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Everything posted by dbmorpher

  1. I don't know if this is included but can you make it so when you collect science it doesn't override but instead sends it to the part? Anyways the mod looks great, installing.
  2. What I don't get is why you used Proc Fairings and didn't use a Nosecone.
  3. I scoop up all your debris, build a Jeager and stomp on your hill. My stomped hill
  4. Bring in Lawyers that stall you in court allowing me to take the hill My hill.
  5. How about pressing random buttons and activating random stages?
  6. Me and super start a slave rebellion Our spot.
  7. Funnier deconstruction of a popular series/genre
  8. I cancel your show due to not being funny and you go bankrupt My spot
  9. Maybe decreased control? Throttle doesn't work as well, rcs is fires weird, venting of resources.
  10. Well if you play ksp enough you normally get a generalization of orbital speeds especially for kerbin. It is about 2500 m/s. If you are going that fast and your altitude is not changing rapidly you should be fine. But if you want information IVA you should really get Raster Prop Monitor
  11. If we are going to start Asteroid or Moon mining, not now but in the near future, I could see a resurgence of shuttle-type craft for transporting resources to earth.
  12. Alright but try aligning it properly without symmetry tools
  13. I have a problem where if I press tab nothing happens. I don't know if this is because I have editor extentions which also uses tab. I know I installed it because it says Chase Cam Mode Activated whenever I crash. I love your mods and I really want to use this one, any ideas?
  14. In the scoring section it states that any inline decoupler decreases your score tremendously. This challenge is about building more than anything, it's to see who can build the best ship without using the keyboard or any helping tools while building your rocket.
  15. I think to make it fair it should be stock parts only but that doesn't mean you have to uninstall KW.
  16. Hi everybody, I'm sure that everybody reading this knows about the different tools available in the VAB. Everyone here has used symmetry or snapping before. My challenge therefore is to use NONA DAT. Rules No symmetry No angular snap (the icon must be on the circle not the octogon) No editor extensions or similar mods No part mods to be used (gameplay mods such as engineer and mechjeb allowed) Scoring +10 for getting out of the atmosphere +15 for reaching kerbin orbit +20 for spaceplane +25 for having the kerbal inside recovered *10x where x is the number of other planetary bodies landed on /5z where z is the number of parts stacked vertically There will be a stock physics and FAR/NEAR leaderboard Stock Drag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FAR/NEAR Drag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
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