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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. On EVA from MOL 1, the Munar Manned Orbital Lab. (MOL 2 will be orbiting Minmus.):
  2. No no, that was Bobcat who posted this on his dev thread: here.
  3. I have been wrapped up with a whole bunch of other parts, along with working on the Defcon Corp mod, so not yet no. But thank you for that, I will probably get onto it tomorrow, and then I just need to make a texture.
  4. Porkjet? You have to make a working Olympus, interior docking and everything. That would be SO awesome! Best. Concept. Ever. Also, Go for it. Those parts for Mk2 look awesome! You could also team up with Nazari, who is working on a mk3 refit. I agree that the B9 parts are not very Stockalike, but all the same, the entire Mk2 and Mk3 line could do with a refit. I has a request for a future part: A 3.75m Inflato. (I am not asking you to drop everything and do it now, but a dedicated 3.75m inflato hab would be very nice.)
  5. We are sorry for not replying to you earlier, Antimatter, but we have all been quite busy over the last few days, and Defcon didn't have the time to read throught the thread. We will have to respectfully decline your offer of help for now, but your findings into the parts have been noted. Thank you for that, currently, most of the parts in the mod are WIP or placeholders, including Hyperium itself. Just for fun, I think I will show people the new GRE I have been working on: VERY WIP, COMPLETELY UNFINISHED. IT DOES LOOK A WHOLE LOT BETTER RIGHT NOW THOUGH, THIS RENDER IS A FEW DAYS OLD. It will have ~1500 thrust, and it will have a greater weight and size in comparison to the current engine. I am also working on a more squat, multi-nozzle engine with gimballing and an increased atmospheric efficiency, loosely based on RD0240.
  6. KW adds a bunch of awesome sounds to it's engines, and I think it would just take a MM patch to apply them to stock and other mods. That being said, I am all for better stock rocket effects, from cryo, to proper engine exhaust and smoke. I think it is worth mentioning though, almost everything in the game is a placeholder or WIP. AFAIK, that definitely includes the current visual and sound FX.
  7. True. Though that didn't occur to me at the time. I agree that this kind of thing could be useful, but only really for testing stuff that is destined for another world, no so much LKO, or mun/minmus. (Also, why, of all places, would you try to send a rover to Gilly? You have to thrust to keep yourelf on the ground when you land FGS. Heck, even IONs have a decent TWR there.)
  8. Mentioned a few times, but I don't think this kind of thing should be implemented until you are at, or very near, the end of the tree. Hmm. Sounds good in theory, but it may be a bad thing as well. I like it, but I don't know how the typical player would respond. 100% agreed. SQUAD have said they don't want random damage, or random damaging events, so this is probably a no go. Imagine, you had a rocket, which functioned perfectly the first 10 times you launched it, but on the 11th launch an engine fails to ignite, or you reach orbit and a little pop up says something along the lines of: "Part-X has been damaged to Y extent, New part-Z needed or On site orbital repairs." How annoyed might you feel at that? Interesting. I like this idea, and I hope that the contract system eventually evolves into something along those lines. It sounds like the NASA mission pack will do pretty much what you are describing. Yes, I like this too, but his (Or her's. You never know if female kerbals will be implemented.) reputation should influence the rep of the program. Say Jeb is the first kerb on the mun. He is already famous, but this act would bring a lot of publicity and funding to you program, along with attracting new test pilots to join up. With the current revert function I feel this is unnecessary. Nuff said. Agreed, but I feel a few kerbals, such as jeb, should stand out from the rest, and provide a moderate boost and higher than usual ability in all areas. You would still want a specialist over him, as the specialist would be better at increasing science gain, but Jeb would be better than other pilots and such in the science field. I can see similar things being implemented to a minimal extent, but unless the VIP is a scientist who will possibly double science output at a base or station, I think that this kind of thing shouldn't take anyone any further than mun or minmus. I am a bit on the edge on this one. I like realism, but I feel that Life support and deadly re-entry could well ruin the game, as most people probably wouldn't find it fun to micromanage all of these kind of things. In my game, I assume that any ships or stations that are permanently in orbit are constantly re-supplied by ATVs, and I am there to run the big stuff, like the mun missions and missions to other worlds and moons. I feel that the player would feel more of a detriment to the gameplay if Life support systems were introduced to stock. I for one, would create a mod to remove LS (Unless it is done in a good way, but for the way I like the game, I don't think that would work.) if that happens. AFAIK, someone is actually working on this in the mods. IIRC though, SQUAD have also said a BIG no to this one. This has been discussed to death. I think that only the space race style missions would be good for an opposing AI. Collaborative projects require too much communication to work without other players. This actually is already in the game, to a degree. The game has achievements listed in your persistence file, but they don't actually show or affect anything in game. It is pretty much a base for what you have described, but nothing has been done with it yet. (It was implemented in 0.21, IIRC.) I agree, MOAR SCIENCE!, is pretty much what I want as a major feature in the next few versions, even if it just comes down to biome maps for all bodies. It is annoying that we know everything about everywhere straight away, and I feel science should be a large part of that. However, I feel that we should at least know where everything is, whether or not it has an atmo, and roughly what the land looks like at the start. I don't want to start blind.
