I watched the first two episodes of the acolyte and came away thinking: waste of money putting trinity (actress) into the show. And i was also thinking it felt more like fan fiction than a worthwhile addition. The sabers looked like they were bought at a disney park rather than being elegant weapons of a more civilized time. And in general it just feels like a blatant cash grab kinda like the obiwan series or the horrific mukbang that was the sequel trilogy… or the mess that mandalorian became post grogu going with Luke only to be forced back into the show negating season 1… Will i watch the rest of it? Yup. Do i hold out hope it will get better? Nope. I just kinda wanna watch it flounder out.
my opinion. Results may vary. Mileage may differ. Blah blah other disclaimers blah blah.
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Cars fine and it only lasted 3-4 seconds. When i opened my window at the window the smell was gone. Smelled like deep fried fish, from like fish and chips or fish sticks…. Was at a taco bell fwiw lol