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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Request: Make your download button bigger. I swear I have to search that first page 3 times before I can find it. I don't know why, I think you secretly move it on me.
  2. As I understand it, and I could be wrong, the way you have it set up, it creates another part the game has to load, even though it's using the same texture, the game has to load 2 copies of the texture. Which uses more memory. Using a MM config, alters the part that's already there, and doesn't have to create another, which saves on memory for those of us hitting the memory wall.
  3. What!? Kerbals shout out now????? I've never heard this. Time to torture... erm, test this.
  4. MM config? stick in the gamedata folder?
  5. How does this affect the larger heat shields? the 2.5 one had 800 ablator, and the 3m one had 1800 do they need to be tweaked? and does anyone know what the line bulkhead size refers too?
  6. I second this, if this worked with Toadicus' antenna range mod, [ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56440-1-0-AntennaRange-1-8-Enforce-and-Encourage-Antenna-Diversity ] It would be an insta-download.
  7. Could you tell us how you changed the conduction not working after the ablator runs out? In case we want to play with the settings ourselves?
  8. Lol, I just came in to report that I'd experienced the loss of ribbons an mission counters bug, but looks like I got beat to the punch line, still, here's my output log and persistence file if you want to have a look. Edit: and it happened right after I installed the latest version of the scansat mod. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4n2x9chroegcn90/AAAChwuKfWIl-olwMRfST1jVa?dl=0
  9. Okay, well, at least I know I'm not a complete idiot then. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't doing what I wanted.
  10. also seeing v0.06. so unless you didn't change the name of the file, we're getting the wrong version. Edit: Looks like it was updated, just the name of the download wasn't changed. there's texture replacer instructions in the download, and since I still have the older v0.06 download saved, I compared and the older file doesn't have those instructions.
  11. I'll run some tests later, maybe today if I get the chance, maybe tomorrow, and I'll record it, and send you logs and such. I don't know if its a bug so much as I may be doing something wrong, but at least if you see what I'm doing, maybe you'll see what I'm doing wrong. Edit: Got a video up showing my issues, be they actual 'bug' or just my own stupidity: https://youtu.be/p-b4UCakZlI And here's a link to my output log and persistence file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s5yhnuhtztc00iv/AAB1PjaR6LAKd01WEoIFQQuMa?dl=0
  12. Hey, question, I've been using this mod for a while, and I didn't ask sooner, 'cause I thought I was being stupid, but I can't get the mod to save my detection settings, actually they don't seem to work at all. I tried to set it up so that even if there's only .01 science left for any experiment, it should still prompt me for the experiment, but it won't. Also, when I exit the game, it resets my profile settings to the default, every time, no matter how many times I try to save it. Is there a guide of any kind for this? readme file, you tube video I missed? I have no idea if I'm being stupid, or if its bugged out for me.
  13. Okay, got the bug reproduced, started a new game, loaded my rover design out of the SPH had Val in the command seat, and tried EVA reports from the seat, and watched her clones pop out of the empty command pod. No obvious [to me] errors in the debug log. Persistence, Outputlog, and some screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e3ivk2zilt0hb5u/AAA2gZxsJSBZrSkXfbk6obVga?dl=0
  14. To be honest, I didn't look in the log, I can rerun it and check the log, and even post an output log for you if you want/need it, just let me know. It'll probably be tomorrow soonest though.
  15. So.. found a bug with science alert and the external command seats. Allows for infinite cloning of your kerbals. Here's a youtube vid of me demonstrating the effect to create a small army of val's https://youtu.be/yJUeu9RmQmo
  16. Just got home from work, Nereid, was only on for about 30 minutes when I posted yesterday, got your message, and will test as soon as I possibly can, and get that back to you. Edit: Started a new save today, installed the version you sent me, and thus far, the bug hasn't reappeared. I won't be able to test further, until later today. I'll leave the log on detail, and if it pops, I'll send you the output log right away.
  17. Okay, just woke up and tested latest version, this one won't record mission count at all. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ffx2xc7qdpjjcwo/AABQv_mluxrNzvjRTF18ufkna?dl=0 KSP log, FF dat file, persistence file, couple of screenshots. Pretty much anything I thought might help you. If you need more, let me know.
  18. KCT doesn't change anything once the craft is on the pad, just how ships are moved to the Launchpad and runway. Unless you do a simulation... then it allows you to launch a craft for a limited time, then force loads a copy of the persistence file from the moment before you started the sim, so nothing actually matters.
  19. No, these were SRB boosted rockets off the launch pad.
  20. If I recall a few pages back, it was said the latest versions are NOT backwards compatible. If your still using .90, stick with the older version.
  21. Nereid, I'm getting loss of mission counters, FF is recording the flights, and I'm using the space bar for launching, but if I exit the game, the missions counter resets to 0. Ribbons are still there, but no mission counts, and this is with the latest version. It just occurred to me, I use the Kerbal Construction Time mod, and it alters the way ships are built, adds roll out, and starts flight in its own way. Could be a possible source of mod conflict with FF. Is anyone else getting bugs using KCT? curious if theres some correlation.
  22. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :mad: :mad: read that change log 6 times. My room-mate read it 3. we never saw that. Thanks.
  23. did the 1.01 and 1.02 update really make changes to the aero system? I didn't see anything about it in the changelogs. Curious, because ever since those updates, all my craft that flew just fine in 1.0 flip out between 3000 and 9000 meters.
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