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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. @AlamoVampirekitty starts a second patrol to find a viable ban target. She returns empty pawed. 032308172024 she slips out a prize! First to post on page 1357! Sweet kitty gives great treats! The treat of first post! 032408172024
  2. Floor 5653: a lonely, lonesome player finding lonely lonesomeness thats empty and devoid of contact. 020008172024
  3. @AlamoVampire asks kitty if she thinks a viable ban target will appear. Kitty meows her thought that while chasing the sounds around as she patrols is fun, she like you feels the emptiness she finds on patrols is lonely. She thinks sooner or later a viable ban target will show. 015908172024
  4. @AlamoVampire kitty begins her patrol seeking a viable target to ban. Her first patrol fails to locate a viable ban target. 014408172024
  5. Floor 5647: kitty playing with a ribbon 151408162024
  6. You are judged to be banned 151308162024
  7. @AlamoVampire just before retiring into the comfort of sleep decides to check to see if anyone has posted. @AlamoVampire confers with kitty to see if she sees anything. She indicates all clear, nothing ban viable in sight. She then makes biscuits and purrs as @AlamoVampire falls into restful slumber under kitty’s watchful, protective, and warm gaze. 052008162024
  8. Floor 5644: a kitten playing with a ball of yarn 051608162024 new page uh huh yup!
  9. Paranthropus, evolutionary successors to their ancestors 044808162024
  10. North little rock 044708162024
  11. @AlamoVampire kitty starts to lick your arm. She purrs gently as she does. You both look for something to ban and fail to find anything. 004208162024
  12. @AlamoVampire as kitty makes her biscuits and purrs upon your lap, you gently stroke her back. You quietly ask kitty if she sees anyone or anything to ban. She looks around as she makes biscuits. She suddenly stops purring and goes to see if anything appears so it can be banned. She locates an owl hooting softly in a neighbors tree but knows its a mouse hunter. She does not ban it. She returns to your lap. @AlamoVampire is happy to have kitty. @AlamoVampire knows kitty is a kind kitty and trusts her judgement. 000108162024
  13. Floor 5640: a warm hearth with a crackling fire, a well worn leather chair, and a table with well read tome by Charles Darwin. 235408152024
  14. @AlamoVampire watches kitty patrol her territory. Kitty searches and finds no viable target to ban. Kitty looks at @AlamoVampire and raises her tail to vertical and twitches the tip of her tail. She then leaps to @AlamoVampires lap and makes biscuits as she purrs loudly. Kitty regards @AlamoVampire with love and warmth. Kitty accepts @AlamoVampire as her safe person. 235208152024
  15. Floor 5638: jettisoned emotions 234008152024
  16. @AlamoVampire is discarded. @AlamoVampire is abandoned. @AlamoVampire has noone to ban. @AlamoVampireis not. @AlamoVampirewas not. @AlamoVampirecannot be. @AlamoVampire finds nothing to ban. @AlamoVampirewatches disregard come. 233808152024
  17. @AlamoVampire only has their kitty as company. @AlamoVampire feels alone, abandoned. @AlamoVampire cannot see or find a user to ban. @AlamoVampire wonders if this is what ban feels like? @AlamoVampire wonders when another player will come play. Is johnny five alive? 233308152024
  18. @AlamoVampire begins to think the kitty is going to run around to entertain him until he sees another forum user appear. @AlamoVampire feels that one day another player will join @AlamoVampire. Until then 232608152024
  19. @AlamoVampire is confused by the forum. @AlamoVampire sees no targets. @AlamoVampire plays with kitty and eats a snickerdoodle cookie 232008152024
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