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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. From an outsiders POV, you all are going to big to fast. Start small, set a region in the game world to keep it localized to and limit it to in the atmosphere only at first. This way you don't have a bunch of clutter and random things in orbit or a ton of otherwise useless mods for what you are doing.
  2. Ok then my last paragraph pretty much answers as best I can how to do a gravity turn, a real gravity turn in KSP. My best rocket for RO could do a gravity turn but I quite litterally copied the Areas X rocket. The trick is really in the TWR and balance of the craft. If the TWR is to high, it will not turn properly it will just spin and blow apart. To low and you have made an intercontinental missile.
  3. Lots of questions. Some of them I can answer, others I can not in good faith give you a decent answer to. "Can I automate the flying operations somehow in a manner similar to the real rockets?" Yes, you have two options that work quite well for this. There is Mechjeb which does have an autopilot feature which can turn it into a very automated process but it is a bit clunky at times. Then there is KOS, which is a fair bit more complex to use but can give you a bit more accurate feel to the automation process. "Why are my thrust to weight rations and g forces much lower than I would expect in real world on a realistic looking launch?" Quite simply, it is a game. Kerbin is roughly 1/3rd the size of the Real Earth atmosphere, so rocket launches in KSP are closer to bottle rocket launches. The ideal thrust to weight ratio for a launch is a round 1.2-1.4:1. As far as performing a gravity turn in FAR with stock sized Kerbin, generally I start my gravity turn at 100m/s or 1km altitude, which ever happens first. I tilt the rocket 5deg in the direction I want it to go, and gravity will gradually pull it over till you hit the higher atmosphere. You may have to adjust the crafts AoA every so often but nothing to major.
  4. I have used both. But I am also using FAR. So they may not be registering correctly and thus hitting a wall of air and slowing down. But I wont know without looking into the cfg files for them. And the Zephyr is an Isreali WVR a2a missile.
  5. That reminds me, I need to add a communications tracking station to Pemba for my space program....
  6. It's pretty simple, you can just open the cfg file that shows the intake system in AJE, and add the intakes you are missing to it. Like in this case the spaceplane+ wing intake, just use the structural intake that AJE has in there for a refrence size seeing as they are about the same shape and size.
  7. 1- I know you are not trying to replicate real life weapons. 2- I am not saying you are trying to hit something at mach 4, I am saying the missile should be traveling at most mach 4, right now it is barely traveling .5 mach. 4- The GAU-19 is far more modern then the DEFA 30mm autocannon. Which is at best a relic from the 1950s, while the GAU-19 is a product of the 80s..... The CIWS is great but mount that on a fighter and fly that around, I will roll off on my lolrsk8s because that shatner is funny. I am asking about the cfg files because, I like your system and I am thinking about adding some other systems over from other mods for my own personal use. Not because your system is complete and utter crap.
  8. These are craft I have created in the Realism Overhaul plugin. All of my jets use AJE modified engines, and the helicopters the same. I will start by showing the HA-1 Wasp. It features a 30mm cannon that is mounted on a turret so it can swivel 360deg. 4 under wing pylons for LAU-68 rocket pods, or anything you want to put under there. And 2 wingtip pylons for either additional LAU-68 rocket pods, or AIM-9K sidewinders for air to air. It is capable of 245mph in level flight and is extremely agile. It is unarmored is meant to be a quick shoot and scoot attack helicopter or a peak and shoot profile. Can be armored if needed. Pictured with the SAML-1 SAM system, still in development.
  9. I have.. They do damage to targets if they are near enough. I am doing some testing and tuning tonight.... I am seeing what I can work out.
  10. You can add cfgs for those.. they arent that hard. Just figure how big the intake size is and guestimate.
  11. On my current space plane design I am using Kerolox....
  12. Republic of Africa Air Force (because I am using the flag and have my launch site in Pemba Africa) Both are super sonic multi-role fighters and are quite agile.
  13. You have the right idea just going about it wrong.
  14. Ejection systems are pretty simple once you figure them out, like most things in KSP. What I do is I attach behind the cockpit the SAS unit then the decoupler, on the SAS unit I put a single radial mounted parachute on the top right behind the canopy, and I attach 2-4 of those Sepetron Mk I. I set the decoupler and the sepetrons all in the ABORT action group, and put them in the staging together. I do not place the parachute in the same stage I place it in the last stage so it is never accidentally opened. The force of the decoupler and the sepetrons is more then enough to push the cockpit and SAS unit away from the doomed craft. This means your pilot will be a free falling capsule which all you have to do then is deploy the parachute and drift safely down to the surface.
  15. And your problem with the game running at half speed is you are running out of RAM or bogging down your CPU with some kind of conflict somewhere. You may want to open your ALT+F2 to check and see what is happenning when the game is slowing down.
  16. Looks good, but it is using rockets not jets. But that is a great idea for a Me-163!
  17. I love the design, except for the "antenna" gun. The cool thing is I think it would even work in FAR and possible AJE+RF. So it is a good design all around. The only other thing I would add to it is a pilot escape system or cockpit ejection system. Most of my fighters have it now.
  18. Ok for the biome problem, you need to get the custom biome plugin for it to adjust your biomes for the rescaled planet.
  19. I hate to say this but that is expected when an aircraft made mostly of aluminum and sheet metal is hit by an expanding rod explosive. It "deletes" sections of the aircraft. I honestly don't care whos mod is more accurate or does what, I just would like them to work. I drop a bomb from ID Skillful and it hits the ground with no real explosion, no real sign other than a puff. Maybe I am dropping them to high, I am dropping them from what I feel is a safe altitude for that type of ordance, usually 2-3km AGL. And the sad thing is the LAU rockets are faster than the AIM-9K or the Zephyr. Both of those missiles travel in excess of mach 4. Then why am I in an aircraft traveling at .95 the speed of sound keeping with the missile or even out running it? Granted I do like the guns in Skillful, those are pretty cool. If only I could transfer the code from the GAU-19 by DYJ to use the Skillful damage system, it would be better. Then you could have a modern weapon on an aircraft. This is really the only reason why I would want access to the code for those weapons, to make them work, better.
  20. I am not sure off the top of my head but it is the modern looking one from the KAX plugin, it has curved prop blades. The engines start and go into what looks like an idle speed but don't generate more than 7.4kn of thrust each. If that is the case then half the planes that fly over my house wouldn't fly.
  21. I think you may have a problem with drag calculation. An intake and wings should not be zero drag. That actually should be a fair bit of drag at the front of the craft. FAR has the drag numbers in it, listed beside the "cd" line. If you have MJ or KER it will also tell you the total drag of the vehicle.
  22. Yeah I posted it a while ago in the RSS launcher thread.
  23. Thank you, I haven't messed with my MJ flight path editor in weeks, because I fly space planes most of the time, and in RSS my rockets are pretty much self orbiting.
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