  9. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to see two kerbals, side by side through those teeny windows. But yeah, the only problem would be getting the doors to be removed or open fast enough for the eject function without hitting them. And by using vanguard, he cuts around any other problems that may crop up. Hell, if you got a decent plugin writer/coder, and permission from the original authors, you could probably package both of the plugins into one .dll that only included the necessary functions for the eject and seeing into the pod. (I don't actually know if that is possible, but it seems like it should be. After all, plugin's are just code, and the vanguard plugin allows many functions on it's own. I see no reason why the two couldn't be merged, and the irrelevant parts of vanguard (Like the crew hatch thing) removed.)
  10. Yes there is. I the editor, you will se a line saying "Fuel Crossfeed Disabled" when you hover over some parts. They cant allow fuel to pass through them. Anything without that line can and will though.
  11. Ah well, Hmm. Problem is that we are talking about much lower pressures that sea level though. I acknowledge that you are right, and I don't dispute that, but in this particular situation It doesn't make much of a difference.
  12. No... Uh, there isn't a liquid state of CO2, it just skips that and goes straight to gas. (That's called sublimation, IYDK) So, CO2 can't condense, and it wont be able to form water either, as there isn't hydrogen present. You could possibly extract the )2 and use it as Intake Air and Oxidizer though. Water mining can eventually be useful in the game, if it turns out that the stock LF/O is a super dense but relatively inefficient variant of Hydrolox, but other than that, unless LS gets implemented water mining would be useless, as the devs have confirmed it: No harmful radiation.
  13. Hey heretic. I think it should be called "Copernicus", "Odyssey" or "Venture".
  14. Wait what!? I didn't even know this was here. Huh. I guess I will post on my Dev of the Base System and the Tug (Soontm)then.
  15. I am working on an entry to this, and it is RAPIER powered. I am using it in Jet mode, but I plan on making it a VTOL similar to Cupcake's designs. The idea is that it could start off on rocket power, and once it reaches optimal altitude switch over to jets, and then back to rockets for circularisation and a boost to orbit. I have a design with both the nessecary thrust and DV to do this, but I havent tested it's ability to fly high altitude as well. My idea is to show where and how the RAPIER can be versatile, such as being able to mount the fuel tanks directly to it. It is loosely based on the apollo LM test rig. I know that the ability to SSTO isn't exactly a requirement, but after the VTOLs cupcake has produced, it is kind of the standard I wish my design to live up to. (I have an alternate design that probably looks better, but I dont think it will reach orbit.) I will update this post with my work.
  16. Srf would be required because he wants to see the internal: "You can put kerbals in seats and see them from the outside, but then there is no IVA. If you put them in a pod, you have an IVA but can't see the kerbals from the outside...." Using Sfr fixes that.
  17. Nuke. NOT COOL. This could be pretty damn serious. I don't care if it is a joke. This is not the time nor the place.
  18. Frizzank, why don't you have a look over at Bobcat's Dev thread and the Vanguard thread? Bobcat has been using a plugin for his new DEMVs that allow you to see the IVA from outside while still having a first person IVA view. The vanguard Plugin has an eject function, which triggers on all kerbals in the craft, and allows you to deploy each kerbal's parachute with one press of a key, without having to juggle them all. I think those would be good places to start. Hope I helped!
  19. I don't think this is a good idea, as even a small black hole "on the edge of the system" as you describe it would play hell with everything orbiting Kerbol, eventually consuming the entire system and creating a Quasar out of Kerbol, before completely devouring that as well.
  20. The mission pack is free, for everyone, even if you get the game after it is released, AFAIK. Rowsdower announced that in the Devnote Tuesday thread last week. EDIT: "Holy Carp! The CM (Or would it be KM?) on my thread!?" *Faints* Thanks for clearing that up Rowsdower.
  21. Huh. Nice design, but it seems a little part heavy. I have been working on something similar. I have been working on an Unmanned Transfer Vehicle for Kethane. I currently have one with about 20 parts able to take ~37 tonnes to Duna and back. (With refuelling along the way, it's range could be increased to Jool or even Eeloo.) It also has the TWR to land on and return to orbit around Mun with a 36 tonne payload. It is primarily designed to pull a payload (More stable than pushing.), but it can push them as well. EDIT: Said tug has 7.5 Km/s of DV without a payload. It can also take 72 tonnes to Mun, Minmus or Duna (With Aerobraking) orbit. Pic of Tug: The antennae on there is to balance out the extra weight of the docking port compared to the nosecones. The docking port is on there for better compatability with other designs. It basically just means that the thing can be refuelled even if there are no SR. ports available. EDIT EDIT: My shuttle is going all right. Should use about half of it's fuel to get to LKO, thank you NTRs. It flies like a for most of the ascent through the upper atmo, but it is very stable, and incredibly easy to recover from a flatspin. It starts out with an intake ratio of 4:3, but at about 20K that changes to 4:1 as the outside TJs shutdown. Then the nukes kick in at about 25K, and the final TJ shuts down at ~36K.
  22. My version of RE (SFJackBauer's. I don't normally update mods once I install them, even if there is an update, unless there is a major, game breaking bug.) doesn't support them. It has support for KW, AIES, NP2, but no probe size engines other than the 0.4 and 0.8 engines from AIES. The next smallest then is the LMAE. That thing is WAY too big.
  23. Does anyone have some RO probe engines? I am trying to do a Martian lander, but the smallest engine I have that provides me with more than 1Kn of thrust is the Aestus. Needless to say, WAY too big. Unfortunately I can' find anything that will fit it without uninstalling the RealEngines and reinstalling Stockalike. Anything? (Also, I am having problems with the LazTek pack. If you can go over to Lazarus's thread and have a look I would appreciate it.)
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