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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. As im about to go to bed i check my phone. 7 new spam calls. Total now at 368. 368… 101402112025 new page 101502112025 368… (spacing for after sleep)
  2. To help facilitate my fellow forum goers help, I am going to give you a build list for my 4th Generation Communications relay as well as a picture of it on orbit. Parts List will be listed in 2 ways, first will be from the antenna down, and then from the probe core out. I hope what follows makes sense to you guys. I think the picture should help understand the build. You can launch this to orbit using what ever launcher you wish. That is, if you deign to launch this thing or a few of them to see whats going on. I will also provide orbital parameters too, but, Im not sure how much they will help. Ok, Antenna down: RA-100 Relay Antenna Z-4K Rechargeable Battery Bank <stacked 4 times> Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit Gigantor XL Solar Array in 4x Symmetry on the RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large Z-4K Rechargeable Batter Bank <stacked 4 times> That is the top down build, from the antenna down. To build: Select the RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit, then place 1 each above and 1 below the RC-L01 Remote Guidance unit 2 Advanced Reaction Wheel Module Large. Next grab and place 1 Z-4K Rechargeable Battery Bank on either of your Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large, the starting battery location really makes no difference, but, you want to then copy said battery onto its self until you make a stack of 4, then do the same on the other Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large. Now grab a Gigantor XL Solar Array and turn on 4x symmetry. You want to place them onto the flat squares on the RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit. Finally, place the RA-100 Relay Antenna onto the top of the stack. Your final product should look like: This is what your final product should resemble if built correctly. This particular satellite that has given us its pretty picture is the 3rd one in the set of 4 that has the satellite that has drifted. This one in particular according to the tracking station appears to be in the same slot I put it in in the set of 4. Next image will be a closer in image of the core of the satellite showing the placement location of the Gigantor XL Solar Array in 4x symmetry. Just for clarity sake. I am sure my description of the flat squares was sufficient, but, clarity is clarity right? Ok, up next, its orbital parameters, taken again, from THIS satellite. All 4 share IDENTICAL periods with only minor variations of altitude across the whole of each orbit. As you see, it is in a 500.162km by 497.345km orbit, with a period of 1h, 4m, 10s. --------------------------------------- Satellite 2 is in a 500.201km by 497.220km orbit, with a period of 1h 4m 10s. ------------------------------------ Satellite 1 is in a 500.169km by 497.230km orbit with a period of 1h 4m 10s. ----------------------------------- Satellite 4 is in a 500.214km by 497.381km orbit with a period of 1h 4m 10s. As you see, they are all physically identical satellites in nearly IDENTICAL orbits with EXACTLY identical orbital periods as shown by each image. So, again, I ask, what could be causing the drifting as shown in the original images above in my OP? Someone claims floating point error, but, without an explanation of how this could affect this i am still at a loss. As I said, maths on this scale are not with in my wheelhouse. I can calculate an emergency glide slope or an equal time point for a 777-300ER easily enough, but, combining coding which is what floating point error sounds like and the maths required to explain this issue may as well be in sumerian cuneiform for all the clarity I have on combining the maths affecting these 4 satellites and what ever coding black magic floating points are. 043001112025
  3. Fiction turned blueprint. Scary stuff. 033502112025
  4. Does anyone know why 4 satellites with nearly identical orbits with identical orbital periods are drifting as shown above? The only thing I can figure is altitude is a factor but im recalling someone saying as long as periods match it shouldnt matter. Please i beg help me understand. 202302102025
  5. 35 more spam calls today. 360 is the total. I was hoping this bs was slowing what with 7 on saturday and none yesterday. But no. Came back hard today with 35 more as of this post. From what ive googled it will move on (someone else in at least what i could find had this volume of calls a few months back. It left them but they failed to say how long it hung around…) 360… 171102102025 361… 180502102025
