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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. Yeah. You have no idea how much mass and inertia an asteroid has, do you? Not only are these things really heavy, they are also on really eccentric orbits. They even said that the asteroids would be at least 10m to 30m across. It's not like an asteroid belt they are adding, what they are doing is creating randomly spawning "Near Kerbin Objects", AKA the hundreds and possibly thousands of asteroids that cross earth's orbit IRL. There are plans for asteroids in a belt near and around Dres, but this is meant to mimic what NASA plans to do. Which is grab a Near Earth Asteroid, and do some crazy orbital switches and slingshots to bring it into an earth orbit, and then up to low lunar orbit.
  2. Yes, if we were doing 1:1. However, this isnt the case. Converting real rockets to KSP usually downsizes the rockets to about 64% of real size. Because of how OP that is, and the size system KSP uses, the general size used for a Saturn V is 5m, though if we were to follow the above scale it would come to 6.4m. (That doesnt really work though, at least not for stock compatability, because stock uses multiples and half of 1.25m, so the nearest size would be 6.25m. This has been worked out to be incredibly OP though, and it is a size too large for an apollo replica.)
  3. Yeah. Here'd the thing: Jets require external oxygen to work. This is only available on kerbin, and (to a lower extent) laythe. So yeah, in order to get a powered plane on another planet that doesnt require rockets you will need ION engines and/or Electric Props from Firespitter.
  4. Currently, single parts cant have roll control. A single part with Built in RCS wont give you roll authority, and because of the way KSP handles engines, a single engine part wont allow roll either. KSP treats a single part cluster of engines as a single engine with multiple transforms, not a the cluster that it is. So it won't think to use the roll, even when you tell it to, because it thinks it will flip you over or screw with you in some similar way. (The Devs tried roll control i stock a while ago, and it did exactly this, and they removed it.)
  5. Yeah. Realism is good, but KSP's goal isn't to be another "Orbiter". The hard fact is, KSP is, at it's absolute core, a game. I saw a quote a while ago, and I never thought much of it till now: "You should never sacrifice cool and fun over realism." In my own words, I would change that to realistic and boring or annoying. There are things about every game that get to people, and there is always at least one aspect people find boring or annoying. For instance, I love the Halo series by Bungie and 343, but things like the player's ability to jump almost three metres in the air is slightly annoying to me, as it seems quite silly. [sARCASM] Yes, of course! SAS needs to be changed back to the glorious way it was, because it was one of the basics and oldest parts of the game! And what about the old parts!? SQUAD did the community a disservice by removing them! Oh, and dont even get me started on the terrain and art passes! [/sARCASM] I hope you get my point here, and I am not trying to offend you. The fact is, everyone on the forums are hardly representative of the average playerbase. "All" is hardly correct. We on the forums are the Vocal Minority, and many are better or worse than we are, and many players are people who buy the game, play it for a month with "LOL SOKERBAL XD" and eventually uninstall or just lose interest. The people who will complain will be those who can't adjust to a realistic approach to the core game, for which the current re-entry, atmospheric and damage models are placeholders for. Also, this is a prime part of KSP. Wan't the old atmo? Become the Nega-Ferram and make or ask for a mod for it. It will happen eventually.
  6. Yes, but even with FAR, you can still make those crazy and creative ships. I have done so myself, and they only flip out a bit of the time, which is sometimes an improvement in stability over stock. In KSP you can build anything, and as long as everything lines up and you have enough thrust it WILL fly. IRL? Not so much. I think Re-entry heat could add another dynamic to the game, and it could balance quite well. The problem with this is balancing it. If you give everything realistic amounts of RE-Heat, then it wouldnt change much unles you were doing a major aerobrake fro interplanetary velocities. If you add heat that mimics RL on the other hand, it could make the game a whle lot less fun. SQUAD need to find a balance between the two for such features, but either way they go people will yell at them or yell for it to be changed. Either "The game is too easy, The Re-entry heat is not enough." or "The game is too hard, The Re-entry heat is too much!". In fact, this is very much like what is going on in this thread, isn't it?
