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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. If you are coming without slowing down.... that will end up in tears. But as a whole you can hit the ground pretty hard in some cases. Fastest I have hit at 15-25m/s.
  2. For FAR you can make quite large wing areas like this. This craft can land at around 60-70m/s while fully loaded. And still achieve orbit with ease, granted this craft isnt designed to haul more than a simple probe or satellite into orbit. Not any of my usual large designs.
  3. KSP is a fair bit smaller scale than real life where the SR-71 and Concorde are concerned. That and jet engines work a bit differently here than in real life. In KSP they are a LOT more efficient than the real life jets. I have built a mach 4+ aircraft using Realism Overhaul with AJE and FAR.... it was roughly 60% fuel just to get to those speeds. You can look at some of my designs if you want to see some alternate designs to Wanderfound. Imagur Album
  4. Someone made a mod based off of BDArmory that has those turrets or something VERY much like them. Here edit: WOOT 3000 POSTS!!!!!!!!
  5. In an Abrams there is 40-44 rounds in that turret. I think 26 are stored in the rack behind the turret, and another 14-18 are stored in wet racks at the base of the turret. If that is what you were asking.
  6. Do you mean RO or just RSS? and is it RSS 6.4 or full Earth RSS? If so I have built a SSTO space plane that works in 6.4 and in RSS Earth without RO. But never got one to fully work in RO with AJE+RF and all that jazz.
  7. Or you can just set the thrust limit to 0 on every engine but the ones that provide power for that mode.
  8. You have done something I have yet to accomplish, and that is a huge deal, be VERY proud of yourself. Congrats!
  9. I build the part to put in the cargo bay separately then save it as a subassembly. Using a docking port as the rootpart, so I can attach it to the docking port inside of the cargo bay. Makes life so much easier when you do it this way.
  10. The current KSC runway is 2.5KM long in its fully upgraded version. It is about 1.75km long in the first version, and the island airstrip is about 1.5km long.
  11. You are over thinking the design process. Van Disaster is right this has all been said before. With any aircraft if it looks right it will fly right. Now there have been some odd designs that have flown. But at first stick to the basics of getting an aircraft to fly. I started small, I built my SSTO program to where it is today by starting with simple planes then building supersonic aircraft then craft that could achieve near orbital velocities then finally aircraft that could achieve space interface then last a true SSTO space plane. Now almost 2 years later I can build some pretty decent space plane SSTOs and planes in general that work at almost any situation, from VTOLs, to gliders. It just takes patience and practice.
  12. Ok from what I can tell on the craft and from your description you have more than enough power to get to space, which is how you are doing it, brute force. You basically have a manned missile. The wings are really not that affective at their thickness, they should be wider at the root to generate more lift at lower speeds. This is why you are running into so many problems on re-entry and landing. Your wings are not generating enough lift to keep your craft in the air at those points. Take this craft for example, it is a fair bit smaller but it can go to an orbit of 100km and back and land at the KSC. Notice this is a delta wing design this gives it a GREAT deal of lift at low speeds and at supersonic speeds. But this light duty SSTO that I use currently is also a delta wing design but laid out a bit differently. But my most successful SSTO and heavy lifter for a good while, almost a solid year was a traditional wing setup.
  13. Land it back at the KSC and you will recover 99% of the craft amount. So it isnt that expensive. But it would be nice to have a reload option. - - - Updated - - - What is the problem exactly? Do you see them in the parts list? Are they just not firing when you use the vessel? Do you have a weapon manager on the craft? Do you have the FIRE option set to an action group? Need more than just complaining to solve your problem.
  14. Doesn't sound like a FAR problem Blue, it sounds like you have a conflict somewhere with FAR. Do you have an output.log you can post? Because really Ferram can't do diddly squat without it.
  15. Way back in the day I landed this on Ike. And returned it back to Kerbin and landed at the KSC. Then there was this probe I landed using RT2 with signal delay on Eve... there was a 7min delay in the signal.. so I had to preprogram EVERYTHING. Was a nightmare I will never repeat. There was this on Moho. Those are just the ones I have pictures of still. I have landed on the Mun and Minimus. But those became so routine I quit taking pictures of those.
  16. Jarmund is dead on, on all points. FAR is the best choice I have ever made in a mod since I started playing oh 2 or 3 years ago.
  17. I am using release version, I tested the development version and it caused some issues wasnt able to nail it down at that time.
  18. It is unfortunate that your challenge doesn't make use of BDArmory. Because I have a slew of craft that could do this challenge. Some better than others.
  19. And because I have been away for far to long..... The newest attack craft from HARM Industries. The A-24 Kopesh! Ample ordinance bay space for weapons or science. Capable of taking off at 80m/s and climb at 35deg till 10km. Armed with a 30mm GAU-8 rotary cannon and enough ammunition to provide close air support for a lengthy time. Oh and it is a single seat SSTO.
  20. I doubt Ferram will make a mod that restores the stock atmo to the game, but I am sure someone will.... why I dont know but someone will.
  21. Same here I run Retro Future without a problem, just update the Firespitter.DLL file.
  22. Awesome! One minor question, will those work in FAR? And the next question how to get those cruise missiles to fit inside this attack crafts bay...
  23. So odd bug with FAR but no output.log or errors in the game. But when I create a new craft and build it FAR does not let me open the FAR window in game or give me any information on the craft in flight. It is like FAR isnt even working for that craft. But I can load an older craft and it fly fine in FAR even get the FAR window and all of the information.
  24. Not always the case. Sometimes it is the placement of the tail. If it is to close to the CoM it will not have the needed force to keep the craft straight. It also depends on the wing design also and the speeds the craft was designed to operate at. I know I have sacrificed low speed Yaw stability for high speed stability on some craft.
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