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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. {Facepalm} If your stuff wasn't so good, [and free ] I might be annoyed by this release delay.
  2. I have found a possible bug: log and persistence: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/swth2ajdejetz1u/AADlpBUeLgrlA5JdEe_3xn_Ga?dl=0 On my current career game, I've set myself some strict limits on research upgrades, I can only upgrade my research speed, if I have a staffed lab. So I built so labs, got them staffed, and upgraded my research speed a bit, but I thought I made a mistake, so I exited my game, started a new game, and counted how many points it took to upgrade my research to its current speed. I realized I was right, so exited and deleted that game, went back into my main save, and for some reason KCT instantly completed one of my research projects that still had around 100 days. Its only minorly annoying, I'll just wait 100 days or so to use any of the unlocked parts, so it isn't cheaty, but its going to get progressively worse if KCT continues to do this for some reason. I was using the new release version, and had upgraded from the dev version, but it was about 5 launches and one trip to Mun after I upgraded that this happened.
  3. Whelp, I'll just have to keep editing my Kerbs in the persistence file then.
  4. Just curious, I didn't see it mentioned here, but in your vid ^ up there, KCT was using the stock infobar, does this still work with toolbar mod? And does that crew selection screen have sliders to let you modify your kerbals? Does that work!?
  5. I has dropbox link to older version. 309hf. sent pm.
  6. I believe that's an off center thrust issue. the engines on the shuttle sit higher on it than the center of mass line, so it tends to curve downwards under thrust, mechjeb has a hell of a time compensating for this, you have to manually pull back as you burn for the node.
  7. Will this work with OKS module parts, if not, can we expect an OKS version?
  8. Give the kerbal colony an easy-bake oven, and snack making is the only thing that's going to happen. Love it
  9. I would check to make sure firespitter installed correctly, I think firespitter controls the functioning of the cargo doors. sounds like maybe that is bad.
  10. If you must water ditch, deploy flaps, airbrake, hold 20 degree pitch up, lose all the speed you can before impact, then pitch up hard, I do this all the time, if done correctly, the cockpit will survive. It's all that does, but it will keep your kerbals alive.
  11. I'm sure this has been asked and answered before, so forgive me, but I thought someone said that one or both of the Kerblabs produces science points, is this true? If so, can someone tell me how? I don't see any options on the parts, so I'm curious, and I have only a basic understanding of how to make the laptops in the labs work, so I don't know if its done that way.
  12. I don't think its a bug, per se, because the OMS engines are set high on the tail of the KSO, so the thrust center is higher than the mass center of the craft. In this config you will naturally get a downward curve or spin if you let it go around, I just can't figure out how to compensate, either by adjusting trim, or pitching up. I can't find the balance point. >_<
  13. I just wasn't sure, I couldn't tell if there was a top part, and you were using the procedural fairings, or if there was only the fairings. But... how do you make it cone like that? without a fairing base on the top... why does it not cover the parachute?
  14. One thing I've noticed, and I don't know if its me, but once I drop the external tank and kill the main engines, the shuttle doesn't seem to fly true under power. If I was pointed at 0 degrees east -----> and fired the engines, the shuttle seems to go in a downward curve.\ I've tried adjusting the trim on the little engines, but I can't seem to compensate. I watch Ikerbals vids and he doesn't seem to have the issue and he says he leaves the trim on. Is there a trick to this I'm not aware of, or am I just a really bad pilot for the shuttle?
  15. Hm, I like this, but how would it work, if I was sending a probe to Duna, and wanted to land it, would it drop away with the bottom of the shield? or stick to the top part? or is the top part only with the fairings mod?
  16. Yeah, but who doesn't want them all? Even if you're like me and still can't get the MKS/OKS figured out. I'm still trying though! One day, one day!
  17. I still have the files for the KSO versions 311hf, 310, and 309hf, but I don't recall off the top of my head what versions they are for, or if I can distribute them, I keep older versions to reinstall on my older versions of KSP. As long as helldiver doesn't mind, I can provide my old files for you. And I do see the memory savings with the stock ATM config, instead of the KSO replacement one, but it only about 13% of total memory. Still. Letters seem blurry, only difference I've noticed.
  18. Can some one tell me how to check the value for your memory? how to see what KSP is actually using?
  19. After it completed. I exited the game to make my first post then started it again to fiddle with it and it completed as soon as I loaded the probe.
  20. Never mind, when I restarted the game, the contract completed. not sure why. but here's my persistence file if you want to look: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sy5k8ejd8apiaoz/AABDbOW49MDS1nbXSmpFU565a?dl=0
  21. I'm not sure how I can get these orbits any closer? The values mechjeb are showing are almost spot on.
  22. You know, it occurs to me I've never figured out what the computers in the station parts are for. I've never been able to make them do anything. I thought that was a thing, but I've never figured it out. Anyone help me?
  23. Downloaded, because: Dura-fail batteries. No seriously, love this. ^ that is priceless though.
  24. I just edited this for my game in 2 minutes, I didn't balance it or cost study it or anything For me, light snack storage was the plan.
  25. I Have no idea how to make a MM config file. I copied the part folder and edited the config for it directly. I added this: RESOURCE { name= Snacks amount = 250 maxAmount = 250 } Deleted this: MODULE { name = KASModuleContainer maxSize = 40 } And changed its part name from : Container Type A to: Snacktainer Type A
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