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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Yeah, I can remove it, put it back, delete the whole RSS reinstall and it is still just 2 launch sites.
  2. Yeah it is only reading the two launchsites, but it registers all of the RT2 communications stations.
  3. I do like the idea of turning it into a comet. That would be cool in RSS.
  4. I have the LaunchSites.cfg and it isnt seeing them just the two sites. I have gone through them with a fine toothed comb. And found nothing.
  5. I will check again when I get home, but last I checked on Saturday I did have the most recent as according to the first post. But I will double check tonight. Could it be that RSS/RO is going changing things?
  6. You may want to purchase the part from the science facility. It should be there.
  7. Ok running RSS 6.2 with the planet factory planets and I am having an issue with the launch sites. I only have 2 launch sites, Cape Canaveral and Pemba. And Pemba is a good 15m above the ground.
  8. Ok having an issue with this. For some reason I can not set the altitude of the clouds, they are sitting currently at 3km off the surface of the ground. Which is fine for low cloud days, but I am running Realism Overhaul.
  9. Ok your craft is great, but what is the controll surfaces set at. Do you have them set to specific jobs? Like ailerons control roll, the elevators at the back inner part of the wings just handling pitch, and the canards handle just pitch and the rudder on the tail just handle yaw? Or do you have them setup doing different things? Also your vertical stabilizer is a bit small for the craft.
  10. All I have to say, B9 invisible struts. They are stronger, and they actually work at keeping the wings on the aircraft as intended. You can use them one of two ways. Because REAL aircraft often have a wing root design that attaches the wings to the fuselage of the aircraft. It was not unheard of of WWII fighters snapping the wing root due to damage or overpressure, and none of those were supersonic.
  11. No offence but it sounds like you didn't know what you were doing. Odds are you were dealing with 30,000kpa of pressure on the craft, and you attempted a 3-5g turn and it snapped the wings. I know I have torn the wings off of more than a few test craft at subsonic speeds because I pulled to many g's with to much air pressure.
  12. Never used that plugin so don't know. But the parameters very based on the size of the rocket, the TWR of the rocket, and where the CoM is on the rocket. If you have procedural tanks, then I suggest building an Areas I-X rocket, as it is the simplest rocket to test this stuff with.
  13. You could just paint the wings the team color. It would be better than adding additional parts, first, and second adding un-needed drag to an aircraft.
  14. Really can't tell you, what is the d/v on that craft? I suggest getting KER for the information, it will tell you the delta velocity for that vehicle which will give you a good idea how far it can go.
  15. If you perform your burn correctly you actually can make a pretty decent orbit with just the gravity turn. But the trick is having the correct d/v required to do this at the desired altitude adjusting for atmosphere losses.
  16. I couldn't find an option to get MJ to do it that way. But I have it set for 1km altitude, and build the rocket with 1.2TWR. Usually by then it is going around 100m/s.
  17. If you are using FAR, both of those "insignias" will cause unwanted drag.
  18. If he is still around, send him a PM to see if he will judge your craft. But he hasn't logged in since 30th of May.
  19. Here is what I am talking about. Note the speed of the aircraft, it is in MPH and is listed in MJ in m/s. Also note the air pressure. Missile is fired and immediately lags behind the craft, and the aircraft continues to outrun the missile. Second image of the first missile. LAU rocket pod firing does the same thing. I am sure it is FAR interacting with the missile and rocket objects, they have WAY to much drag and are unable to overcome it with their TWR.
  20. I left mine where it should be in the DYJmisc file in your Gamedata folder.
  21. make sure you have DYJlibrary.dll. That is what runs the GAU-19 in that mod. You only need one DYJlibrary.dll file, if you have Pwings you may have 2 of them and they are conflicting. Also it is not added to the tech tree so if you are trying to find it in Career mode it wont be there until you add it to the tech tree in the cfg file.
  22. There is no cfg file for bombs or rockets. Did you read the instructions? If not here. Right click on the pylon chose the warhead type, then you choose the weapon type, then load ordinance.
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