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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Stone Blue
^^ IIRC, that was a problem with RPM itself... It was heavily discussed in the last couple of months, IIRC, so check the LAST few pages of the RPM thread...IIRC, it turned out to be an easy fix?...(I think?)...lol Actually, try reading from this post on: RPM black navball
^^ Yes, as Zubrin also said, basically, a specific program needs to be able to be accomplished in no more than 6 or 7 years...(less than 2 4yr Presidential terms)... The way the American political system is now a joke, a program needs be pretty much done from the time its started in one term, to the end of the next, so an incumbent Pres. doesnt have time to cancel what his predesessor started... And yes, Americans have become such raving capitalists and conservatives, they only want very short term goals, with IMMEDIATE gains... Except of course where the industrial military complex is concerned: that is fed by the stoked fires of American fear, ignorance, and greed...THAT will continue chugging along and getting fatter and fatter quite nicely...
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
Stone Blue replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thats a simple fix to all the node_attach in each parts' .cfg... you have to flip the polarity on two of the 6 node points... I dont remember which for sure, but i think it might be the 3rd & 6th? ... I guess in 1.0, they made KSP enforce proper node orientation... -
By the 2020 or 2024 ISS end-of-life, THESE should be in production: Inflatable Modules More useable space for the same mass, and probably easier/cheaper to launch, and to assemble... So yeah, ISS would have to go cheap...Plus, half of it (the all important command/control and, IIRC, power sections) are Russian owned...So it depends on what the Russians also want to do with their half... I bet they keep it and add to it themselves... They are hurting for funding, even worse than NASA, I think... Or, if they cant afford to do that, they will probably sell it all off and get out of permanent manned LEO operations all together...
Suggestion: Add an orbit counter
Stone Blue replied to adsii1970's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
Well, i think i would find it useful, as I have missed proper satellite placement when setting up networks, using resonant orbits, due to "accidentaly" , warping past the ONE orbit I needed to hit...And then not knowing how many to do again, to get back to a proper insertion orbit... So, yes, that is one instance i would find it VERY helpful...And especially with a"reset" function... And, actually, another scenario might be while doing transfers/rendevous... I do mine with MJ autopilot mostly... WHen it needs to do 15 or more orbits (sometimes 100 or more), before the maneuver, it would be nice to know how many orbits it has done, and how many are left, so you can walk away from the computer for awhile, and periodically check on how many are left to go... -
Did you POST about the condensed view??? ... lol Well, I figured customizing the stream would do what I want, but again, it still doesnt seem to be working at all for me... ??, so i was wondering about viable "workarounds"...lol
^^ Good question... Also, a "satellite" icon would be nice, to separate sats from probes, which can certainly be two different beasts... it would be nice to be able to filter out the 12 sat comm network, the 24 GPS sat network, etc, while actually only wanting the fly-by, or landed probe...
^^ Hmmm... A model that detailed, and that "design"... Any thought to including flotation balls, bags, or rings to that?
For sats & probes, (0.625-1.25m), i find myself making "service modules", by stacking the smallest RCS tank, the LF toroid tank, the core, sometimes an SAS, 2 or 4 RCS thrusters, a single ANT engine, then attaching an RTG elsewhere on the sat... I would say throw a battery in there also, but even the simplest sat, with say nothing but a probe core and a Comm32, seems to need a LOT of battery to make it thru dark-side passes... So I think it would REALLY be pushing realistic boundaries to try to stuff large battery storage into a "service module" as I've described above... For example, my basic low-to-mid SOI comm sats are usually 10 parts total... I would weld them with UbioZur, but most of the parts are things that should NOT be welded together with that mod...
I also looked thru parameters for setting up or editing Activity Streams again... I also looked thru my Profile/Account settings, and i dont see any way to ignore, or remove specific forums from any Activity Stream... I dont know about others, but I'm getting a little bugged by all the (to me), senseless posts from the Lounge and Forum Games, cluttering up an already difficult to read page (Unread Threads - Activity Stream)... Especially since I cannot seem to effectively ignore or block the most active users there... If I "Follow" a whole forum, and then have an Activity Stream set for ONLY things I follow, would that only show me forums I choose?... If I follow a whole forum, would I end up getting tons of notifications? OMG! On a side note, browsing the IPS site directly, I just came across this wonderful, simple tidbit. (And before any of you post that "Duh!, you didnt know that?!?!"... I think there has been enough discussion about it already, and i dont believe anyone has posted this:
[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]
Stone Blue replied to nightingale's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
^^ I've thought about making a Pack for something else, way-back when Nighingale first created the Configurator... But I dont think i can handle much more of a learning curve, and especailly planning out such an involved "mod"... I have several other part mod ideas in mind, and between trying to learn how to model (Blender/Wings 3D/Unity/GIMP), animate, write simple .cfg files, and ModuleManager syntax, AND I dont even know ANY programming yet, and a host of other things I need to learn, unfortunately, I think putting together a contract pack is low on my list- 5,225 replies
[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]
Stone Blue replied to nightingale's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but with the new "aqua"-model introduced in 1.0.5, and the beginnings of sub-surface oceanic gameplay and mods popping up... SOMEONE has to get a Submarine & Underwater Base Contract Pack started....Pleeze? ... EDIT: OK, so I should have checked first, but I didnt realise so many new Packs have sprung up, and I see the Maritime Contract Pack... Well, hopefully that will get expanded, or someone could STILL do a separate, more-subsurface oriented Pack?... lol I'm just thinking with more contracts available for sub-surface OPERATIONS, it will encourage more sub-surface MODS...- 5,225 replies
^^ Sorry... I love cheesy analogies...AND I am a car guy... lol
^^ This thread is so old, and had soooo many changes to the mods, and soooo many community fixes made... It would be kewl if the OP was ever updated, reorganized, and more clearly labeled and laid out... (An example that bugs my OCD is how HOME 3 filename and link is still labeled as HOME 2...)... But its still awesome these mods have lasted...They are ALL great mods!
SO I notice ignoring a user does NOT work on the Activity Streams... Is that a bug, or not an included feature?
Yes, well, I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but a LOT of that should have been done & figured out BEFORE a full public roll-out... I feel like I've gone to a car dealership, and the salesman sold me a new, 2015 $50k sportscar, that drives like an electric scooter chair, and the body is all shaped out of cardboard boxes... Salesman says "We had to get SOMETHING basic out by the start of the model year, so this is it... but dont worry, our engineers are still working on adding an upgraded V8, turbocharged motor to replace the 12HP electric motor...Oh, and the pedal brakes will be upgraded to 16" Brembo calipers once we figure out how to get them to fit the new 26" lowprofile rims we are planning to replace the 12" Mini Cooper wheels on there now... Oh, and the cardboard box body will be replaced once our designers are finished with designing the new aerodynamic carbon fiber panels, and after our machine operators learn how to use the molding machines.... But dont worry, you'll LOVE the in-dash social media connectivity we added... You'll be able to share EVERY moment, and every time you pass gas, and pick your nose, and sing at the top of your lungs, INSTANTLY, with ALL your online friends while driving this beauty... "
^^ Thanx BUNCHES!!!
WELL???!?!??...Was the burn sufficient?
Over 2km/s velocity dropped...Still dropping... So, I'm waiting to see the blue orbit line connect.... Does that mean its A/P has dropped enough?...lol
Shot in the dark, but you could try removing Tarsier to see if thats it...???
2 mins...