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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. The sub-assembly system does not 'weld' your parts together. They are still all there separate part. Meaning that if you did not strut them, it will most likely wiggle and wobble. The sub-assembly system only saves parts, it doesn't make them one giant part. There is a plugin that will weld your parts together to make one part. It saves ram and cpu usage, but it has not been worked on since .21 I believe. Don't quote me on that. I haven't seen it since .21 so I'm assuming it's not been worked on. I could have just missed it. Anyway, if this is just a question and not an add-on development thread such as a WIP, Development Thread, or Planning Thread, this should not be posted in this part of the forums. It belongs in General KSP: Gameplay Questions and Tutorials forum, or the Development and Support: Support and Bugs forum. If this is just a question, you need to ask the mods to move it. If it is a legitimate development thread for a plugin, then you need to edit the first post and the title to say that.
  2. First release is up!

  3. Oh, on another note, NOVA 34(the first link in the fourth post) is going to be two different kinds. NOVA 34 to 2.5 meter and then NOVA 34 with it's own payload. NOVA 34 to 2.5 meter is an SSTO Rocket. So, question time. Would you want it mathed out to how much fuel it can have, or would you want it to be able to get into orbit and even to other planets period? Vote now! Sorry, I'll remember that in the future. Okay, It's finally here! The test release for the Saturn-nova Stage one!
  4. We're trying to get the unity work done, but we have run into some problems. Please stay with us while we work through these problems. While you wait, here is some lovely elevator music.
  5. Hey, can you get on Skype?

  6. Added progress to the first post. Added Poll for the first link of proposal rockets. http://imgur.com/a/UwnoU#0 The screenshots I promised. I think Jeb likes the boosters way to much lol And guys, it says which TWO rockets would you like to see in the game. I'm only going to make two, but if this voting keeps up, I'll feel I'll have to make all of them lol Two new images in the new gallery showing how the rocket stacks up. One more stage to model, and then it's on to the custom command module. The last two stages will be nucs so that it will be able to get to Duna with no problem. Also, we'll release a liquid fueled stage four and five for just mun missions. This puppy should get to the moon no problem. Updated the progress section of the first post. That is not a type by the way, we are making an elven man pod. We're going to try and stuff them inside the command module which is supposed to be 2.5 meters, but might be on it's own scale. Also, I'm taking ideas for the 6 to 7 man pod. Anyone got any ideas? An update: Stage one is complete, and it has a texture. But the main model is not textured. We got the first model for it textured and done. It needs unity work, but is pretty much ready for release. Now, here's a question for you guys. Do you want the readied model now, so that you can test it out and point out bugs to us and stuff so we can get the main model perfect for release? Or, would you rather wait for the main model to be finished and released?
  7. To continue this list to make a ten meter pod for future reference if I do decide to make one lol 5 = 6.650 6 = 8.25 7 = 9.5 8 = 10.75 May I see some work please?
  8. I had a thought to make a monsterous ten meter engine! MuHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *Pushes the big red button.* Wait... the engines upside down... abort abort aboooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... *Pushes Kerbal into the sun*
  9. Blender to KSP .5 = .650 1 = 1.25 2 = 2.5 3 = 3.75 4 = 5 Yeah, four comes out to five. I might make it bigger then to make sure the command pod is 2.5
  10. Okay, adding you, what do you want to do? Also, send me a pm with your Skype, and also send it to Khaoscorp so we can all communicate. Lol at ninja'd
  11. Would you like to be on the team? Jupiter series? Never heard of that one. Do you have a pic for me?
  12. Thanks, I'll keep you in mind. - Talisar I've forgotten lol. I think it's either 5, 6, or 7. I'll check Blender. *Checks* It's a four radius which means it will be 4.5(4.75??) in ksp. The second stage I plan on it being 3. Then the third stage will slightly bigger then 2 meters, maybe 2.75 meters. I'll work out the numbers as I go lol, I'm making the sizes by eye so, it's a wait and see what happens sort of deal. - Captain Sierra. Also, just public info here, I'm going to make the other proposed Nova Rockets as well, seen here. http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/n/novamm.gif -Martin Marietta Basic Degsins http://www.buildtheenterprise.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/nova-heavy-lifter-rockets-v3.png - Martin Marietta Advanced Designs http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/n/novammgd.gif - General Dynamics http://www.zentastic.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/nova-rockets.jpg - Douglas Studies. http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/n/novanasa.gif - Nasa http://www.aerospaceprojectsreview.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/extrapolation.jpg -Idk who proposed this but it has that old SciFi look to it so I might consider making this one as well I will not make ALL The designs, just the ones either that look good, or that KSP community wants. For now, it's the Saturn Style Nova seen in the first post. Planned Rockets and Models: Mars Excursion Module - We plan on using this as the lander in the bigger Nova Rockets seen in the proposed rockets in the fourth post. We know some one is already doing a Duna Excursion Mod, but we plan on still making this. http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/wiredscience/2012/10/mars-excursion-module.jpg http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/z/zmem69b.jpg A lander we might do, haven't truly decided yet. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Lander_Mars_Orbit_Image1.jpg Another lander, this one would be for cargo only. I was thinking for transporting Life Support items like food, water, oxygen and stuff like that. http://thespaceshow.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/mars-ferry-lander-with-writing-corrected-3-21-20121.jpg
  13. Thanks for joining me! Also, your inbox is full, so I can't ask for your Skype so we can share files.