  7. Problem: Many, and most, players don't know what they are doing. Most of the people who play the game aren't on the forum, and are not experienced enough to grasp many "core" concepts of the game. I am a bit frisky around Re-Entry heating myself, and it all depends on how it is done. I think it shouldn't be "Deadly Re-Entry" as such, and would be more suitable as "Damaging Re-Entry". Parts and your craft oculd still be damaged, even destroyed, but it would be less severe than what we have to deal with IRL. I think this would be better for the game. I am all for more realism, but we need to draw the line between a "Simulator" and a "Game" at some point, and I think this is one pint where a compromise has to be made. For instance: A Mk-1 command pod would only be able to reenter from LKO-MKO, and possibly up to, or near, the mun safely, any higher and it would require multiple passes to bleed off the speed in order to reenter safely, or a heavier heatshield on the bottom of the pod. (That would be a seperate part.) The Mk1-2 pod would be able to safely reenter from Mun and minmus and interplanetary velocities would be the same as above. The lander cans would have to reenter at much lower speeds due to not having the required heatshielding, or stay in the upper atmo for longer in order to blled off enough speed to be safe. The way I see it, this would give more of an inclination to use the larger and hevier pods over the Mk-1 lander can (The lightest pod per kerbal in the game), as it would quickly lose out during reentry to other parts. I also think (And this is more of a personal preferance.) Re-entry should only begin to damage things as the mach or heating efects appear, so even reentering at interplanetary velocities in thin atmo (Such as duna) should be survivable for all but the puniest of parts. I think people could get very confused as to why stuff is blowing up from re-enter heat, even though there isnt any flames.
  8. I use MJ a lot. There. But I use it in career. Which is different. How, you ask? MJ doesnt even get unlocked until several tiers into the tree, and at that point you have almost none of the functions, just the info readouts, the manouver planner and some untility functions. The auto pilot for ascent and landing isnt unlocked for another two tiers. Rondevouez and docking autopilots arent unlocked until the same tier, but are on the complete opposite side of the tree. Even then, there are still more parts to MJ to unlock. You have to work to get the autopilots, but by that point you have flown/landed/transmitted/returned enough to kow how to do alot of the main parts of the game. At that point MJ just takes away from the tedium of launching and doing everything you have already done many, many times before, and allows you to do other things at the same time (Which for me is usually listening to the radio chatter, music and effects in the background while getting awesome (In the traditional sense of the word.) cinematic views,and truly amazing screenshots. I use MJ's "Smart A.S.S." Exclusively on my stations so that they rotate in sync with the surface, so it looks like it is stationary in free mode. Truly Awesome! Assembled with the help of mechjeb, my second (and possibly the most minimalistc station I have ever made) space station in my current career mode, which I started last week. Consisting of a measley three modules, I give you; SpaceLab-1: I made this with MJ's assistance in career. I didn't have rondevouez, docking or ascent autopilot when I made it, so this is almost completely me. And I am proud to say that. (Also, Troll thread is troll.)
  9. Quick! In before the Lock! 1) This is a WNTS, as it has been suggested SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many times. Squad are planning to do it. (Also, try to double click around the internals. You will find that certain spots, normally windows, will allow your perspective to move to them, to get a better view. I find that the Raster Prop Monitor/JSI mod makes this really fun though, and it is very immersive.) 2) Lots of people find it hard enough to get their ships even remotely close to eachother, nevermind dock, so you really want to make this harder? (If you want to do this though, I believe there is a line in the part CFG file that allows you to control the strength of the magnetism and turn it on or off.) 3) I think this is under the WNTS list too. (There isnt really a way to do this without mods ATM. You would need KAS for this is you want to do it now.) (Yup: This would classify as Construction- •Orbital construction and construction on other celestials) The docking change is not going to happen, and the devs don't want to make the game too hard. They want to keep the game as a game, not a full "NASA Simulator" or turn it into Orbiter. Realistic Atmo and Re-entry heat are planned to some extent IIRC, so you can rejoice in the realism of those features if and when they get implemented. You seem to be a bit new, so I will point this out to you: There is a thread in this subforum at the top of the list called what not to suggest. Read through this before you post a suggestion, as it may well be in there. Discussions on the other hand are allowed on any topic really, as long as it isnt or doesnt become vehement, badgering or just downright rude and stupid.
