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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. the flow must flow, preferably liquids it help density related to melt a various range of stuff & for being that we may have a chance to interact with at some point for others beings, insert suspension of dis or that belief (because why not)
  2. Cool it might sing soon ^^ waiter there's a "not very diplomatic" in my soup ^^
  3. when making some new friends is not as hard as it may appear at first ^^ & while forgiving the past might be the hard part of the process ^^
  4. cool, border cities will manage the regional train, and city far from the outside connection will just need to connect to the intercity network ^^ grats , gonna updgrade my town accordingly next time. (speaking of out of bound connection, not sure but, if i remind there also a weird behaviour that could occur when more than 2 per vehicle categorie, will try to find some related thread so we can take that into account as well) still doing some simple vanilla asset slowly and relax mod actually here ^^
  5. @sal_vager met this music artist years ago on champion on line, back in the days (around 2011 it seem) he was using the same picture as avatar for his you tube profile ^^ and well this song fit to it as well ^^ not someone known but cool song ^^ hope you and the mod team like it ^^
  6. ^^ this is prolly me long ago: prolly, at least it look like me as far as i can remind, + i feel like like i remind some of the other kids and adults on the photo , + this swatch with translucide and orange bracelet prolly me prolly and 4 closest kids, we were prolly in the same crew for landing back the shuttle after the moon trip ^^,^^ aging and memory 'sigh' it's been so long ago now ^^: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/4492-put-a-face-to-the-name/&do=findComment&comment=1177114 internet is magic, it's fun to find that photo almost at random years later and attempting to remind somehow and yep more recently there is that half cuted photo near Nea Kameni ^^ a few page ago ^^
  7. ,'') this is almost a winking naruto. Kanpaï sal and thks ^^ and sorry for all the report because of many of my weird post ^^ an grats for everithing done interacting with everyone ^^ impressive ^^ & happy travels and all you know ^^
  8. :3 having like 20 or more email account here since the 90's, depending where and what i register i use one or the other + anyway i almost never check my e-mail whatever the account, this way i m not bothered that much with various spam, phising or whatever wich nowdays is really a pain ... per amount ... // usefull mails
  9. are you talking about this ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinol#Chemistry laughing hard insert 442 blablabla super lobbies versus super lobbies ^^ 100 % coton 100 % polyester 100 % grape 100 % cheese 100 % antibiotic 100% fiber 100 % whatever hahahahahahahahahahaha [self censored because] ther's so much hypocrysy worldwide on various layers around that topics ... because of the various lobbies on a side note speaking of gardening ^^ https://www.nasa.gov/feature/new-plant-habitat-will-increase-harvest-on-international-space-station can't wait ^^ that's something i really miss now, having a small garden corner, growing some potatoes, salads, radish, carott, forest strawberries and etc ^^ loved that younger and taking care of them and eating them afterward. Anyway Paris Toulouse not that far if you need a hand ^^ (jk)
  10. kim peek johnny deep an random elder from ww ii a random kid from ww 2+n+somewhere a shaolin monk that never left the mountain temple bonus: musk, but well kinda like kim peek anyway ^^
  11. :3 Regex because most grumpy per default contest ever ever ever ^^ (even if i myself miss part of that old pun, i m prolly concerned as much ^^) MarkZero because that's the future ^^ Nova because that was the future ^^ Ubiozur because i m nostalgic ^^
  12. as said early on it's because this: http://steamcommunity.com/app/255710/discussions/0/133259956008178774/?tscn=1489872198#c133259956014497551 (blablabla "The Expert(s)" brought you graciously the explain ^^ ) this is an old weird "source" choice behaviour between car traffic and train traffic actually: the way each spawn , hoppefully the incoming free update will help a bit with that setting the amount of vehicule (( but matter imo is kinda about the spawning/despawning process and interval between each for train and metro (and also plane and boat, but thoose two use another littl' routing variation as there their paths are not editable dynamicaly in the cities but in the map editor only) network in comparison to cars))
  13. after dark bring lot of cool thing true, the terraforming tool, bycycle, road with bus line and bycyle line, shore park and yup tourism and leisure policies and of course daynightcycle. (somehow terraforming and bus road should be in the vanilla game, but well it's been added later, but checks the links for the details, i don't remind exactly) http://www.skylineswiki.com/After_Dark http://www.skylineswiki.com/Patch_1.2.0#Free_for_all_players: Everyone made lot of cool thing, doing some modeling and vanilla asset lately my side so i prolly don't use much the save in the next few day, as i want to polish my asset & aside loading it to see what everyone is doing ; )
  14. I have the save tweaking a few things - Some minor aesthetic tweak here and there - Improved the rail network around Stranded city - Reworked intercity bus & metro network to reduce congestion here and there - Changed one of my highway entrance - Added another unique building along the highway New Save: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=895469871
  15. I grab the save: doing some minor vehicules networks stuff adjustement See the screens for comments (n°6 show a pedestrian crossroad simple trick) - modified the color the main train line that have a stop in all city to pink (to make it better seable from the default orange color of regional trains) - not modified, stranded inner city train network, so actually it use a single main track. new save: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=893065970
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