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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Frizzank, do you have plans for FASA after the Saturn V is complete, or are you going to take suggestions at the point? Also, are you working on your own Apollo capsule and service module? Denny's is fine and all, but the amount of detail that is modeled lags my computer a bit. I would like a capsule made by you because you use bump maps for details which is less stress on the computer.
  2. My point exactly!
  3. Has anyone else strapped four Saturn IBs on to the first stage of the Saturn V? I have and I have to tell you... it will go far!
  4. You doubled posted Cdodders, and the mods do not like that at all. You should have just edited the previous post.
  5. I smell a FASA 5.0 release coming!
  6. It's a saved ship Frizzank made before we had the Saturn V. It's meant to take the Saturn IB to the moon.
  7. lol I got confused four notices in.
  8. Still, post the same question on the EL thread. Fasa towers might not be compatible. Fasa towers, unlike the stock clamps, have a large base that extends a few feet into the ground, where as the stock clamps just have a flat plate they sit on.
  9. Are you using EL? You should probably ask the modder of that mod, since it sounds like it has to deal with EL, and not FASA, because the tower works fine on Kerbin.
  10. I like the look of the Delta II more than the Delta III. The Delta two is skinny wall the way up to the payload where is bulges out for the payload. As for the D III, it looks like a reverse rocket lol. And how can that tiny stage lift that giant stage when the SRBs are gone?
  11. For the MAC cannon, talk to InfiniteDice about implementation with his Skillful mod.
  12. Yes it is. I would love seeing that in KSP!
  13. There are problems, yes, but they would be sorted out.
  14. If we're going to make a ferry system to get to the ISS and back, I think the Ares I should be commissioned, or the liberty rocket.
  15. You never know.
  16. They wouldn't have made a Saturn 6, 7, or even 10. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They would have stuck with the Saturn V and just upgraded it. http://www.rocketryforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=44900&d=1301805090 That links shows the proposed additions to the Saturn V. I can see the Saturn V being used today if the Moon Missions wouldn't have been cancelled. The Space Shuttle might not have happened if we kept the Saturn V.
  17. Given that most of the proposals are blown out of proportion, it does make sense. The Nova is supposed to take a whole crew and equipment to Mars. So a bigger rocket is needed. Me personally, I think these Nova's are the most likely canidates: Martin Marietta: 14A and 34, http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/n/novamm.gif General Dynamics: Any of these desgins could come to life. http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/n/novammgd.gif Douglas Studies: Again, any design is likely to come to life, but I would like to see the OOST and ROOST more than any of the others. SSTO Rockets anyone? http://www.zentastic.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/nova-rockets.jpg Nasa: All these designs are good, but I'm more interested in the last two with the solid clusters. http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/n/novanasa.gif
  18. I've been working on a NOVA rocket but not in a while. College has taken priority. Little facts about NOVA: It was meant for single shot to the Moon, unlike the Saturn V orbital slingshot. After a few successful Moon missions, it was going to take Astronauts to the Mars. There are many Nova Desgins, including a Saturn - Nova mix. The third stage up of the Saturn would be placed on top of a longer wider stage two which would use 8 J-2 engines, then the main stage is 8 F-1s. 8! The Saturn Nova is based on the proposed C-8 launch vehicle. Though, I've seen two versions of the Saturn - NOVA. The first one I saw five stages with nothing but the CSM on top. It's first stage has 8 F-1s, the second stage has 4 engines, whether they are J-2s or F-1s I don't know. Then the rest of the stages are single engines, idk what engines. Then the second one is the C-8 proposal.
  19. Ditto! I always thought the Falcon was cool! Especially with its landing stages.
  20. What is the next phase? Edit: Nevermind lol. The crew can module, is it just going to be a rework of the crew module that can hold four kerbals?
  21. Hey Blackheart, are you going to make the lander, cargo delivery upper stage, and the interplanetary upper stage? Delivery and Interplanetary upper stages: http://seradata.com/SSI/wp-content/uploads/mt/flightglobalweb/blogs/hyperbola/SLS%20versions%20small.jpg
  22. Hey BlackHeart, I would be happy to make a few models for a custom SLS for this command module. I could make a single tank main stage like it's supposed to be.
  23. The Saturn V rocks! Too bad we don't have the three wire ejection system like on the real one. Hmmm. Maybe vanguard could make it, and Frizzank could just implement it into his rocket.
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