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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. NEVERMIND! I accidentally deleted the Squad folders! Who knew the game wouldn't work without them!
  2. So, I've been having crashes with my modded install. I decided to try a clean install. I backed up the gamedata folder, the saves folder, the ships folder and the screenshot folder. After that, I deleted the entire modded install folder. The entire KSP folder. Then I verified my Steam Install before copy it over to my modded installs folder. After that, I copied all the backups back into the modded folder. I launch the game... and nothing. It gives me a black screen, no sound, nothing. It just stays on the black screen forever. I would really like some help with this, please. KSP log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1kzv2nlczpj0duob0f04p/KSP.log?rlkey=y7mrv3fkrjx6141iwtu32gmu3&dl=0 MM Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/49tttoqhi6gfeeu0un26j/h?rlkey=bo7947b8y8vnrj6t895t693r4&dl=0 Mods: All the log says is this: NEVERMIND! I'm an idiot! I accidentally deleted the Squad folders! Go figure that KSP wouldn't work without the Squad folders...
  3. This is really starting to annoy me... So, I was still having crashes here and there, so I decided to try and see if KSP needed a clean install. So I verify my Steam KSP and copy it to my modded install after backing up the gamedata, the saves, the ships and the screenshots. Now, KSP won't. It opens to a black screen and stays there. Just endless black... Here's the log:
  4. Forgot to mention that the crashes are so hard that they freeze my computer and can corrupt other applications. Edge becomes unresponsive sometimes. One crash was so hard it made my computer go into one monitor mode. I had to restart my PC to get the main monitor back up.
  5. Yeah, I was going to launch the Spacelab section into space and then just cheat the modules to it and rebuild it. I'm not going to build the whole thing in the VAB. Man, I'm just having bad luck with these stations of mine, aren't I? First Supermodule caused problems, now CRV causes problems... Maybe I should finally return to Mir and finish it off...
  6. So, I haven't posted in a while, and that's been due to an issue I'm having with Spacelab ISS. It keeps crashing my KSP. At first I thought it was RAM limit, but after firing up the same install on my desktop which has twice the ram as my laptop, it still crashes. The problem started after I installed the crew return vehicle, so I think that's the problem. I have no way to rectify the problem. I'm not confident enough to save file edit out all the parts associated with the CRV. So... that leaves me one option. I'm going have to relaunch the entire Spacelab ISS. This is going to be fun...
  7. Weird, it should be in the extras folder. Are you copying the extra folder and not the items inside the folder, right? Because they won't work due to folder structure requirement if you don't have the "BDB Extras" folder.
  8. @Pappystein Reached ~350 X ~350 orbit at 51.60 degrees with plenty of fuel to spare. Mess around a bit and got it into a further ~90.69 Mm X ~90.69 Mm orbit at 128.209 degrees. (Yes, I put it into a retrograde orbit. It was just for fun.) Also, yes, I launched it like a Titan with SRBs only at launch, then the F-1AV 10 seconds before cutoff. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  9. Also, yeah, I wanted to use the small DCSS, but wanted to make sure it had the power, so slapped all four SRBs on. It also doesn't use Delta IV engines, for either stage. I wonder if anyone has noticed that.
  10. I needed something small and solid, but powerful. Nothing fit the bill, so I figured, why not small, and numbersome. Also, yes, the CRV is from Habtech. IDK when Benjee released it.
  11. Crew return vehicle. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  12. Starship's comes with its own nose cone which is also a fuel tank. It's called "Starship Header Tank"
  13. Spektr docked to SpaceLab ISS. Crew Return Vehicle is next. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  14. Bishop airlock docked. Also, there are two things different about this Delta IV, anyone care to spot them? Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet . Also, SpaceLab ISS is almost complete. I've got one module planned for the Russian segment, two or three PMAs, iROSA and the Crew Return Vehicle.
  15. US habitation module docked. And yes, the BOLEs don't have any effects... IDK why. Will tell Benjee about it later. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  16. Node 4 docked. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  17. I too would like to know a little more about the ULV. All I can find is one picture showing it next to the space shuttle and that ULV means Unmanned Launch Vehicle.
  18. BEAM docked. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  19. Research Module 1 launched and docked! KSP crashed, but I'll be adding RM 2 as well, but I won't post pics of it. Basically the same sequence. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  20. Idk, what do you think? Let's see... @Zarbon44 care to grace us with Buran?
  21. Skylab Power Tower docked. Why am I using the Skylab power tower instead of kitbashing a SPM?... To avoid robotics... Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  22. The Centrifuge Module from the original plans is docked! And yes, I did use Ares I. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
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