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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Hmmm. So, it was just a test article with no service module or launch vehicle drawn up? Hmmm. @Pappystein You're a plethora of knowledge. Anything in your vault about Big VA?
  2. What was the spacecraft/Service module and launch vehicle for the Big-VA? Was it just TKS with an adapter on top of a Proton like normal?
  3. Nicely done. Now do a runway landing after a flight. BTW, Cobalt, still waiting for the white variant.
  4. I already updated, no luck. Hmmm. Yeah, I have a lot of IVA mods, so no idea which one it could be. RPM - Which we ruled out ASET DE IVA Extention MOARdV
  5. RPM is stopping the H/O fuel cell from working?.... That is weird... Got a fix for it? Besides deleting RPM?
  6. Ah, gotcha. This is annoying, the fuel cells used to work, but not now, and IDK why. Maybe a mod conflict? But I wouldn't know which two or three are fighting each other...
  7. Yeah, deleting the water producing module did nothing. Hmmm... Looking at the log it says "!TacLifeSupport." I don't have Tac, does that have something to do with it?
  8. Hmmm. I think I might know what's wrong. The H/O fuel cells produce water, but the patch does not add a water container for the water to go into. Maybe because of this the patch defaults to mono prop unless the player has a mod that adds water, such as a life support mod? Perhaps the patch should be altered to remove the water unless an LS mod is installed, or at the very least, add a water container to the modules that can hold all the water the fuel cells will produce. I'm going to remove the water sections from the config files and see if that helps. Also, thanks for pointing out the AltApollo oopsy.
  9. Saturn I, but with Thor tanks instead of Redstone and Juno/Jupiter. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Edit: Btw, found this: SASSTO (astronautix.com) @CobaltWolf Where's our SSTO Saturn? Hmmm?
  10. @Rodger Yeah, it still uses monoprop even when I have the H/O selected. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2t3t6ex5oker7xrgjd7nj/KSP-Logs.rar?rlkey=5nierlqhg87kgzg93dnvcrb1x&st=ja7ds8m4&dl=0
  11. Kericer, I don't need boosters. Yeah, idk how I survived. I panick staged. That umbilical release takes so long. Probably should have hit the abort to get it to instantly detach. Also, thanks for giving me like.... 12 of the 15 notifications I logged into. Jeez.
  12. It still consumed monoprop. I'll do a test run with Apollo and Gemini tomorrow and send you the logs if you need them.
  13. Shuttle-Saturn Part 2: Electric Boogaloo Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Target landing site located. Um... Jeb? Jeb. Jeb! We're missing the landing site! May have cheated a tiny bit to get to the landing site... Just a tiny bit... like 50 to 100 m/s of cheating... Didn't make the same mistake twice though! Group photo! Whoops! Almost forgot to plant a flag! "Jeb, you did push 'undock' right? and not the button right next to it that said decouple, right? Jeb.... answer me, Jeb." So, be careful when time warping... literally time warped INTO reentry. IDK how the pod survived... Bonus image: (So I forgot to set the command pod to autonomous mode... had to cheat up a little probe. )
  14. Shuttle-Saturn Part 1. (Ran out of time to finish the mission.) Will Jeb and his four friends make it the Mun's surface? Will Bob stop freaking out about their snack supplies? Will Valentina ever get the chance to do a sick backflip off the LM? Find out next time, on Kerbin Ball Z! Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet The Flat Kerbin Society will claim these next two photos are fake CGI renders. I assure you, they are not.
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