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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. I've thought about doing this. I actually thought about making the tank and just using the Mainsails, but that would mean the first stage would need to be 10.5 meters to fit all the mainsails. At 10.5 meters the whole rocket wouldn't fit in the VAB. The 1.25 engines are too small to create the thrust. I will give this more thought. For now, the rocket with be premade stages. And grid fins?
  2. A status update: 1) Khaos still has no internet, so no unity work is getting done. 2) We still need a texture artists 3) This project is not dead.
  3. That would be fine too. Denny has done great with LEM.
  4. I know you are joking, but I have a serious response to this. Denny has already made plans to make a Skylab. Whether Frizz will do one or not is all up to him. If he decides not to, I'm sure he'll make fairings and a decoupler to house it. If he does decide to make a Skylab, then woohoo!
  5. I'm not saying put files with the same names in one folder, I'm saying make all the model.mu's have all unique names.
  6. If your going to put all the .mu files in one folder, make sure they all have different names and not just all of them "model.mu." This will cause internal conflicts, since the config files don't know which model.mu file to call upon. So it would be good to have them custom named. EX: J2 engine.mu SRB9Segment.mu Mainsail.mu
  7. If you want a Nova, my mod is based on it. Though, I haven't gotten anything but a beta Stage one done. My unity person is in the process of moving and so he does not have internet.
  8. That was the idea I had, but I want the stands that NASA uses for there rockets. I don't want to make a jerry rigged stand that would look ugly.
  9. Hey Frizzank. Can you make stands for the rockets like at the NASA Kennedy Space Center? It would be neat to have your rockets lying around the KSC like if they were museum pieces.
  10. I want to use this so bad! This looks like a really great mod!!!
  11. Is that the first public release being uploaded!? Oh my god! *Keeps refreshing the page*
  12. Hey frizzank, how do you fly the shuttle? Every time I do my gravity turn, it flips head over heels.
  13. Added a zip file for those of you who use file systems that don't support RAR files.
  14. I detach it at around 10K when the atmosphere thins out a little. Any lower and you drop to almost nil speed.
  15. Hey guys, just an update. Firstly, this mod is not dead. Secondly, Khaos is currently in the process of moving and will be offline for a few days until he gets internet up in his new place, so no models or anything for now. Thirdly, we are thinking of redoing the Saturn-Nova models we have since they may not line up with the 2.5 command pod. Khaos says to just resize them, and I'm thinking of doing that, but if they we resize all the parts and the whole craft doesn't fit in the VAB, we may redo them. Or just tell you to go through the floor Fourthly, we still need a dedicated texture artist please!
  16. Hey Devo, can you do the roger young? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gJ8Z1XHowzQ/SZ4RwWmNMGI/AAAAAAAADXc/sgB11x1tlvw/s1600/Starship%252BTroopers%252BRoger%252BYoung.jpg I think that ship is the best ship out of all the sci-fi movies! It is one tough ship, surviving an asteroid impact, a whole battle with hull breaches all over, and it's highly maneuverable. In the movie, two ships crashed not five hundred meters in front of it and it was able to dive down under them, clearing the whole ship of the wreck. It would also be awesome if you could do the landers and escape pod it carries.
  17. Hey GDMick17, do you plan on doing any 3.75 parts?
  18. It wouldn't need to be over six meters. If the Apollo module is 2.5 then the first stage would come out to be about 5m Apollo- 2.5 S- IVB - 3.75 S-II - 5 S-IC - 5 (without the skirts and fins)
  19. I know, I'm just asking if he plans to do a Skylab after Saturn is done, or if he's not going to, or if he'll give it some thought. I would personally love to see Skylab made.
  20. Frizzank, now that your doing the Saturn, are you going to do a skylab?
  21. You don't need a plugin for that thanks to tweakables. He can just put all that stuff as tweakables.
  22. I know, I just added the fins and driver area, and window because I wanted to get created with it lol. Got carried away.
  23. http://i.imgur.com/VYPazSO.png A quick chassis I put together. It's a race car chassis lol.
  24. I haven't made chassis before, but I'm willing to give it a try.
  25. Your welcome. Also, if you need a modeler, I am one, so I can help you there. I can't texture really well though.
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