  10. Procedural Fairings and Infernal Robobtics? Could you not place an interstage adaptor, and add fairings to all sides, then remove the one on the top, and use it on a hinge as a bay door? Also, AFAIK there is no benefit to having that teeny nose cone (That weighs 100Kg!) on the front. You would be better to just make the stretchy go all the way to a point, or use a second stretchy. FAR doesnt have a special function for nose cones, it just looks at the aerodynamics of the models. You wont get much of a payload to orbit with skylod anyway, but it does have the capability.
  11. [JOKE]No. This means that Whackjob can make a gilly sized rocket out of the same amount of parts.[/JOKE] Either way, I will be interested to see what they do. I think it wouldn't be enough for a Saturn V just to have 3.75m parts. That barely covers the S-IVB. No, if we are going to have a true kerbal scale SLS or Saturn V there will need to be 5m parts. Squad working with NASA on the mission pack means that the new part are almost defiantely going to be a blend of SLS/Saturn V/Stock, and hopefully we will get 3.75m docking parts and crew tanks. Kerbal scale Apollo-Venus Flyby anyone? Also, if the Devs see this: Please, please, PLEASE make stock SLS style fairings!
  12. SpaceLab One: Currently residing in a 200Km, ~equatorial orbit over Kerbin, SL-1 was the KSC's first attempt at a space station in MKO. The engineers jumped the gun a bit first though, as this is the second space station to be constructed by KSC. MOL-1(Mobile Orbital Lab) was constructed almost a week earlier after discovering that ships could dock together during the Moho-YellowStone Test flights last Tuesday. It is safe to say the Engineers went a little over the top when asked by Wherner Von Kerman and Gene Kerman to make them a station, as MOL-1 resides in a ~20Km orbit over Mun... (I am not a noob. I have known about docking for a long time. (~0.20, AKA before I got the game. Thank you KurtJMac.) My first spacestation dwarfs this one by a longshot, and it was in Geosync.)
  13. I only ever use it in serious saves (Which is usually all of them.) if something has gone terribly, terribly wrong. So, once or twice. For instance, one time, my multi module laythe base was left floating in midair, about 200m above the ocean, due to the terraing dissapearing wierdly. (I still have no clue why that happenned, and it has never happend since. O.o) I used Hyperedit to move it ~2Km downrange onto land that still existed. For some reason I wasn't falling, it was acting as if the ground was still there, even though there was nothing below me, and the shoreline could be seen about 200m away. Even to the point where I loaded another craft in orbit and landed it there legitimatly, the ground still didn't render. It was Wierd...
  14. Okaaaay... I have tried seeting up my CFG to use these effects, but I can't get it to work for the life of me. I am probably missing something extremely obvious but can someone help me? This is the CFG, before I attempted to screw with HotRockets. PART { name = DracoPod module = Part author = Deathsoul097 mesh = model.mu scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1.25 fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.7, -0.45, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.7, -0.45, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.7, -0.45, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running sound_vent_medium = engage sound_rocket_hard = running sound_vent_soft = disengage sound_explosion_low = flameout node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top1 = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = heavierRocketry entryCost = 8000 cost = 4000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = D097 Star Industries "Draco" manufacturer = D097 Star Industries description = A new Command Pod, and suitable for direct descend landing on Duna. The inbuilt engines should provide enough thrust to land on Duna, but dont expect to return with it, this is a one way trip. A tiny inbuilt RTG should provide enough power to slowly recharge the onboard batteries during travel, but be conservative with manouvering, you may end up dead in space (Or worse, the atmosphere) for some time. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 mass = 4 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.15 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 35 maxTemp = 4000 vesselType = Ship CrewCapacity = 5 MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 125 maxAmount = 125 } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01 } } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 5 YawTorque = 5 RollTorque = 5 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.2 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = ThrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 50 heatProduction = 300 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0 PROPELLANT { name = MonoPropellant ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 300 key = 1 280 } } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = crewReport experimentActionName = Crew Report resetActionName = Discard Crew Report reviewActionName = Review Report useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 2.0 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 300 maxAmount = 300 } stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 }
  15. I think this *maybe* should be in requests and support. Other than that, I agree 100%. I want to make my mod use Hotrockets! FX, but I just can't figure it out.
