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    Curious George

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  1. Take your pick and we'll see who ends up in a rubber room
  2. Wouldn't hold my breath, but a straight out "Canceled" would be better than eternal limbo.
  3. Even just giving them a metal look gives them a really realistic look. Also it gave me the urge to play with Kerbals again, had kinda forgot about KSP a bit until this showed up.
  4. Sure you can sue, you can sue for anything, you won't win though and you'll make some lawyer get some quick cash.
  5. If they are still around, what else would there be to do, not like anyone is busy communicating But that's the type of answers you get when you quote out of context
  6. Not looking good no matter how it turns out. The longer without news the doomier it becomes tbh. Even the weekly challenges have vanished. In the end we don't know for sure so cross how many fingers a kerbal has I guess.
  7. Working late all week so won't get a good run until Friday, but for sure starting a new campaign then.
  8. This.. Nothing we can do but wait and hope everything goes as planned.
  9. Telescopes in KSP never even crossed my mind, but now I want one
  10. Yes please Been a while since I played the first one so nice to be able to check what's in now and stop me looking for stuff that I may or may not imagine was in 1
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