  6. Ok. I am completely stumped here. I have 4 Communication Relays <RA-100's> is what should be synchronous to each other orbits. All 4 are set to roughly the same orbital height <you will see their altitudes in the images, I cannot recall off hand, even though I just took these 4 pictures lol> but, the important part is, they are in temporal LOCK STEP at a period of precisely 1 hour 4 minutes 10 seconds EACH. They were roughly equidistant making a rough + sign in orbit where each relay was at the end of each segment of the + sign. I thought I was seeing drift in them as I was doing missions, and dismissed it as me just being jumpy. Turns out, I am seeing drift, and a whole heck of a lot of it. Is my save modded? Yes. Do I think that has something to do with this? No. Why? All parts on the 4 satellites in question are 100% stock parts. The only item in active use to have any mod parts on it is my science station Station 1 and its only got 2 parts from planetary base. Every other part that is in active use on ANYTHING aside from 2 corridor ends is 100% stock KSP <DLC included>. So, can someone who is far smarter than I am at orbital maths please tell me why 4 satellites in IDENTICAL periods at roughly the same orbital height +- 15-20km at MOST on either side what was intended are drifting THIS badly? When I finished launching this 4 satellite array up, number 4 was across from 2 and 1 across from 3, but now? well, I think the images speak for themselves. I have no idea what happened. Not a single 1 is in orbit with any kind of engine on it. All drives were dumped once all 4 were in orbit and I was happy with where they were. Yes, they have RCS, but, despite what the pictures state, they have all been shut down at the blocks themselves. Besides, I dont think RCS is capable of triggering this kind of drift w/out seriously altering the orbits themselves. Am I just glitching or is there something else at play here? 044802102025
  7. and now I know why I am not seeing that. I am going directly from "posts" and not "images"... wow im rusty. Thanks for taking a sharpening stone to my skills! 035602102025
  8. One of, if not THE hardest aria for a Soprano singer. I have no idea how or why this popped into my head. But, it then pushed me into remembering this: I can actually sing a good portion of this myself being a Baritone <the vocal range for which Sir Webber composed it for, I just have issues with the higher octave notes, notes I am sure with practice/training I will someday hit, but until then, my voice would be more considered country lol as I can nearly match Josh Turner in one song in particular: > thank you for coming with me on this odd little journey lol 035102102025
  9. never had that kinda failure. But, then again, I do not do career mode as its exceedingly poorly executed and lacks anything compelling for me as a player. The satellite I was referring to in the post you quoted me on was a resource scanner deployment and I was satisfying its operational requirements hehe. But, you got me thinking of years gone by in KSP, and well, made me remember this nightmare. This thing WAS CURSED!!!!! There it sits on the pad. I forget what it was beyond what the imgur thing in my imgur account says, but, it says this was a station of some sort. The parts you see are from Nova Punch Parts Pack <maintained back then by tiberion> On orbit, that cloud of shrapnel? Explosive bolts used to dump the struts. the complex on orbit, just a closer look. I honestly forget when this monstrosity was launched. Not even imgur is telling me, and the original images are not on this computer. They may be on my older rig thats sitting dormant about 30 feet away from me. This thing refused to even behave when I was deorbiting it some time later. It got so bad that no matter what I did I could not make this thing go away. I had to have someone edit my save file to make this thing die. 034102102025
  10. Where on imgur is that? Ive been unable to find it and been copying image address and then using Insert image from URL on the editors bottom right corner. I remember when the BBCode was super obvious but now its harder to find than Jebediahs sanity lol. 184702082025
  11. Welcome to the chatty side! 170802082025
  12. Today seems a slow day for the spam only got 7 thus far. 325… 162302082025
  13. Ok, so, Ive done a few things in KSP tonight. 1 is <as far as i know, impossible w/out mechjeb> and the other? A mission to Jool to deposit a 4th Gen relay into the outter edge of its SOI, and deliver a small science orbiter into a lower orbit of Jool. This is, I think, absolutely impossible w/out MechJeb. I am on EVA as the Kerbal you see on the ladder. What makes this impossible w/out MechJeb I hear you ask? Look carefully. See the poodle engine? It is ACTIVE AND BURNING!!! The lander is landing onto the Mun in that crater with my scientist on EVA collecting some data from one of the experiments in the open bay. Safe landing, and science achieved. I have other pictures from other missions where I am docking to a station or some other orbiting vessel, and the camera is focused on the vessel being docked TOO as I am in control of the arrival platform and not the arriving ship. MechJeb makes shots like this and those possible OK! Onto the Jool thing! The relay and science probe orbiter on their way to Jool. The relay is upper most in the fairing, with the probe in the payload bay. Seen in transit to Jool. I wasnt planning on doing this mission, but then I saw what looked like a Jool window coming up, and sure enough, it was. TY ksp.olex.biz <a wonderful site if you have never seen/heard of it, no, its not my site> Relay deployed, bay was opened pre-deploy to see if I had full control because I forgot an external antenna. The probe core had connection with the relay right up until circularization burn. It forced me to swap to the probe inside the bay to get control and deploy its antenna. I completely forgot to take its picture. But, it is deployed closer into Jool. 015502082025