  16. Wasn't there a .mu to .blend converter though?
  17. Okay. I have a lowish part count tug here, with about 7.5 Km/s of DV on it's own, and about 2Km/s DV with a 36 tonne payload. http://www./view/wcw2csaamzeaghz/Unmanned_Kethane_Tug.craft It is called a kethane tug, but it gan get a Jumbo (36T) of fuel or kethane to Laythe or Jool orbit. (With aerobraking) Really, it should be able to haul pretty much anything. It has a decent TWR, but it is still less than 1 on kerbin's surface, along with an RTG, a large reaction wheel set and to put this thing into perspective: It has the DV and TWR to lift 36 tonnes from the surface to orbit around Duna. With only 3 NTR's. If we are going into the whole, no crashing NTRs or using them in atmo because of the whole "OMG, Nuclear!? What if it blows up!" thing*, it is completely and utterly reuseable. Ther is no drop tanks, or the like, but if drop tanks are used, I am expecting it to have DV to bring fuel to Moho. *For one (contrary to popular belief) NTRs (Nuclear Thermal Rockets) and NERVAs (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application) do not irradiate their fuel. The Nuclear fuel in the engine is there to heat it up (To increase efficiency, as heating the fuel up basically increases it's exhaust velocity, AKA specific impulse.), and is heavily shielded so there's no radiation or fissile material coming out of the back, unless you have anOpen Cycle Engine. Open Cycle Engines are incredibly efficient, to the point of making a Hydrolox fueled craft of significant mass with the capability to go to mars (Say, Copernicus), able to go to Jupiter and Saturn, and possibly the ice giants, Uranus and Neptune. The downside is, when you use them you are irradiating everything behind you and losing your fuel, as some of the nuclear fuel is ejected out of the back along with the Hydrolox. IIRC, they had an estimated Vacuum ISP of ~3000s. The best NTR or NERVA that I can remember had an ISP of ~950s. The general public don't know or understand this though, so they just freak out at the word "Nuclear".
  18. Right. I will have to talk to MetalMouth and Defcon before saying anything on this, but no doubt they will want to see what you can produce. I will send them a message, and see what they think. Please do keep in mind though, that we are constantly working on this, and our texture artist (MetalMouth) will probably be working on everything a little as time goes on. I think he wouldnt mind the help though. 0.o What would give you the impression that we didnt care? We have even talked about scrapping hyperium at one poin, because of the amount of hate it got in another thread. Everyone only does mods because they feel like it (It's not like we get paid or anything.) but we do care about what people think. If we didn't what would be the point?
  19. Absolutely! Runs on monoprop, so it can dock without any sill containers strapped to the side. All you have to do is place the ports. I am going to be making a dedicated parachute/docking ring for the top of the pod, but until then there are two top nodes provided, one slightly lower in the part. Just place a normal Clampotron on the top node, and a Drogue on the one inside the model. You should be able to do that without turning on part clipping. In fact, here is a picture of it in flight: This is an unreleased texture unfortunately, so your won't look like this. I advise you to be careful however, it has an inbuilt decoupler in the bottom. I am removing the inbuilt decoupler in the next update, giving the pod a better texture, along with removing the Volkom parts as they are due for the appointment at the scrapyard.
  20. Hi Nazari! I would like to use your mod with my mod so people don't have to mod my mod to make my mod look awesome! If that isnt too much of a mouthful, I would like to package (Parts of) your mod with mine, so that I can use better particle effects. I basically just want the Mainsail effect, the BAAC effect, and possibly the LV-T effect to make my mod beautiful. (The LV-T effect is actually probably a must. I have a sommand pod roughly based on the red dragon, and the stock FX just dont look right.) Can I do this? (If you dont want me to do this, would you mind showing me how to create my own?)
  21. Yeah, we are working on everything a lot, and most of the textures are going to be redone. Some of them will stay, some of the parts will be removed, and lots of new parts will be introduced, and as we make more we will get better.
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