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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. And Ferram that fixed the issue thanks. Now to figure out how to make an SSTO space plane that can haul 180tons to orbit in a single go.
  2. Ok sounds like you are having an SAS issue. In FAR the SAS is way overpowered and has a tendancy to overcorrect this causes a "bouncing" issue, where the craft pitches up and down with SAS on. There are several ways to fix this. - Reduce the control angle of your control surfaces. - Download a PID tuner, there is one that is out there and it is quite good. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100073-0-25-Pilot-Assistant-0-8-Nov-24-Atmospheric-piloting-aids
  3. This is from that challenge mentioned before. You can see how I attached cargo to most of my SSTO cargo planes.
  4. I use TAC fuel balancer for all of my fueling issues cant stand by it enough. As for placing cargo in the cargo bay, I use a large docking port for my larger SSTOs and a regular one for all others.
  5. The CoM is shifting back as the fuel is draining from the craft, till it is behind your CoL, this is causing the front to generate more "lift" then the rear thus making it do flips. Welcom to Kerbal Soupo'sphere.
  6. Set brakes before take off, start up engines. Let them spool to max power, then release brakes.
  7. That is AWESOME! I have never had a craft so heavy it destroyed the runway. How much did that thing weigh? 671 tons?! You could actually fix the physics lag if you cut down the parts count, Procedural parts and Procedural wings would save you so many parts.
  8. Simple, you dont have struts holding the SRBs straight. They are twisting due to the torque of the boosters.
  9. If it drops parts at any point before it has achieved a stable orbit, then it is not a Single Stage To Orbit craft. It is that simple.
  10. Farrem I have noticed something between the previous version and this version. The CoL has shifted back on all of my previous designs made under 14.3 compared to 14.4. It isn't slightly back its a ways back on some craft. Yet they fly the same as they did before?
  11. You are running FAR. The arrow was removed in FAR, because it is pointless. This craft has its CoT below its actual CoM, but it actually counters this by shifting fuel to place the CoM inline with the CoT.
  12. Here you go. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70676-0-25WIP-Procedural-Parts-Parts-the-way-you-want-em-0-9-20-Nov-22 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25823 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-6-1-2-Dev-Thread-%28phys-range-fixes-%29-Oct-27 I wouldn't worry about DRE, there are no parts in that craft from DRE, but if you wanted to update yours it should work without it.
  13. I found there are tricks to FAR. Here are some of my best tips and advice. -Leave the FAR box open, if you see "High Dynamic Pressure" or the air pressure is over 40kpa you should avoid doing any sharp maneuvers. -On Re-Entry, long and shallow is your best friend. It gives you time to burn off excess speed at above 25km. - Look at how real aircraft are designed, what works in the real world WILL work in FAR. Last but not least - TEST FLIGHTS, TEST FLIGHTS, TEST FLIGHTS! Always do test flights before you put it into service. Sometimes a design works great until it is low on fuel. Or handles like a dream till it hits hypersonic speeds, then it becomes a mach 5 lawn dart.
  14. I have to agree with Alshain and Starman. He couldn't be more right about everything he said there.
  15. There is this.... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100073-0-25-Pilot-Assistant-0-8-Nov-24-Atmospheric-piloting-aids
  16. PCanas I see some minor problems with your craft that could be a major issue. Your CoT is well below the CoM for the craft, which will cause the nose to pitch up, a lot. And you post imgur albums here by just posting like this... [ imgur ] 6EDHv [ / imgur ] no spaces so it looks like this.
  17. Hmm. sounds like you have a bad install of some mod or even KSP. The issue isn't with PWings you have a conflict somewhere. What does your output.log say? Post it here in the forums so we can take a look at it and see what the possible problem is.
  18. Awesome! Ferram4, I think you do this because you are trying to punish yourself for a past life transgression. Or you are just sick and twisted and are a perfectionist like me.
  19. This was one I working on and abandoned due to other projects looked and worked better. Then there is this which is currently undergoing flight trials. It is looking promising.
  20. Ok I can't tell you about NEAR because I don't use it, but I do use FAR. This is one of my more recent craft, it is a fair bit smaller than yours but the re-entry profile is the same for all of my craft. The re-entry starts around slide 25. As you can see, I take a pretty shallow approach from 100km orbit, but I also use a fair amount of airbrakes set to action group 8 for my slowing down. This creates a fair amount of drag which gets me down to less than 1800m/s pretty quick. Once I am below mach 5 I can drop down to 20km alt and really slow down.
  21. Are you using FAR or NEAR or Stock? Do you have pictures in the SPH of your craft with the CoM and CoL and CoT markers on so we can get an idea of what the current project looks like? We maybe able to help you out, between Wanderfound and I, I am sure we can get it to space and back.
  22. In NEAR it is a bit harder to perform re-entry because of the lack of mach affects to slow the craft down. FAR you have additional aerodynamic forces on a craft to slow it down naturally. But the biggest suggestion is look at your empty CoM vs CoL. I am probably guessing it has moved a fair bit back towards the rear of the craft, and placing it behind your CoL at that point. In the SPH building, click on each on of your tanks and empty them completely to see where your CoM shifts to. Or you can down load the RCS build aid, which is the best tool I have ever downloaded.
  23. I haven't made many large SSTOs lately, still using some of my old workhorses. SP-409 can haul 120t to a 100km x 100km orbit. SP-14V VTOL/STOVL can haul 40 tons VTOL in to a 100km x 100km orbit SP-11 Medium SSTO, hauls about 60-72tons into a 100km x 100km orbit And my current line of military SSTOs. From left to right. F/A-106A Thundergod, F-114, F/A-113, FB-1/SC-1 Because the SB-1 is barely in the picture.. It can haul about 10 tons to a 100km x 100km orbit or carry 6 500lb bombs inside of its cargo bay. Then there is this, my current light cargo SSTO project.
  24. I don't see any images, so thats one thing.. But I think it maybe an issue with the load being to heavy. If the top of the rocket is heavier then the bottom the rocket is going to flip out.
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