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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Omaha 024008022024 024408022024
  2. Floor 5493: cure for upset stomachs caused by possible food poisoning 015708022024
  3. @AlamoVampire kitty looks at you with concern as you groan from feeling sick and tries to ban your upset stomach so you feel better. 015508022024
  4. Serenity rarely comes often to gentle people. New: Simiiformes 015108022024
  5. Floor 5491: inconvenience, paperwork, red tape, and delays 183108012024
  6. @AlamoVampire kitty is snoozing but bans the non existent ghost to the banned book buried deep in forgotten stacks. 182908012024
  7. Floor 5489: a place to nap with kittens 153508012024
  8. Floor 5487: a pushback tug. a pushback tug hooked to a KLM777 135108012024
  9. Banned for making kitty chase said book. She was napping. 134908012024
  10. No need to corrupt this, corrupts it better than I could. superpower: control over time itself (think Geras/Liu Kang on mk11/1) 110608012024
  11. @AlamoVampire kitty suddenly turns and hisses at a twitching forbidden book seems to move. 105208012024 new page
  12. This bucket and its purreels take the stage again and see accessory buckets in the audience. 041008012024
  13. Correct. They are not here right now. @GFaulkner will not be next 040708012024
  14. 5/10 seen you a bit in games 040608012024
  15. It becomes Bathysphaera intacta why does the world inconvenience me so much? 040508012024
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