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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Shuttle-Saturn Part 2: Electric Boogaloo Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Target landing site located. Um... Jeb? Jeb. Jeb! We're missing the landing site! May have cheated a tiny bit to get to the landing site... Just a tiny bit... like 50 to 100 m/s of cheating... Didn't make the same mistake twice though! Group photo! Whoops! Almost forgot to plant a flag! "Jeb, you did push 'undock' right? and not the button right next to it that said decouple, right? Jeb.... answer me, Jeb." So, be careful when time warping... literally time warped INTO reentry. IDK how the pod survived... Bonus image: (So I forgot to set the command pod to autonomous mode... had to cheat up a little probe. )
  2. Shuttle-Saturn Part 1. (Ran out of time to finish the mission.) Will Jeb and his four friends make it the Mun's surface? Will Bob stop freaking out about their snack supplies? Will Valentina ever get the chance to do a sick backflip off the LM? Find out next time, on Kerbin Ball Z! Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet The Flat Kerbin Society will claim these next two photos are fake CGI renders. I assure you, they are not.
  3. @Rodger The Super Wide SLA fairing bases don't appear when you type Apollo in the search. I suspect they are missing the Apollo tag. Also, I know the Extra folder doesn't get touched really, but would it be possible to get the Fuel Cell extra fixed? Gemini and Apollo don't use the Hydrogen/Oxygen fuel when you select the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel cell option.
  4. You want to download the main branch, not the release branch. Go to Oranges forum page. Click on the Github link. Click on "< > code" Hit the green dropdown "< > code" button. Download zip.
  5. BFR. Big Fat Rocket. But replacing Fat... Also, Cobalt has said that they may do the big Nova for KSP2... though... lets not talk about that. Also also, iirc, Cobalt did express that he liked my version of the C-8. Perhaps we could bully, eh I mean persuade him to do my C-8 has the official BDB C-8. Though, my C-8 is basically just the c-8 from the c-8 wikipedia page.
  6. It is the mount from ORANGES, not SOCK. As for the adapter, it is from ORANGES as well. All parts are from ORANGES, Rocket Motor Menagerie, BDB or Photon Corp.
  7. Gemini XX lands on the Mun! Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Due to accidentally getting into a high orbit... Gemini Lander didn't have enough fuel to get to the desired orbit... so Jeb jumps out and goes for a fly with his pack.
  8. I made the ugly "Nova" rocket... In the words of the great Alucard, abridged version... "I'm not apologizing." Head-canon: This is C-8 Block 1. Too much thrust tbh. 2.x TWR at launch... yeah, it would probably go supersonic on the pad if the first stage wasn't carrying the weight of the other stages. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  9. Something like this? Or were you thinking more along the lines of a separate launch for the S-IVC? Honestly, not a fan of this...
  10. Here it is. The Skylab C-8 launch. It was... a huge success! I used Apollo to get Skylab into a roughly ~200km by ~1,000,000km (I didn't want to run out of fuel with Apollo) and not have a way to get the crew home.) Later missions could lower it further. This is a huge album, so please see the link for the complete album! Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  11. I needed something to slow the Skylab down. I think it would have been more cursed if I used S-II for that lol Not trying to do wet workshop. Of course wet workshop can do it. We, or at least I, want to know if it can do it with the all nat tru rall Skylab. Edit: Oh, wait. Did you think I launched the Apollo and Telescope like that? Nah nah nah. The telescope was deployed once Skylab was in orbit around Kerbin and the Apollo launched and met with Skylab on a separate launch before the duo TMI'd (TLI'd) together.
  12. I dont play in career/science, only Sandbox. So no funds lol The fairings are the standard SLA petals. You can't make em longer. I just thought it would fit... perhaps with baby Centaur, but I want to use full size Centaur. Saturn C-8 is useful for Duna and other deep space missions. Though, I will admit, my C-8 is grossly overpowered. The first stage lasts from ground to damn near atmo exit. Also, I'll say it again. For context, the left one is C-8, the right one is my own C-8B
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