The more I think about the “new look” the more I come to hate it. Before I get to the why of the prior sentence and then the question it causes I give all of you a bowl of salt to take your pinch from. What follows is my opinion. Ok the why: icons on our avatars. Some folk put effort into custom drawing them or taking screen shots for them and slapping an icon on them to me is shameful. Condensing our rep to “X.Xk” takes away from knowing precisely how much you have. May be trivial to some and less so to others. I giggled whole heartedly when I had 666 rep and took a screen shot, and then again 111 rep later at 777. Or the excitement of watching your rep reach for a specific number like 100 or 1000 or maybe 10,000. Then you have stats showing how many community questions you have answered . Why? No really why? Then you have points until you “rank up”! Rather distasteful to me in my opinion. I dont think we should be leveling up on a forum, but thats just me. Normally I could not care less about an update to the forums but this one rubbed me wrong. Now my question: Not only is there a way to toggle the icons off as a choice by each user but can we get an option to either revert to the prior version (so that not only do we see our profile that way but others will as well) at our discretion or can get options to toggle what stats show and HOW they show to everyone?
edit: just my opinion, yours may differ. I just honestly do not like this new update.