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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. Hmm. I have also found that once I turned on stock SAS, my ships wouldn't respond to manual input while SAS is on. It may be due to using a slightly outdated reaction wheel part however. I wanted more control, so I stuck on a non rescaled reaction wheel. It could also be that my second stage weighs nearly 35 tonnes empty. (Including a dummy 10T payoad. Man, those J-2Xs and payload fairing bases are really heavy.) Oh well. My issue here has been resolved, thank you!
  2. Yeah, that was weird. It happened to me too, once I used "Stock SAS". (Which, annoyingly, fixed it. I could have saved so much time, and the time of others just by trying that first. )
  3. Not exactly possible with most of the setups that I use. I usually cluster four engines in a square, or use a single central engine. Not both at the same time. I haven't tried it on "Stock SAS" yet, simply because I have been going through everything else first. (Also, I am used to stock KSP, where engines can throttle, so I set it to that. Again, personal preference.) EDIT: O. M. G. I went through everything but "Stock SAS". Guess which one fixed it? Stock SAS. URRRRGH!
  4. Just because UR is outdated doesn't mean it doesn't work. It just means it hasn't had to be updated. I should know, I am using it on a 0.23 install for RO, using the Planet Factory planets too. It also changes the texture and terrain you see on the ground IIRC, and that is how NathanKell changed Kerbin into Earth. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
  5. HAH! Duna and back without MJ was one of the easiest things I have ever done! (Hell, almost as easy as sending a mission out to minmus and back.) You appear to have no understanding of this at all. Also, MJ is not like any computer. It does not break down ever, unless you were stupid enough not to put on at least a single static solar panel. The main reason I use MJ is because I can't pinpoint land to save my life. (This is usually how it goes when I try to land at a base. Me: Lucky to get 2Km away. MJ: Manages to land ON TOP of the targeted section. Repeatedly.) I can still land easily enough though. I had a lander land and hop around minmus for a day and return to collect several thousand science. MJ may not be as efficient as any decent player, but it is certainly accurate.
  6. Smoooooooooooooooth. (Just like the Jazz in the VAB. ) All of my engines can throttle completely (Personal Preference), but MJ limits to 4G, and most of my stages will barely hit that. Setting the gimbal mode to smooth helped at first, but it is still really bad. It doesn't help that almost all engines in the pack have a gimbal range of ~7 degrees.
  7. I agree with this. Mostly. I think FASA should be two separate packs: Mercury-Gemini, and Apollo Project. The Launch Clamps might be separate too, to avoid conflicts. (Unless you plan on making some new ones for Apollo?)
  8. Oh, now that's where you're wrong. Before Dtobi's gimbal plugin, MJ could guide any and all of my ships to orbit reliably better than I could ever hope to achieve. With FAR. (I don't and never have used DRE or EI. Personal preference, don't be hatin'. ) Now? not at all. And no, the Gimbal SPEED is tweakable, however every engine has pre-set Gimbal RANGES that I would like to be tweakable more that just "Off" or "On". Also, I have been messing around with MJ's settings, and it now flies straight and true. All of the time. It was looking good, so I set it away on it's own and I come back 5 mins later and it is still going straight up. Needless to say, on kind of the right track, but definitely NOT what I wanted.
  9. Funnily enough, there are a couple of configs in the RO thread that convert the standard PF setup from Krag into the real positions sizes and other whatnots. (Colour, etc. But that requires Universe replacer as well.)
  10. Nope roll is on. But MJ isn't trying to roll. It is jus trying to keep it straight (I think), but it is just pitching and yawing all over the place. It manages to shake some previously reliable rockets to bits. And yes, I am using KJR. I will post a .CRAFT if others wish to test. It is more likely to be a problem with MJ than anything else, but even on manual control some of the afore mentioned reliable rockets become incredibly hard to control. (Roll control works like a dream though.) I wonder if it would be possible to set a max gimbal angle as a tweakable?
  11. Lazor can increase load/visible range to 99Km, not just 25Km.
  12. Hey, JSYK, I have been encountering problems with the newest RE config. Jack, the inclusion of Dtobi's "Smart" gimbal plugin has all of my rockets (That worked before) faceplanting into the ground. MJ seems to be completely unable to hold a straight heading, and ends up shaking the rocket apart, or on a ~310 degree inclined orbit. I was trying for 0. Yeah. This is with the most recent version of RO, Real Engines, RF, but I am a version or so behind RSS. (I am waiting for the Launch site selector to be a bit more stable.)
