stock 'l-vt-45 swivel' It usually only happens if I have 2 touching the launch pad, and then only one sticks, so the craft lifts on one side and falls over. It doesn't seem to happen with any of the other engines, but it also doesn't happen regularly. I can take a design with the lv-t-45s on the pad launch it 30 times, and may only stick twice.
  23. Convert system works great here, looking forward to no more lost ribbons* [*user of said product acknowledges that maker of mod can not be held responsible for any future loss of ribbons. ] Seriously, great work here.
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