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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. Looks like NovaSilisko's Alternis Kerbol, if my eyes do not deceive me. (Either that, or that is laythe with TR, and one hell of an SSTO.)
  2. Well, last week my Visual Art: Design teacher failed the entire class for an assignment due date he hadn't even mentioned. Not only that, but he spends the next couple of lessons lecturing the class on how to work to a given due date, as we need to work towards a given due date. As for my Numeracy teacher for the last couple of years, if the class started to get any louder than he liked it (which was pretty much silent) he would just shout and shout and shout. Given that our class was one of the most talkative classes in the school, the entire class was yelled at almost every damn lesson. For people like myself and my friends, who can actually be talking and working at the same time, this was very annoying. Thankfully, I don't have him for Calculus this year.
  3. Well, the MK-3 parts are kind of meant to resemble the Space Shuttle, it's just that as the plane parts stand, none of them are finished, they are just acceptable to be released. The Devs have said previously that they wanted to completely overhaul the Space Plane parts, so really, I don't think it will be too long until we see them get some proper love, as I believe that that is part of the Rapier's reason for implementation.
  4. Well, I use MJ all of the time. Does it make me a bad pilot? No. Frankly I can manage missions to Laythe with Jool Aerobraking by hand, and without any data readouts. MJ is a tool that I use to make my game more fun for me, and I treat it as such. I don't see why this ever gets mentioned. All it turns into is people bashing other people based on whether or not the use MJ, as seen here: Anyway, I am personally of the opinion thatin a game, if you like it and find it fun, do it, no matter what others think of you.
  5. Well, not all engines in real life have the same exhausts, and the LFO boosters are based on the F-1B powered Pyrios Boosters, which would have a different exhaust to the core stage, as they use a different fuel. I really don't think it matters though, as it was good enough for NASA.
  6. Using KSOS to build a space station, and planning my 0.23.5 modded constellation programme recreation.
  7. No no, I mean the actual augment, as in the tanks and engines. Have you just been using the Stretchy SRB tanks?
  8. Just wondering, what is the radius of the BA-550 fully inflated? Is it 3.75m? Also, Starwaster, why didn't you just attach the fuel tank through a decoupler and fuel line? That way you could ditch it once you were on the ground and where you wanted to be.
  9. I thought that Maxmaps or Yargnit mentioned on stream that they were planning on converting all of the current engines over to the new FX system that the R.A.P.I.E.R and NASA parts were using? I too would like the engine mount and engines to be modular (And allow for a centre mount ala Ares V.)
  10. Have you done the propulsion block? If you have, can I has it for 0.23.5 so I can do my constellation programme replica more accurately?
  11. Have you even unlocked it yet? It is really near the front of the tree. It may look about halfway down, but things get much harder to unlock after each tier. /OffTopic Anyway, does anyone else plan on using the new parts in a constellation-esque setup? I would be really interested in seeing it done by others, especially all stock. (I know for a fact I won't do it stock, too much of an issue with partcount. Anything over 400 and it just gets unplayable.) My plan is to use Stock, MJ (Of course. I would not be bothered nor have the time to do that many launches by hand.), SDHI (And by implication, Realchutes, as the SDHI docking port doesn't work without it.), possibly a KW part here and there (Fairings, Class 3 docking and SRB nosecones, and that's it.) and Porkworks (Front hab of Copernicus) to do an almost complete replica. (Maybe ASET ALCOR for the Altair and it's variants too...) I think all I will need to do for customization is bump up the thrust of a duplicate of the new SRB, and add a bit more solid fuel to the LES.
  12. You can get into orbit around Minmus and land again using a Kerbal's pack. (They have ~500ms, IIRC) On Gilly (Which has a Low Orbit velocity of ~20ms), you can use the EVA pack to return to Kerbin.
  13. I respectfully disagree. Ever use a Mainsail? You wouldn't if you truly care for efficiency. Either way, I know one thing for sure: I will be bumping up the Thrust on the new SRB. I don't think it will be able to lift my planned Ares I replica without s boost.
  14. I don't think SQUAD would mind testers telling people that they will or won't need a new savegame for the asteroids.
  15. They're the values MJ uses, as Kerbin's atmo ends at 69.3 km.
  16. Whichever you want, but I would say it's a plane, as there has been rocket powered planes before, and planes that are remote controlled ala probe core, and a plane can easily double as a rover even without with the extra wheels.
  17. SLS!? Who wants 0.23.5 for SLS? I want it so I can make the Constellation Programme! (The Ares V and SLS are almost identical anyway, and those SRB's look like they would make a great Ares I.) Also, the advanced engine is meant to represent a gigantic version of the J-2X, the mainsail is more similar to the F-1 than the new engine.
  18. Wow, this is very impressive. I will definitely be doing this (But smaller) Using 0.23.5, as dem bosters and new parts will be absolutely perfect for constellation mission remakes.
  19. Wow. Hours? For me it really doesn't take too long to get my stuff to orbit and docked, even with the SST being slightly unbalanced with my module designs, though that may be because I'm not using the KSO, as I am playing in career and haven't unlocked it yet. Maybe I'm just good at these things, or maybe I'm just really inefficient. Either way, I don't think I could stand waiting that long to attach a module to my stations. My station should be around 46 parts when complete, and it is actually a decent size, thankfully I have Editor Extensions so I made loads of partcount savings.
  20. Well, according to Danny2462, it can work on the ground, and apparently it allows the ability to transfer fuel too, so all you really need to do is attach it to a GasStation where it can connect to a Birddog or the Ladyhawk. It could allow for some interesting designs of flexi-rover bases too, which might be something to look into if you were planning on a multi-module exploration base for laythe or one of the other Joolian moons.
  21. Really? That just seems to take the fun out of it. Hell, you can get thousands of science just by doing missions like the Apollo Venus flyby, or landing a probe out on Laythe or Tylo.I like that we can't just spam science any more, it means that I have to go, I have to reach out and explore, and do different things, which is the kind of thing that keeps me going. I can't just repeat the same thing over and over again, and get fun out of it, I need new, difference and change, which are the major reasons I love KSP. Every single update allows for new ways to play the game, and new ways to work and explore. Who gives a damn about efficiency!? Good riddance to science-spam I say, and on with change!
  22. I can't help but disagree. For one these parts are absolutely massive, so will be a huge pain to get anywhere unless they are going under their own relatively inefficient power. The parts are supposed to be at the very end of the tree, and are supposed to represent a total technological step up from the current in game tech, as it is modelled around existing and newer but decommissioned designs, rather than the Apollo/mercury-Gemini era that stock is based on. That being said, an LV-N is still more efficient than anything you can build with the SLS based parts. (I don't give a damn either way, I WANT THAT SRB SOOO BAD! Ares I FTW!) Well, if Maxmaps and Yargnit are to be trusted, then pretty much everything in the 0.23.5 will be endgame tech. (And ridiculously expensive.)
  23. Awesome! But would it be possible to have a solid 6 way hub for the octo parts? I know there is a 6 way hub using the cylindrical parts already, but I think that a proper crewable looking hub for in between modules and as a junction would be awesome.
  24. But Max and Yarg said that it is actually really efficient in Vac? I think someone put the numbers in backwards, and that it is actually supposed to be a Vac ISP of 380, and an ASL ISP of 280. It is easy enough to do b accident, and probably something that has already been corrected, and what we are seeing in it being more Atmo efficient is just an earlier version with a muck up in the CFG.
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