  13. Fu, f,ffff.fff.f.f....fff..f.f. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! Holy Bajeezus that is HUGE! That's bigger than huge, that is just, I don't, I don't even know HOW to classify the gargantuan of gargantuan size of that. Where are you planning on going? Alpha Centauri and back!? As for the name, how about Eotena? (Old English for Titan.) Or what about Kaiju? (Japanese for monster, IIRC.) Slonov? (Russian for elephant.)
  14. Are you playing with Asmi's ELCSS? If not, then find a folder named that in Bobcat's soviet pack, and delete that. Can you post a bit more info though, like what mods you are using, and what command pod they are in?
  15. Dude. No need to apologize for anything. IRL comes first, especially on occasions like that.
  16. Just so you know, non of the Interstellar parts are like that either, IIRC (With the Exception of the Fusion Engine. Whatever you do, I would not fire that at someone's house. That thing is almost as bad as Project Orion when it comes to the radiation being shot out the back.). Anyway, I like what you have been doing with this. I can't see the images right now, but I should be able to ckeck them out at home. (Stupid school network. Banned IMGUR. Of all things. IMGUR.) Also, the reason I know this is because I wanted to make a realistic NTR/NERVA for KSP, so I did some looking around and digging into articles and old NASA plans. They did end up testing the a couple of NERVA and NTR designs on the surface, but never actually sent one up, and they were pretty efficient and way more powerful than the stock ones. (One NERVA was about the size of an S-IC. Yeah. 10m across, but this is the killer: 40m tall.) Funnily enough, most of the NERVAs that they tested were actually more efficient in ATM than the LV-T engines are in VAC.
  17. No, parts don't mirror the way you want them to. Unfortunately parts in KSP mirror by rotating around what they are attatched to in the VAB or SPH. You can either make the entire wing heatshielded, or use seperate wings for each side to combat this. I am at school, so I can't see the images, but I'm pretty sure that is what is going on from what you have said.
  18. Actually, NTRs are perfectly safe to use in atmo. If it was an open core engine, it would be much different, but as is, the engines wouldn't give out any more radiation by firing them that by them being there in the first place. I believe most people get confused though, and think that NTRs and NERVAs are essentially radiation spewing death machines like Project Orion, but in reality only the Open Core ones do that, and that is because Open Core NTRs feed the fissile material into the propellant stream, which superheats it more effectively than even the best of NTRs. The best Closed Cycle/Solid Core NTR I have heard of managed about 950s of ISP VAC. The best projected Open Core engine I have heard of was estimated to have ~3200s of ISP VAC. EDIT: I say projected, because no-one was crazy enough to actually make one. Not even the Russians.
  19. 100% Agreed. Pull a Russia, unmanned for the first flight. Buran was cancelled because of the economical collapse of the USSR, unfortunately. If it had continued, we may have had a 100% reueseable (Excluding Fuel of course.) HLV/Space Shuttle now. (Look up the Energia-Uragan plans if you don't believe me.)
  20. Aww. This is really annoying. I can't see any Imgur albums on the forums now. I am on my personal laptop, and any other embeded images work find. Any ideas? I would really like to be able to check out the progress on this pod, it looked so awesome the last time I saw it.
  21. If you don't mind me saying, this is what I think the spaceplane parts need: - Inline docking ports. (Preferably a MK3 one, with an open end, and a one or two kerbal capacity airlock.) - Inline cargo bays. Tiberdyne is good, but it isnt great for stock compatability. - Longer and shorter adaptors between MK1,2 and 3, both fuelled and structural. - Crew cabins of varying lengths for MK2 and 3. - Wings that better emulate the shuttle, and that match the fuselages better. I have to say though, the work you've done so far is exeptional.
  22. Timewarp too much (Alot. F5/F9 away!) No solar panels, or they are angled the wrong way No parachute Lack of fuel Part Clipping Not enough torque Kraken attacks Decoupler not decoupling Forgetting about that ******* spent booster Fuel and no engines
  23. I wonder... Does landing your Outpost on top of a previous lander count? (Mechjeb, i told you to land at it, not ON it! I am hopeless at pinpoint landings. ) Sorry for no pics, but it was a couple of versions ago. I guss you will just have to take my word on it.
  24. Nice Launchers Razorcane! I have a possible suggestion or two: Saturn 1 / 1B Falcon X? (Is this even a thing? I have seen images, and scale photos, but never actually any designs.) Ariane V Vega Atlas V 401 (Well. You have the 501. Would it be too hard to downsize the second stage and call it a 401? )
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