You would want to go into the CoolRockets folder in your install, copy one of the .cfg files (stock.cfg is probably best) and modify all the stock.cfg in the NEW file (the copy of the orig one) to conform with all the proper engines and tanks you have installed. This will likely require you to go into the other .cfg (for the parts) to find out the name they were coded as. Edit the stock.cfg file in the CoolRockets install to see what you're in for. I plan to try to get this working for AIES Aerospace tanks and engines, but have not had enough time to dig in as of yet. IF you do this, it might also be advisable to separate out all the different MOD packs into different .cfg files (something like KW_Rocketry_CoolRockets.cfg, AIES_Aerospace_CoolRockets.cfg, B9_CoolRockets.cfg, etc...). It would make it easier for anyone else who'd like to use one of your specific configs (if you plan on making them available for the community).