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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. ---This bug report has been retracted---- My Anti-virus is an a$$. Apparently its been deciding at random intervals that the inflight waypoints dll is a virus and removing it from my pc while I'm using it, hence the it will work sometimes, then spontaneously stop working. Sorry to bug you
  2. I have just discovered, if your building a craft and make edits to it, and your edits exceed the limits of the facility level you are constructing from, and you don't notice before you click save edits, it erases the craft completely, and you lose all construction progress.
  3. I also want to know what the yellow means. Also, I've noticed a bit of weird behavior since I installed this mod, and I think it "might" be responsible, tho I'm not sure. I have a rover design, and its designed to stay out in the field, and I don't recover it. It has a kerbal on it in a command chair, with an antenna on the rover. The issue is sometimes, not always, if I leave the rover to go back to KSC, then come back to it, the rover is frozen, as if it was an unmanned probe out of connection. The reason I suspect this mod, is because if I get another kerbal out to the rover, and with KAS pull the antenna off, and remount it, the rover comes back on line. I'm not sure though, as there's no error log, and nothing shows in the debug menu as far as I can see. I'm just curious if anyone else has seen this, or has any suggestions.
  4. Quick question, and I'm sorry if its been asked/answered elsewhere, but I just started using the MKS/OKS and Extra-planetary Launchpad combination, and I haven't gotten far enough to learn how EPL works, is it compatible with KCT? I suppose I mean, does KCT govern the construction of craft made with EPL?
  5. I'm using the latest version, have the snacks mod installed, playing on KSP .90 and have tested in both career mode and sandbox. The snacks wedge will not appear in game, I have to pull the snacks wedge folder from an older version and manually add it to the game to get it to appear. {Latest version, as of before this newest update. I was up to date at the time. Will test newest version shortly.} Edit: Okay, I figured out what's going on, and it's completely my fault. I don't use the highlighted parts in game, so I manually delete them from the game folder, I'm slightly OCD, and hate having my parts list cluttered by bits I don't use. I remove regular squad parts too, and with the old structure it was no big deal, these parts just didn't show up, with the new system you have of MM adding in, deleting these folders prevents the Snacks wedge from being created. I'm going to have to find some other way of dealing with these. Sorry to generate an erroneous bug report, and waste your time, when it was my own fault. Re-edit: Figured it out, I can remove all the folders, except the food one. have to leave that to create the snacks wedge. I feel like an idiot. Again, sorry to have wasted your time with this issue.
  6. I get this, and I do not use KJR. Edit, Help please, with the new structure to this mod, is there anyway to edit parts that get added by MM config? I like to tweak the snacks! pack that gets added to the game, but I can't find anything referencing it in the files, Where do I need to look? Re-Edit: Actually on testing in a new Sandbox mode, the newest version of Universal Storage does not create the snacks! pack, at all, unless I've done something horribly wrong. Final Edit: Confirmed, re-downloaded latest version, installed on clean install, with Snacks mod. No US snacks wedge is being created in game. I can find folders for all other US parts, but not the snack wedge, did it mayhaps, not get added into the latest install by mistake?
  7. After several days of trial and error, mostly error. Lots of error. I present, my fully customizable, extended range, science packrat. Using a basic quad core module from Universal Storage mod, and Universal storage compatible science containers from, Dmagic Orbital Science mod, the ERSP, can be configured with science modules, easily airdropped in the field, to perform science anywhere on Kerbin. My Kerbal's never need to return to KSC. Thank You RoverDude for this awesome, and versatile mod. {And so far in every test I've run, attaching an antenna to the packrat crates allows them to be recovered by themselves without loss of science.}
  8. Okay, I had a rover going long distance to collect science and my plan was to store science in the crates and recover just the crates, so my rover and kerbal could keep going. guess that's not going to work. Edit: Interestingly, I seem to have discovered, that dropping a crate with science in it, and using KAS to attach a basic antenna to the crate allows you to recover just the crate without losing the science. Not sure what difference the antenna makes, but so far that seems to be my result. {I'm also using the antenna range enforcement mod, which may have something to do with it?} [Disclaimer: So far only one test has resulted in recovered science, your results may vary. Not responsible for lost science do to attempted use of my methods, please use crates and antennas responsibly.]
  9. RoverDude, Is it a known bug/issue with the pack-rat science storage containers that recovering just the box with the science samples/reports in them, doesn't recover the science? I don't see anywhere where it says such a thing, but I may have missed it. I'm just curious if that's an issue, or if I've borked something on my end.
