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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. @rebel-1 in that case im going to have to disagree with you and say with 100% confidence that you are incorrect about it being delayed in such a manner. I am an AV geek that uses flightradar24 nearly everyday (free version) to see what is flying around my location. I live on an approach/departure path for an international airport as well as a major USAF flight training base and can confirm that the aircraft that it (FR24 using an abbreviation cuz y not) says will pass any location I am at will be that exact aircraft. Again, I have tracked and photographed highly specific aircraft that cannot be mistaken for other aircraft in an airlines fleet. This aircraft, a Boeing 737-800 registration N915NN is a SINGULAR version of this livery. It is 1 of 1. Ive tracked this aircraft coming to my city on 5 distinct occasions and successfully photographed it. A feat made possible by accurate position reporting via FR24 and even Flightaware. If it (FR24) was on a delay as you insist then plane spotters such as myself would be incapable of imaging specific aircraft on limited time frames. Beyond that I say again, I have tracked flights with family members on them coming into my city. One prime example of FR24 being dead on accurate was a flight my father was on. I drew up a copy of his flights EXACT flight plan based off information found on 2 different sites that show planned routes. I drew up my copy of that flight plan using a program called Simbrief. It is a flight planning service we simpilots use to fly in MSFS. It is spot on accurate. Publicly available data and my own flight plan showed identical flight times, routing and approaches and runway for landing. However while his flight was enroute weather delayed the flight and the airport shut the targeted runway down and they required an alternate runway. I saw his flight change course slightly on FR24 to accommodate this change. Just as FR24 was showing me the flights position on approach, namely 60 seconds out, I started watching for his aircraft. And just as FR24 showed his aircraft should be crossing the fence of the airport an aircraft popped out of the clouds. The exact spot, the exact time and the EXACT AIRCRAFT. How do I know it was the correct aircraft? It was 130am and aside from 1 twin engine turbo prop his was the ONLY A321 landing or even close to the airport. That and just as his flight crew were turning off the runway i got a text saying he just landed and was taxiing to the gate. So 10 minute delay? Nope. 062407152024
  2. @AlamoVampire kitty says spirits that do not exist and cannot be verified to exist are banned to the fantasy book they are in. Science ftw 052607152024
  3. @AlamoVampire kitty says what ever those shimmies and shakes of the banned book mean in its fantasy land they are nothing more than empty gestures whose meaning is lost to factually verifiable reality, and that reality bans the banned book deeper into the stacks. 032907152024
  4. @AlamoVampire kitty wonders what all those shakes and shimmies from a banned fiction book mean 031107152024
  5. Banned because why not 010507152024
  6. @AlamoVampire dres exists says kitty. The spirit only exists in its banned book. 225107142024
  7. Floor 5330: a soft bunny munching away on some fresh greens 102907142024
  8. Didnt have much of an opinion on Simmons beyond the feeling he was way way over caffeinated. Dude seemed so unnaturally energetic and amped up. May he rest in peace. As for actress Shannen Doherty, I didnt follow much of her work and wasnt a fan of 90120, but she was fun to watch in Charmed. RIP to heras well. 102707142024
  9. Floor 5328: a beautiful, long, silky, shimmering, and elegant blue dress with matching blue heels await a fair maiden to claim them. 100407142024
  10. @AlamoVampire kitty can confirm the spirit doesnt know. Kitty bans the spirit back to its book and to the depth of forgotten tomes 100207142024
  11. Floor 5326: a list of fictional beings that appear to be trying to haunt from their fiction books 094907142024
  12. Kitty bans for failure to declare new page. Kitty suspects the spirit being stuck in its book knows not of the physical world and its adherence to tradition but kitty knows that the spirit knows its a fictional entity that only exists in its banned book. 0948071407142024 new page!
  13. Potato aliens communication arrays are enabling a fair, friendly, caring, gentle conversation, and respectable discourse divested from 083207142024
  14. @AlamoVampire kitty wonders what is like to be a fictional spirit in a fiction book banned to be never seen or checked out. 074707142024
  15. @rebel-1 the delay in when it says your free session expired or in showing where a flight is? Im thinking you mean the former as i use flightradar24 all the time and its accurate to a margin small enough that is negligible. I have tracked flights into and out of my home city by major carriers like American and Southwest. Ive tracked flights carrying my father into and out of my town with him confirming my observations. All that said ive 0 clue what delay you speak of. 074607142024
  16. @AlamoVampire kitty ponders if the spirit that does not exist and was banned back to its fiction book has discovered yet that it can only be deciphered, seen, noticed, heard, and considered only in a certain place with billion dollar tech and is otherwise immaterial as it is a fictional entity existing only in its book after all. then kitty says gimme scritches 072807142024
  17. Its a song that as i get older just cuts ever deeper. Also can we just admire the class of Peggy Lee in her vocal style? She did compose the lyrics while Sonny Burke composed the score. 051207142024
  18. Floor 5322: a sign: speculation is not evidence 033607142024
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