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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. He was using a pioneer module and an inflatable storage module. attached to a cupola with a supply canister.
  2. Kottabosgames did a spot light on this mod, and couldn't seem to get mulch to convert to organics, was he doing something wrong? because that's how I thought it worked too, I haven't gotten far enough in my career on 1.0 to make use of these parts yet, but I'd like to know for when I do.
  3. yeah finally had to temporarily disable KCT and launch that way to complete the contract.
  4. So, playing around with the dev version of KCT, hit a brick wall. KCT does not give you the option of loading Kerbal tourists into your craft to complete your tourism contracts.
  5. So, playing around with the dev version of KCT, hit a brick wall. KCT does not give you the option of loading Kerbal tourists into your craft to complete your tourism contracts.
  6. Ah, understood. Sorry I misunderstood. Take your time and sleep well, its worth the wait.
  7. I've noticed loss of ribbons occurs for me most frequently when adding/updating/removing mods. I don't know why.
  8. Awesome stuff, question, as this is a mod about tweaking stuff, anyone figured out how to tweak/mod the ejection force on the new fairings? I love the new fairings, and the way they come apart, but I'd like to slow it down a bit, especially for things like cinematic shots. It just happens so fast. Just curious.
  9. An existing craft? you mean built before I installed real chutes? or built pre 1.0? Because this design was built in 1.0, from scratch. I built it to carry my first tourists. If the fact that I built it before I installed real chutes is the issue, that's okay, if a little confusing, but I promise this craft was built in 1.0.
  10. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zzv2z3ul5faei5f/AAAXTjxJyruRr2JPnJ9uayVpa?dl=0 I have a KSP log file for you here, and a couple of screenshots. Chris. I'm using the latest versions of your mod, and KSP. With Real chutes installed, the chutes do not show up in staging while in the VAB, and once out of the VAB, there is no option to arm the chutes, they still don't show up in staging, and spamming the spacebar gives only the message, chute deployment failed, reason too high. {Apparently impacting the ground is still too high. } If you are aware of these issues, great, I'll wait patiently for a fix, if you are not, I hope this is what you need to help find and fix the issue, and finally, if this is all my fault, sorry to waste your time. If you need anything else from me, feel free to let me know. {Also running newest RoverDude mods, MKS/OKS, Karbonite, USI lifesupport, Karbonite+, exp pack, and the latest version of mech-jeb, just in case it matters} Edit: Strangely I did not see the multiple icons bit that everyone else seems to be reporting.
  11. Ah, see. Just me being stupid. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. Sounds good, take your time, this mod is one that's worth waiting for! Thanks for your hard work!
  13. I noticed something with this mod just a bit ago, and I want to stress, I usually don't use this mod, I prefer Mech-jeb, but as this updated first I gave this a go to get my basic flight info, so it could very well be my unfamiliarity with the mod causing my 'issue' The TWR seems to be off a bit. I built a craft in the vab, and Engineer showed I had a positive thrust to weight ratio of 1.22. when I launched, my craft did not have enough thrust to get off the pad, until I'd burned about a third of my SRB fuel, and then it lifted very slowly. Again, I may just be at fault here, but I wanted to report it, just in case it was a legit issue, so someone else could look at it.
  14. It was just an innocent question, for the mod author, whenever he might have time to see, and respond. I wasn't trying to be demanding, I wasn't trying to sound like I was panic'd that the mod might have been abandoned, and I certainly didn't mean to poke any buttons with you. {which it seems I have, and I'm very sorry if I have upset you. It was not my intention.}
  15. Oh I am, I wasn't meaning to come off as demanding a release right now, I was just looking for confirmation this mod hadn't been abandoned. I really can't play KSP without it.
  16. If that was for me, I'm still using version 1.25D Way outta date on that one.
  17. I've played around with it a bit, and rolled back versions, [i keep copies of all the old versions of mods I use all the way back to .18 KSP] I do not get this error every time I start ksp. It seems to be random, as in it doesn't happen every other time, or every 3rd time, but it only happens with the latest version of IR. I'm not sure what's causing it. Edit: I havn't tried it on a clean install, with just the newest IR will try that tomorrow after work.
  18. Data log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lgp5gdfemjdyiti/AABdav1cBmicHwekwmPwtwiEa?dl=0 Let me know if you need anything else in there.
  19. I did in fact, delete and reinstall the whole folder, I have had that cause problems before, but thanks for that suggestion.
  20. I've been using the older version of IR with the model rework and expansion, with no issues, but after I updated to this version, with the model rework, my computer is experiencing massive framerate and fps stutter issues. has anyone else seen this? Just wondering if maybe the model rework isn't compatible[completely] with this new version?
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