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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. The only real use for the EWBCL in my mind would be using it to return a Class A to Class B asteroid to KSC for science. This is more for the size of the objects though, as they could probably be light enough at that size so that a balanced placing in the bay wouldn't disrupt flight at all.
  2. Yeah. Free mode does this, kinda. It sets the Camera so that the planet is always "down", as if you were standing on the surface. You could really just look straight down and it would do exactly what you want.
  3. Yeah, TBH I don't really care if they are 3.75m or 4m, I just want this update SOOO badly!
  4. I hope you don't take any offense to what I have said, I was simply stating a view point. Studying and working in graphics and design, I know how out of scale 2d representations of 3d objects can be, even though they may seem perfectly coherent. Trying to take measurements and use ratios on an image of objects (Especially ones that are angled, like the one we have been given.) can be, and almost always are inaccurate.
  5. I don't see the relevance. This would have more credence if he had said they were 4m, or 3m, but he said 3.75m. An exact number. So, I refuse to believe any random forum user and their easily botched calculations based on two dimensional renders of a virtual three dimensional space over a dev of the game saying something contrary to afore mentioned user.
  6. Well, large parts of the stock system are procedurally generated, just not randomly generated. I understand what you're saying though, and it would be cool to have some stock telescopes we could use to discover stars and exoplanets that aren't part of the skybox, much like we are in real life. Perhaps, once the game has reached V1.0, a DLC for interstellar travel could be made. It's the only feasible way for anything that nature to be put into the game, IMHO, as it would be incredibly OP, as is the Warp Drive in KSPI. I don't like the idea of discovering major bodies such as the planets though. Dwarf planets like Pluto and Ceres analogues would be cool to make discoverable, but a planet is pretty damn obvious in the sky you know. (Obvious enough for even the kerbals to find easily enough.) Also, the discoverable moonlets would be a really cool thing to have, I actually thought about that when ARM was made public, but never really voiced it. Ah well, Kerbal minds think alike, right?
  7. Umm, isn't this what free mode does? If you don't like that the craft seems to tumble, then just install MJ and use Smart A.S.S. to hold a heading relative to the surface, F2, physwarp, and enjoy.
  8. Dude, even HarvestR said the parts are 3.75m. Nuff said:
  9. I think this might help, after all, it's only a Lego sized fire.
  10. Lazor Systems to the rescue! 99Km load and render range! I really want to play using the Voyager, and my GF would probably find it really cool too. She's a big Trek fan. Not so much myself, but when I was younger I used to watch Star Trek, and almost all of the ones that were on at the time had Captain Picard or Captain Janeway. (Oh, man. I can't even remember if I'm right, but Janeway was the captain of Voyager, right?) Voyager was always my favourite ship though. It just looked cooler, sleeker. (If I am remembering the right one, that is.)
  11. Uhmm, I think you have Infinite Dice's Skillful Combat mod installed.
  12. This is a mod question. The OP is asking about setting up relay sats for Remote Tech 2, and a mod should probably move this to the appropriate subforum.
  13. The KW Thor booster? Or are you using Stretchy SRB/Stretchy Parts?
  14. The rocket that carried the Buran was the Energia HLV. The Buran was essentially the US space shuttle, with the SSME's on the external tank, unmanned capabilities, and four Kerolox boosters, rather than two SSSRBs. EDIT: Did you just reply to your own thread as if you were a different person?
  15. I know it's accuracy well enough, and on Duna it is almost as accurate as on Mun, the real problem is I will have two unconventionally built landers, whose fuel flow and thrust will have to be balanced meticulously in order to work, and I need to know exact amounts. Oh well, I guess I will basically just have to make sure that it has ~700m/s then, as 1500 is definitely way too much.
  16. Wait, WHAT!? Are, are you including the transfer? Because that is about double the low orbital velocity over Duna! I mean just the amount of D/V to go from LDO to landed, accurately, by MJ. Is it really that much?
  17. Unfortunately, it has not been released yet. Do you think we would be here discussing it if the masses could get their hands on it?
  18. Eh, it won't do any damage anyway, at least, no more than the kerbals do. I say just rendezvous and pull a pretty aerobraking (Or gravity assist) manoeuvre.
  19. Still though, going to mars and return! In only 8-9 Launches! Manned! I understand SLS is much more realistic, but you just can't beat what that programme proposed, it was all just so awesome! Still gonna try it mostly stock with the new update anyway.
  20. It's cool, I don't know much about the Russian space program either, but the Energia/Buran was and is my all time favourite programme (So I have done a lot of research into it.), and Constellation runs a close second. /OffTopic Oh my god! I really can't wait for this and 0.24! It's the only thing going through my head all of the time!
  21. No, the four Boosters of the Energia (The same as those used on the Zenit) use the RD-170. The core of an Energia is powered by four Hydrolox fed RD-0120's
  22. GusTurbo (IIRC) tried to figure out the size of the new parts using some ratios and a pic of the parts. He came out with 4.2, but they are actually 3.75.
  23. Okay, here we go: I am working on a Constellation Programme replica mission in KSP 0.23.5. As it hasn't been released yet, I am still planning at this stage. I am currently drawing up all of the D/V values I will need to pull this off, and I have hit a wall. I have all of the numbers for the transfers and propulsive braking, and I know exactly how much of everything I need, except for two of the most crucial components, the Cargo Lander and the Habitat Lander. They will be transferred to Duna in the exact same way as the DTV-Capricorn (My Copernicus MTV replica), so no problems there. The problem comes it when I need to land these completely under their own power, and I don't know how much D/V it will take to do a completely propulsive landing on Duna (The drogues would auto cut, but I will probably leave them off, as Realchutes could really disrupt MJ's accuracy on landing.) Basically, my question is this: How much D/V will MJ use on average to land something accurately on Duna? I would try and do this myself, but I lack the time to do it.
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