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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Polyus-like launch of a Space Shuttle Mol Station. Sorry for the long hiatus. After the destruction of SISS 2 thanks to unfixable Kraken attacks, I lost motivation for KSP for a while. I'm back in it with much tamer projects. Armageddon Mir station is still going to happen, but I've got other interests at the moment. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  2. So, decided to do a Surveyor mission with the original Saturn I.... it ended with a new crater on the Dark Side of the Mun... Also experimented with TUFX profiles for a few shots. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  3. That was fast. Dang So... you basically made a 2.5m Delta Heavy... but with regular sized ICPS.... So... Delta III Heavy? Cursed.
  4. I bet that thing can get from the Mun to Kerbin orbit. Would make one hell of a rescue mission. Heh, have a MOOSE waiting for the Kerbal around Kerbin.
  5. Also, the orbiter never went into a circular. It remained in a highly elliptical orbit. Had an AP of like ~56,000 KM and a PG of ~320 KM.
  6. Like I said, I'm more interested in the other stuff, like short fat agena, space tug agena and shuttle agena solar panels.
  7. Hmm. From what I can tell, 8247 used a short nozzle and not a extended nozzle. I'm also more talking about the other hardware, like fat and short Agena along with the shuttle agena solar panel. Plus the tug hardware.
  8. Shuttle/Agena study. Volume 2, part 1: Program requirements, conclusions, recommendations - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Shuttle/Agena study. Volume 2, part 2: Agena tug configurations, Shuttle/Agena interface, performance, safety, cost - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19720013176.pdf (nasa.gov) 19720013177.pdf (nasa.gov) Shuttle Agena. Surprised it's not in game. It uses a new model of the 8XXX engine called the 8247. There are also various models including a short and fat Agena. Solar panels would be attached to a tug version. Lots of stuff. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  9. Lol. Well, you always say your copy and pasting configs, so I figured this time was no different. No problem. And ah, I didn't know.
  10. Early access VIKING... orbiter. Yay! I, still, suck at doing planetary transfers, so a little cheating was utilized to get Viking Orbiter around Duna. Also, I know this is super early and the configs are very copy paste, but a few things I noted. Please ignore if these are known issues: Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  11. I couldn't find anything on Quill besides an artist rendition of it in orbit plus the picture I have embedded. I didn't know it was supposed to have a fairing. Probably best thing to do would be to have an interstage procedural fairing covering the SAR. The foil is only apart of the Seasat texture afaik. Seems you have a glitched texture.
  12. Found a satellite called Quill and decided to make it via Kitbash. Surprised it isn't in BDB since it's super simple to make. It's just a SAR bolted to the side of a Keyhole Agena. @Invaderchaos Since you're the probe make for BDB, would it be possible to get actual Quill parts? Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  13. Some Helios pics. Btw: @CobaltWolf @Zorg @Invaderchaos Feel free to save any of my photos and use them in your release album, if you want. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  14. Like I promised, Saturn Delta. A Saturn in the shape of a Delta II. Note: The dot in front of Kerbol in the last pic is Moho. Edit: Oh yeah, the payload is 11 Tons. The core stage still had half its delta V upon reaching a 100km x 100km 0 degree orbit. After lighting the engines again and after the second stage ran out, the 11 ton payload was out past the orbit of Eeloo. Keep in mind this is just a transfer orbit, not circularization burn as it was out of fuel. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  15. Some Surveyor Orbiter love. Next launch will be a... well... I'll let the name of the vehicle give you the imagination. Saturn-Delta. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  16. Minuteman LFUS (Liquid Fueled Upper Stage). I couldn't find any information on the LFUS for the Minuteman, but Agena, Ablestar and Delta-Ablestar all fit on top, so I went with the big boy. The Lunar Orbiter was just a fun dummy payload to put on it. Obviously, this doesn't have the power to get to the Mun. And I'm sure @Pappystein has a paper or two laying around about the LFUS, or at the very least proposed concepts for LFUS. Disclaimer: I made up the acronym LFUS just so I could shorthand it. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  17. Minuteman IA/IB kitbash. Because Cobalt is too stubborn to finish off the family. JK! I call it a Minuteman IA and IB kitbash because MM IA and IB were practically the same vehicle. The only difference was the main stage on the IB was an E1 variant instead of an A1 variant. I personally don't know what the difference is between them, but I'm sure it's avionics or a different style of grain used for the solid fuel, or something like that. I'm sure @Pappystein will enlighten us all with the correct information. Walking Wikipedia they are. I guess this could also be considered a Minuteman II Kitbash, as well as a MSLS-A and OSP-TLV Kitbash. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  18. Kepler Tax! Launched during a Solar Eclipse too! Makes everything dark as heck, but I think it adds a special kind of aesthetic. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  19. @CobaltWolf Any plans to make the M-57A1 upper stage of the Minotaur family so we could make Minotaur I and II?
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