  14. @miklkit @DareMightyThingsJPL ah. I myself use reentry particle effect which just turns on the plasma trail that is already in stock but was never actually turned on by squad. Their claim as to why they never did was “performance” which is why ksp 2’s specs were insultingly overboard. 212602072025
  15. Is firefly a reentry effect mod or part mod @miklkit 211602072025
  16. You make me feel old. In 03 i was 2 years post high school, im coming up on having graduated 24 years ago in may. 202002072025
  17. I would not be playing KSP today over 11 YEARS since I found it with out MechJeb. I find it abhorrent that Squad failed, yes FAILED, to have a MechJeb like functionality in the game. Same way I find stock fairings abhorrent when Procedural Fairings are objectively better in all ways to stock. Do stock fairings get the job done? Yes. Barely. Do Procedural Fairings do it objectively better? Yes. Ok back to MechJeb. I could not dock to save my life. Read tutorials here, watched countless video tutorials. Not one of them helped. MechJeb showed and taught me how MY rockets flew and how MY build style worked in game. Now I use it to handle the mundane repetitive tasks like launches, routine docking, and other stuff that automation is better suited for. 181802072025
  18. I was thinking the border area between texas and louisiana just wasnt think specific cities. Its been YEARS (30+ since i was last in louisiana so my info is way outdated lol 195602072025 edit: louisiana had 1 heb and it closed 22 years ago in 03. 195702072025
  19. In addition to the obscene numbers of spam calls ive been getting, im getting spam texts one was funny. It said something along the lines of: “You have visited a harmful website that is charging you hidden fees.” And it went on with a url i need to click to stop these fees. Scam obviously. Funny thing is I visited 4 websites and 4 only in the last 24 hours. This one, google, imdb, and one for an upcoming renaissance fair im going to. So watch out for the kraken charging you also gotten 2 about some loan but they both opened so professionally: Youre impossible to reach. ROFL! At least im finding some humor in the insanity. 175802072025
  20. Well today up till now has seen 30 spam callers… 314… 164902072025 315… 165102072025 316… 170402072025 317… 170802072025 318… 174602072025
  21. 57. 57 more spam calls taking the tally to 287!!!! This is just obscene. 287… 165402062025 288… guys whats with this obscene surge in spam calls? I have a suspicion…1-26-25 till now 288 spam calls… 170302062025170602062025 289… 173102062025 290… 173502062025 291… 174102062025 292… 174502062925 as of this edit 62 spam calls in 1 day is an obscene record. 292 since 1-26-2025… im hating this. I cant make this stop. I COULD change numbers but i wont for private and personal reasons. Im losing my mind. 292… 193902062025 i just recounted because i couldnt shake this feeling my count was off. It was. 284 not 292. Still bad. Still a lot. Too much. My count glitched, dunno where. official retally is: 284. 284… 220202062025
  22. Its in just texas and northern mexico. I think msybe 1 or 2 stores in louisiana but thats it. 033702062025
  23. another exciting near miss during re-entry! initially passed by me at less than 100m. At these speeds, impact would hurt. a lot. 021802062025 come on guys, show off your near misses by debris!
  24. I know that HEB is "big" in texas and has run groceries out of the area, but, unless you are in texas or have passed through it, its surprising to see it mentioned. I mean unless you have watched NBA games with either the rockets, mavericks, and or spurs and seen the store advertised on the screens in the arenas. And no, the teams are not named in any order beyond hey, its KSP so rockets get named first for nerdy sake, but, beyond that, no special order lol. 021602062025 new page initiated
  25. I just had a jaw dropping experience on a routine Mun mission. I was gathering science, and the mission was going smoothly for the most part. Had that odd and irritating glitch where the Off Set tool shows up randomly and refuses to go away. Only way I can find for right now, and even this has about a 45% success rate, to make this thing vanish is to open an inventory and move an item around. Hit or miss if it works. Still have not tried the change scene thing yet. But, thats NOT the jaw dropper. Not even close. This ship, as you see it, if fully fueled <and when I did my TKI or Trans-Kerbin Injection burn, at engine ignition had 1663 m/s of dV. Enough to do the job and then some. By time I managed to convince this thing that running into the mun on our return trip was NOT wanted <I swear it kept giving me encounters with the Mun as I did the node, and I didnt see it at first> and managed to make a positive trajectory with the atmosphere at 35km above the ground, I had, and I kid you not 163m/s dV left. I was soo shocked I failed to get a picture of it. These two things in that picture conspired together to make my jaw drop. I just know it! it was the most headscratchingly funny thing to happen in recent times. A great break of the saga of spam calls, which sadly is at 230 and climbing each day... 021302062025
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