This is my first mod I'm working on. I'm trying to make the Nova Rocket, a proposed rocket that would have been made after Saturn. It's purpose was to send people to mars. There are multiple variants, I am going for the Saturn looking one, seen in this image. The current test release does not have the final model of the stage one! It does however have the texture that will be used. Download here: Version beta 0.0.1(TEST RELEASE): RAR File - http://www./download/o86y69axfnn9bi3/GameData.rar ZIP File - http://www./download/zf813wj8e25l2bm/ Images: Preproduction Images: Post production images: Licence: All rights reserved! Changelog: 1/25/2014 Version Beta 0.0.1: -Initial Release: Saturn-Nova Stage One Testbed If your interested in helping us, please tell me here, or pm me. If I missed any information, or if there is info that absolutely needs to be here, tell me! Development team: Creator/Modeler: GoldForest Unity/Modeler/Configs/place holder textures: Khaoscorp Modeler/Consultant/Textures: Camelotking524 Texture Artist: [Needed!] Progress: Stage One - Test Model Released! Final model awaiting textures. Stage One to Stage Two Decoupling Fairing -model complete, needs unity work and texture Stage One Reaction Wheel - Model Complete, needs unity work and texture. Stage Two - model complete, unity complete, has gimbal, needs gimbalthursttransform effect, needs a texture Stage Two to Stage Three Decoupling Fairing - Modeled, needs unity and texture Stage Three - Modeled, needs unity and texture Stage Three to Stage Four Decoupling Fairing - Modeled, need unity and texture Stage Four - modeled, needs unity and texture. Stage Four to Stage Five Decoupling Fairing - Modeled, needs unity and texture Stage Five - Modeled, needs unity and texture 11 Kerbal Command Module - partially modeled, n/a 6 or 7 man lander - on the drawing board