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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. @AlamoVampire wonders why the forum chirps. @AlamoVampire finds no new ban target. @AlamoVampire plays with kitty. 231108152024 new page! Whee! Im first post on page 1356! 231208152024
  2. @AlamoVampire begins to wonder if he or kitty will find a viable ban target. Until one appears it will be a mystery 230808152024
  3. @AlamoVampire kitty stretches and looks around for anything that can be banned. She does not find any, she lays back down. 224708152024 230908152024
  4. Stuffed peppers. They are microwave versions from Stouffers. Not home made strictly speaking but I like them. Currently in microwave as I watch critical role c3e104. 221808152024
  5. Soon Ill be adding to my NASA Lego collection with the Artemis set. I have the Saturn V, 2 Apollo 11 Lunar Module sets, The ISS, and Shuttle Discovery. Im looking forward to adding it to my collection. I may catalogue the parts for the pad itself and scale up to build a pad for the Saturn V. 221308152024
  6. @Nuke then you accept you have no ownership. No control over your entertainment. That the version of your favorite movie can be irrevocably altered and distorted with no chance at seeing the version you prefer simply because the studio altered it. Or lose access altogether because the studio decided that the movie no longer is sociably acceptable. All in the name of wanting to watch on a screen on your fridge or shower or den? One of my all time favorite movies Lady and the Tramp has themes in it that today require warnings and disclaimers. IT IS A CHILDRENS MOVIE from 1955 set half a CENTURY PRIOR TO ITS RELEASE!!! The themes in it, in an ALL DIGITAL WORLD could see it altered beyond recognition. Oh wait they DID THAT in the live action remake. Imagine what can happen. What WILL happen when digital only becomes the ONLY way. Your choice to go digital only has a cost. A cost I refuse but you have accepted. I refuse to sacrifice ownership. I refuse. I now walk away after saying: Digital only is bad. Digital only revokes your control of what version you have and how long YOU have access. Its a cost that one day you will pay. We all will pay. Im done here. Said all I have to say. I will not return to this thread. 215008152024
  7. @Nuke the moment you are required to download your game or movie or book or music instead of having a physical copy you have given up your right to say you OWN that item. You have agreed to a rental in the long term. You no longer have the right in perpetuity to use that media. Take for example the movie Dogma. If you do not have a PHYSICAL copy of the movie you will NEVER be able to watch it. Why? Kevin Smith had the production of discs ended and all streaming access cut off. Its nearly impossible to watch now. I could right now pop my dvd in and watch it. Or how about the show iZombie. It will be leaving Netflix in under 1 month. Will it return? I do not know. Games are getting bigger? Who cares. Develop a physical medium capable of storing it. Why wont they? Because they want to control YOUR access to it. They want you to become complacent and accept the idea that you must pay for access. FSD is a PAID SUBSCRIPTION. One automotive company wanted to make controlling between brights and “dims” a SUBSCRIPTION. No. The line must be drawn. Here! No further! I am uncomfortable with not having complete control over my purchases. Do I have things that are 100% digital? Yup. Do I ACTUALLY own my copies of MSFS2020 and Elite Dangerous (just naming 2)? Nope. I am in a long term rental agreement subject to the whims of Microsoft/ASOBO for MSFS and Frontier for ED. My access to both will be removed some day. When? No idea but it WILL HAPPEN. You can make any excuse you want, try any justification you want as to why the direction things are headed is good, but you are 100% wrong and for 1 bloody basic reason: you have surrendered control and rights as an owner err renter. I want to retain my rights. Not sacrifice them on an arbitrary altar that the manufacturer tells me i should for some arbitrary reason. 203208152024
  8. @AlamoVampire kitty awakens from a nap to patrol her territory. She finds that there is not a viable target to ban as she is the only living thing in the area. Seeing nothing to ban she resumes her patrol. 192508152024
  9. Banned because i can 144508152024 231008152024
  10. Obstruction 141308152024
  11. You did ban vanamonde so you get banned 1409082024
  12. @AlamoVampirekitty lays down hoping that the morrow brings something or someone for her to ban. 044508152024
  13. @AlamoVampirekitty having bathed herself makes one last patrol to see if anything capable of being targeted for a ban appears. Kitty determines her territory is secure and nothing to be banned exists in her territory. She decides its bed time. 043908152024
  14. Paranthropus, evolutionary successors to their 040708152024
  15. Edmonton 040508152024
  16. @AlamoVampirekitty determines that there are no suitable targets to ban as she cannot ban herself. She decides a bath is in order and then its off to bed. Perhaps on the morrow she will locate a target that is suitable for banning. 040408152024
  17. @AlamoVampire kitty still fails to find anything or anyone to ban. 021708152024
  18. Inaccessible 021508152024
  19. @AlamoVampire kitty says she sees no user to ban. Kitty lays down. 235108142024
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