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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Banned for banning me when im a spokesvampire for kitty. 191307182024
  2. To all who visit: Hi! Have a look around and then have a nice (your time of day)! Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Potato aliens communication arrays are enabling a fair, friendly, caring, gentle conversation, and respectable discourse divested from raucous, rowdy, and 095907182024 new page!
  4. @AlamoVampire kitty wonders when the banned fiction book wil…. 211607172024
  5. Gotta give the original (earliest i can find) creator of the quote their due: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” by George Santayana, a Spanish-American philosopher born in 1863. and hooboy are screaming towards a replay of history… 072307172024
  6. @AlamoVampire kitty looks around at something. Shes unsure at what drew her attention. She bans what ever phantasm she imagined back to the depths of the forgotten. 063207172024
  7. Potato aliens communication arrays are enabling a fair, friendly, caring, gentle conversation, and respectable discourse divested from raucous, rowdy, 061607172024
  8. Oh my it seems if I must traditionally ban you for once again not honoring the declaration tradition. banned. 061307172024 new page declared!
  9. Given some of the discourse ive seen here lately and current real world stuff this clip feels more prescient and needed 012507172024
  10. Floor 5358: a singular 1 gram copper bb floating in thin air 000207172024
  11. Floor 5356: Ragnar Lothbrok standing watch 233207162024
  12. Floor 5354: Floki standing watch 224407162024
  13. @AlamoVampire kitty says banned spirit in banned fiction book is banned back to its imagination 224207162024
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