  10. Yay, I finally managed to [partially] construct a pack rat in the field, Jeb flipped it again and blew up the rear section and a wheel, I got replacement parts flown out to it and got it rebuilt.
  11. I scrolled the log when I saw the AGX error, it was the only error as far back as the log would scroll, so there was definitely no other errors back quite a ways, i'll let you know if I manage to repro this issue for sure.
  12. I had a completely unrelated save game loss. {A certain child and my game} so it's going to be a bit till I get back to where i'll be able to go out exploring for those waypoints. As far as how it happened, it seemed to happen between missions. I had 2 explore the places contracts, did one, and the waypoints were there, then returned to KSP, and refueled my plane, got a whole ground crew and refilling system set up, as I use KCT, and it takes time to rebuild those planes and rockets and such, so when possible I just refuel and refly. anyway, got back, refueled, headed out for the next contract, no waypoints. landed, restarted KSP, no waypoints. noticed I had an error in my debug from action groups extended, thought, well maybe? so exited and removed action groups extended, restarted no error, still no waypoints. stuck AGX back in, no error, no waypoints. clean reinstalled in flight waypoints, lost my save game before I could check it out.
  13. Dude, I feel your pain, I flip the thing all the freaking time, on Kerbin. So far haven't managed to haul it to the Mun, tried to pack it and assemble it there, but every time I try to field assemble it, it wont let me, says there is no spot configured for this piece, or its full. never managed to assemble it in the field, RoverDude, you hear me? lol. I'm sure that's just my own stupidity tho, as I've seen it done, just can't figure out how to put it together. even just taking a seat off and trying to put it back doesn't work for me. Love it, don't get me wrong, the little thing is awesome.
  14. Just curious, and sorry if I missed the answer somewhere else, the way this mod works, will it also work for the snacks! mod?
  15. Has anyone else run into a situation, where this mod stops working? It's worked just fine for me for a few weeks, then all of a sudden, the in flight waypoints stopped showing up, I didn't install any new mods, or update any that I had. There were no game play, or settings changes. I just tried a reinstall, of this mod, about to see if that fixes it.
  16. Okay, just got my craft file and pictures for you: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4i71hy5e8krwieh/AADGY_k1KebjG73bNGe2w8OWa?dl=0 The only actual mods in use on this craft are, Mech jeb, Scansat, wolfaerospace perfectrons, and I'm using antenna range enforcement, to modify the antenna's and real chutes to modify the parachutes. the launch facility, not pictured was the level 2 launch platform. Those should be the only mods directly affecting this craft. Edit: I have since been able to launch this craft, and many others without a repeat of the problem. Not sure why it snuck in there.
  17. Stock, that's so cute. no. I'll reload it soon/or later not sure when i'll be able to, within 24 hours of now, for certain. and get your pictures, and a craft file, if I can figure that out. I'm running 44 mods, and I have to figure out which ones are on the craft in question, so you'll know if one of them had something to do with it. I've launched this particular craft a number of times, with no problem, and its just happened today.
  18. Just experienced the stuck on the launch pad bug, even with the fix installed. output log and persistence: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kepbpuk742o4tdl/AABPA-Z2VzHc0Rj0pqpEnbgra?dl=0 Let me know if you need anything else, i'll try to find it for ya
  19. This might help you until the problem gets addressed here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104704-0-90-Intake-Build-Aid Edit: and may-haps this mod could give some clue as how to implement whatever fix is necessary for a 'stock-bug' fix?
  20. Those RCS thrusters are amazing, and would be a must have, if I didn't already have removable RCS thrusters VIA KAS. Way to go tho.
  21. Okay, before I start saying ive found a bug, Has anyone else seen behavior in .90 with the newest version, where Kerbals wont eat snacks? I had Jeb in orbit for almost 2 kerbin days, waiting on a docking, and as I was going in for the docking, I noticed he hadn't eaten any snacks on board. I know that there's a little randomness built in, but that seems a little excessive. Im not sure if it was a randomly long, normal thing, or if I've got a conflict in mods somewhere. I'm going to run further testing, I was just curious if anyone else has seen this. If I can confirm an issue, I'll drop logs here, just don't want to send anyone hunting through logs for an error on my end, thanks! Edit: Further testing proved the mod was running as expected. Jeb just didn't eat for some reason.
  22. I will do so, I noticed that it occurred most often when I was playing KSP with a modded tech tree, which I don't use anymore, so the bug has become really rare, though it did pop up.
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