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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. I have not had this related to FAR but I have had this. I have never had anything other than FAR and a few other mods, but I have ruled out FAR and DRE as the causes. I think it was a KSP issue.
  2. If you use TAC Fuel balancer, set that tank to dump. If not right click on the tank and lock it.
  3. It doesn't cause KSP to crash but it will after 30min of it cause loss of function. I will lose the ability to click any buttons on the screen, they will click but they will do nothing. All I did previous to this error was get to space. That is it. Anytime anything I make with an antenna goes to space, manned or unmanned it starts this error log.
  4. Two ways... Right click on the missile or bomb and hit release. Or, Set the hardpoint to an action key.
  5. So no one has any idea what might be causing these errors?
  6. I have to ask a couple of questions. 1- how low of settings do you have your graphics? Not an insult just wondering. 2- You know your FAR is a bit out of date, the current version is 13.3.X.
  7. Ok, you need to post a picture of your craft, preferably with the CoM and CoL indicators on from a decent angle. I think I know what the problem is, but need to see the craft and know if you are using FAR.
  8. New from Hodo Aerospace Research Munitions (Aka HARM) The UAV-2/UCAV Sentinal. It is an unmanned/kerbaled combat vehicle, cheap and low on maintenance (low parts count). The version pictured here has a RT2 omni-directional antenna on it for control from the command center, this is a requirement for HARM test craft, does not have to be included as part of the craft and can be removed. Armament- 6 x .50cal (12.7mm HMG) mounted in the wings, 6 under wing hard points for rockets, bombs, or air to air missiles. Max payload is 15klbs. Range, is nearly global. Has IFF, and Flares. Is extremely nimble far, more nimble then any manned craft, capable of over 15g's !!! Cost (according to MJ) 22.21mil (without rocket pods and missiles.) 31.94mil (with LAU rocket pods and AIM-9) Mass-7.304t(clean) Contact me in a PM and will furnish the .craft file for interested parties.
  9. That is what I am thinking. It isn't a mod breaking problem it is just throws some designs off a bit.
  10. As someone else said it has been done. There was the Maching Bird Challenge. And the Fastest plane under 1000m. This was from my attempt and fastest aircraft in FAR in the Maching Bird Challenge.
  11. No problem on the imgur album posting help. As for signal delay, there is a built in flight computer in RT2 that lets you program in the commands several minutes if not hours before they actually happen so it will do it almost on its on, when it is supposed to. The problem is, you have to know what it needs to do LONG before it has to happen. Like on my mission to Eve in the stock game with FAR and DRE and RT2. The probe I sent to land there had a very specific place it was trying to land at, for a challenge that was posted in the challenge forums. I had to program in every step of the decent from deorbital burn to the actual landing almost 20min before they took place. The whole thing was a nightmare to pull off, and I didn't do it perfectly, the probe took some damage and was only able to transmit the information back to Kerbin for an hour before its battery died. But it survived re-entry and landing and was with in 400m of my target cordinates. By far my most rewarding mission to date.
  12. On stock Kerbin atmosphere scales I imagine it wouldn't be to bad. If you use enough aerodynamic parts on the windward facing surfaces.
  13. Funny I use this mod quite a bit, and I have yet to run into this issue. What all do you have packed into those service modules? I have at most 4 or 5 things in mine. 1 maybe 2 oxygen tanks from ECLSS, 1 Mechjeb module, and a pair of batteries.
  14. No need for the link to the URL for imgur albums and don't post the #0 at the end, it will scale it wrong. should look like this when typed out without spaces. [ imgur ] tapDR [ / imgur ] Great looking mission, if you want to really challenge yourself do the same mission with Remote Tech 2 and the signal delay on.
  15. In the picture I posted, I was at 10.7km and climbing on RO Earth, so at an altitude of 35kft ASL. Which is a little bit higher then where the F-15A did the Mach 2.5+ run. When I tested again at 18km altitude, the engines overheated at mach 1.25. Which made NO sense to me. Not explecting that aircraft to reach mach 2.5 but the engines shouldnt be frying due to speed when the real ones go a fair bit faster than that. EDIT, for those to lazy to go back a page.
  16. I take it there is nothing on the performance of the Pratt & Whitney F-100 engines? They are overheating at pretty low speed mach 2.06 maybe 2.075 when a pair of them can push a real F-15A Eagle over Mach 2.5.
  17. There is a plugin that gives you hollow utility storage areas that fit in line with the 1.25 and 2.5m parts. And thats not the only thing there is even the B9 cargo bays which also work for larger craft. I use them both all the time to place oxygen tanks for ECLSS and batteries that I don't want slapped to the outside of the aircraft and to hide my MJ module.
  18. B9 has invisible struts which are handy for making good aircraft that dont flex. The other option is to run them between the parts by "clipping" them. Your wobble is because the reaction wheel is causing the front or back of the plane to move indipendantly of the other half, making it flex in the center like a slinky.
  19. Not if it is designed right. Like this is actually quite stable in flight with or without bombs and low on fuel. The CoM moves all of .1m. You are missing out. Stock KSP aerodynamics is just wrong.
  20. They are like the bug where your launch clamps keep falling past you on launch.. it is a miscalculation in the game engine.
  21. I am getting this fault in my Output log, not sure what is causing it. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at rangeBooster.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Then after a few thousand lines of that... this shows up. NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:get_transform () at PersistentEmitterManager.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter:get_particles () at EffectBehaviour.OffsetParticles (Vector3 offset) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Krakensbane.setOffset (Vector3d offset) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Krakensbane.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Any ideas?
  22. Not so much, if you add to many parts packs it becomes cumbersome. Try nearly impossible. There is a reason why they are used in real life. But P-wings is a must if you are trying to make decent fighters or aircraft in FAR and not have twice the parts count.
  23. I would swap one part out on that craft. The tail, I would put a raised tail section or any type of tapered tail so you reduce your tail strike chance.
  24. Does it work in RO scale Earth, where the atmosphere stops at 180km and with engine ignitor? And finally can it be developed and built for less than 1.5billion?
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