  14. This is my first mod I'm working on. I'm trying to make the Nova Rocket, a proposed rocket that would have been made after Saturn. It's purpose was to send people to mars. There are multiple variants, I am going for the Saturn looking one, seen in this image. The current test release does not have the final model of the stage one! It does however have the texture that will be used. Download here: Version beta 0.0.1(TEST RELEASE): RAR File - http://www./download/o86y69axfnn9bi3/GameData.rar ZIP File - http://www./download/zf813wj8e25l2bm/GameData.zip Images: Preproduction Images: http://imgur.com/a/UwnoU#0 http://imgur.com/a/50SLy#0 Post production images:http://imgur.com/a/py9Jn#0 Licence: All rights reserved! Changelog: 1/25/2014 Version Beta 0.0.1: -Initial Release: Saturn-Nova Stage One Testbed If your interested in helping us, please tell me here, or pm me. If I missed any information, or if there is info that absolutely needs to be here, tell me! Development team: Creator/Modeler: GoldForest Unity/Modeler/Configs/place holder textures: Khaoscorp Modeler/Consultant/Textures: Camelotking524 Texture Artist: [Needed!] Progress: Stage One - Test Model Released! Final model awaiting textures. Stage One to Stage Two Decoupling Fairing -model complete, needs unity work and texture Stage One Reaction Wheel - Model Complete, needs unity work and texture. Stage Two - model complete, unity complete, has gimbal, needs gimbalthursttransform effect, needs a texture Stage Two to Stage Three Decoupling Fairing - Modeled, needs unity and texture Stage Three - Modeled, needs unity and texture Stage Three to Stage Four Decoupling Fairing - Modeled, need unity and texture Stage Four - modeled, needs unity and texture. Stage Four to Stage Five Decoupling Fairing - Modeled, needs unity and texture Stage Five - Modeled, needs unity and texture 11 Kerbal Command Module - partially modeled, n/a 6 or 7 man lander - on the drawing board
  15. He's said on multiple occasions that he will NOT add mod support.
  16. Could you work on a Nova Rocket after the Saturn V? Seen here. http://mix.msfc.nasa.gov/IMAGES/HIGH/9902050.jpg It was a proposed plan to take astronauts to mars. It's not said how many crew it would have held, but I believe it would have carried a crew of four based on the picture. It looks like the crew module is just a tad bit bigger then the Saturn V crew module. I am currently working on a mod which is based on it, but I have no moding experience and no experience with Unity. I've attempted and failed multiple times on getting the model to render, and be solid inside the game.
  17. Finally! I've been wanting a bigger hanger or VAB for a long time! Thank you!
  18. I've had no problem with MechJeb docking with the Agena, I made sure the guiding antenna is inline with the noch. Also, I found a bug, the docking cone for the Gemini appears in my propulsion tab and not the utility one. I have the lastest download too.
  19. Does "the tech that could have been" apply to nothing after 1976?
  20. Well the Saturn I is before 76, but okay. You haven't answered my question of the texture.
  21. Ah, okay. I thought it was released already lol My bad. Do you have any plans to make the Saturn I or V? Or even Ares? If you do make the Ares, are you going to make I, IV, and V? Or just I and V. Number IV is just the second stage of I on top of V, but what I mean is are you going to make an adaptor for make IV? Edit: Also, for the Gemini science station, are you going to put Air Force on it? Or Kerbal Force, or KAF?
  22. Hey Frizzank, I have the latest files and everything, but I don't have the Rescue G for some reason.
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