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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Helldiver, are you going to make a KSO 375(3.75M) after the super 25? Or are you going to do some more station parts to go with the Super 25? If you are doing another shuttle, do you have any plans on designs or is it still in the concept stages? If you are planning a bigger shuttle, may I suggest a x-33 design, the Armageddon movie design with SRBs on the top and a belly cargo bay instead of a top hatch cargo bay, this, or this
  2. I did some testing with the M1s. You can fit four of them on a 6.25 plate with a 7.75 to 6.25 fairing. You have to tilt the engines at least one click, but they all fit with little room between them. Idk if there's a way to tilt nodes. I used the failed docking port structural part to tilt them. To get the 6.25m tank use PP and PF for the fairing.
  3. Don't forget Mercury.
  4. I would love to see this mod in the game. I've always found the X-33 and those giant interstellar SSTO craft interesting.
  5. They are alternate engines. You can use M-1s if you want, but the official set up is the way I put it.
  6. Well, the second stage isn't supposed to be 4 f-1s on the C-8 Nova. It's supposed to go like this: CSM Lunar Lander 3.75 Stretched third stage tank J-2 6.25 Widened second stage 8 J-2s 7.5 widened first tank 8 F-1s I tested out this configuration with the modifications I made to the Nova Tank and the Mounting plate for the fuel they carry. It gets up to around 10 to 12K before the first stage cuts out, then I go to the eight J-2s. It loses speed like crazy, almost dropping below 100m/s, but it still manages to get into orbit. The second stage in fact still has fuel. I've only gone for 75k orbits because I don't want to push it and not be able to get into orbit.
  7. The Agena craft is easy to make. Agena docking port Agena probe - Attach 1 Agena Antenna where the indention below the RCS port Agena LF tank Agena Flight PAck Agena Rocket engine You can add fairings to the docking port and flight pack to make it look nicer, but I usually don't.
  8. Hey guys, for anyone who wants to know, I did the math for that the nova tanks should hold. For the Nova tank(which btw frizzank is .25Ms too big to conform to the # x 1.25 standard some modders follow. Not complaining, it's your mod, you make it the way you want. Just saying.), this is what you change the values to. I'll place the names of the files so they are easy to spot among the millions of other files lol File: LFT_J2Nova.cfg LF: 27900 O:34100 File: Str_S1b_PlateNova.cfg LF: 6975 O: 8525 The math I did was 7.75/5=1.55 then I just SVStageOneLF * 1.55 and SVStageOneMountingPlate * 1.55 Also, the Saturn V fins do great work of covering the clipping engines, and they look pretty good too.
  9. Hey Snjo! New part ideas for Firespitter!
  10. Okay, for some reason the new C-8 I made is actually flying with eight f-1s, so I must have done something to make it not lift up. But there's still the problem of the J-2s not giving enough thrust to keep the rocket going up.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_C-8 Both stage one and two are increased actually. So now its looking like the second stage is 6.25 and the first stage is 7.5....
  12. Actaully, yes they do need to be more powerful, or the weight needs to be nerfed.. Because instead of being five meters, the first and second stages are both 6.25Ms so the fuel adds a lot more weight.. Like I said, I tested a whole C-8 configuration and eight F-1s didn't even make the craft budge.
  13. lol. Might I suggest a multi nozzled Aerospike? So how are you going to get the C-8 to fly?
  14. A Frizzank style Aerospike would be interesting. Lol Ninja'd. Also Frizzank, I asked you a question in the first post of this page.
  15. That's partly what I meant by a new engine. Just use the F1 model and give the config a second part module. Same as the J2. There were multiple J2 expansion projects, well only three lol J-2S(This engine was also called the J-2X. Not to be confused with the J-2X of 2007+) J-2T: J-2T-200K J-2T-225K (The Ks stand for how much thrust in Ibs the engine gives out) The J-2Ts used aerospike nozzle designs. The 2007 J-2X is not the same engine as the Saturn J-2, it just uses the same name.
  16. Hey Frizzank, are you going to add the F-1a? Because the F-1s did not even budge the test model of the c-8 I made with Procedural parts and fairings. I had to use more powerful KW engines to lift it. Then when the first stage cut out, I went to the eight J-2s on the second stage, they didn't have enough powerful to keep sustained flight either. So the two solutions I see are: Make two new engines each with higher thrust Or You could probably just nerf the weight of the C-8 tanks. Either is fine with me. I just want it to be functional and beautiful. The tech stuff doesn't matter to me. lol You could make the whole rocket lighter tan a feather for all I care
  17. The Gooddog 1B.
  18. Lol That's how I imagine it.
  19. Lol, If you want to replace broken O-rings with motors that won't start every time you push the button.
  20. I already admitted my mistake. The odds still stand however. 1 < 200+ Failures < successes. I'd call that the safest SRB around don't you?
  21. I have. Nice subject change lol
  22. Oh yeah. my bad lol I forgot about that. So yeah, the SRBs still flew. It was just that one O-ring that ruptured. Because of cold weather. Kids, take a note. "If you are going to use O-rings in cold weather, you're going to have a bad time."
  23. The Shuttle SRBs didn't explode all the time. They only exploded once and that was because of cold weather and NASA going with a different company than they usually went with. The two companies made their SRBs differently. I'm not going to go indepth about this, but point is the Shuttle SRBs have been launched what? Over 200 times? And only one of them have exploded? (Only one of the challengers SRBs was faulty, the other one exploded because of the other explosions) One explosion vs 200+ safe launches? The numbers are looking good. They have been claimed to be the safest SRBs and were proposed to be used on Liberty along with another safe launch system. The Ariane 5 first stage I believe? Point is, the shuttle SRBs are as safe as a butter knife.
  24. I know. I was just putting it out there. I meant to put fictional craft as well, but forgot to put it in the sentence lol
  25. Just going to put this pic I found out there of a Jupiter III My god, look at that thing. It's HUGE. Hey Frizzank, you said you like to do the concept crafts as well as real ones right? Can we possibly get THAT in the mod? Or as a separate mod? Lol Just kidding, but my god, imagine what we could do with that thing? SHHHH! Don't tell Jeb!
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