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Everything posted by Kerbart

  1. “Lift Off! is a turn-based board game in which 4-6 players compete with each other to land a team on the moon. The players need to advance on the technology tree on the board, meanwhile performing missions. They can barter with each other to buy propellant, technology and crew for their missions. Dice rolls, combined with the state of their technology, determine the success of missions, generating income, experience, and new technology. The average game should take about 12 turns and would last between two and three hours” I’m obviously totally making this up, but a blurb like that would attract a lot more volunteers, I think.
  2. On different altitudes and orbits they'd float apart, so you will need tens of thousands to form a continuous band around earth and then light them up based on position. As a “positive” side effect you could have text running across the entire sky at that point (and likely invoking the hate of pretty much anyone looking at it). Not to mention the Kessler effect.
  3. I can live with heavy fairings. Most of the time my rockets look like flaming darts once they hit the 20km altitude and stay like that for a long time as the flight profile is nearly horizontal at that point. So my theory is that there's just a ton (literally) of ablative material on them.
  4. Although if there are too many, the effort of making tracking stations will be nullified by effectively making Kerbin one big tracking station (as the original plan was). But I'm sure all will be revealed with the 1.2 release and it'll turn out to be great!
  5. I had the same thing happening to me recently. Attaching the fairing with a set of four struts to the (3.75m) tank below solved the issue in true Kerbal (moar struts) fashion. Of your mod list, the only overlap I have is Kerbal Engineer but I find it hard to believe KER is to blame for this problem, so it's likely more a "stock" problem. Also, 1.2 is supposed to have "gravity easing" when a new craft is instanciated on the launch, hopefully that'll fix it. Or not
  6. I'm not sure what would be worse. An oxidizer tank containing liquid oxygen, or nitrogen tetroxide, or one containing nitric acid.
  7. Not yet, for the sake of producing this post quickly I didn't set it up that way. But... It crossed my mind, and I did save the craft file. A gif *will* be posted!
  8. It's fake. If you look at the screen shots you will see orbit lines. Orbits. Them ain't Squad members. They can't orbit if their life depends on it...
  9. ok, so the version if have of TR is 2.4.13, which according to the release thread, is the latest version. As much as it broke my heart, I do have the latest version of IL installed. I have 141 mentions in the log about replacer, but the majority seems to be load and unload events. There is a mention about replacer in the log regarding indicator lights though, in the modulemanager section: [LOG 22:10:34.786] [ModuleManager] Applying node IndicatorLights/Patches/IndicatorLights_TextureReplacer/@TextureReplacer:AFTER[TextureReplacer] to TextureReplacer/@Default/TextureReplacer I have the following files added to TR: Default: Default.zip desertplanetmoon00.dds Duna5_00.dds dwarfplanet100.dds Eve2_00.dds evemoon100.dds GalaxyTexture.zip GalaxyTex_NegativeX.jpg GalaxyTex_NegativeY.jpg GalaxyTex_NegativeZ.jpg GalaxyTex_PositiveX.jpg GalaxyTex_PositiveY.jpg GalaxyTex_PositiveZ.jpg gas1_clouds.dds gp1icemoon00.dds gp1minormoon100.dds gp1minormoon200.dds KerbinScaledSpace300.dds moho00.dds NewMunSurfaceMap00.dds NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse.dds newoceanmoon00.dds rockyMoon00.dds snowydwarfplanet00.dds EnvMap: None Heads: None Suits: Folders “Blue” “Green” “Red” “Yellow” “Veteran” Finally, the obligatory photo showing the lights are working: In the VAB (the wonderful forum software that shall not be criticized doesn't let me add the “insert other media” url to imgur: (well never mind, pasting the URL gets it done immediately) Out in the field: (Lest I shall not be known as a liar!! )
  10. 95% of my design time is spent on aesthetics. That doesn't mean I don't care about function or that I want things to look "pretty," but I do want them to look tight and functional as well. And make it look like it was designed on a drawing board, not like a bunch of lego pieces snapped together. I suspect most people do it that way.
  11. Could it be something else that triggers it? I have Texture Replacer and things just work fine on my machine.
  12. Time will tell. History has taught us to temper optimism regarding failed functionality being fixed in updates
  13. Instead of a link to Curse (which everyone loves to hate), why not link to curseforge, which has no ads or delays? So, use this: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/planet-wiki instead of this: http://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/246471-planet-wiki Aside from that, good job! I hoped somebody would do this, and you did!
  14. Some will argue that,if survival is that dependent on having an engineer with you, having backup gear but no backup engineer is a bit short-sighted. I see your point, but diluting existing stock mechanics for the sake of fairly advanced features in a modded installs should not be Squad's concern or responsibility. The game has limited realism, for the sake of game play. Sure, in real life crew members are cross-trained. In real life gyros saturate, spin is consistent, gravity works along n-body Newtonian physics (and beyond) and not with patched conics, and so on. We've accepted simplifications that make the game simpler and in most cases more enjoyable. Would the game benefit from proposed mechanics in the setup you descibe? Most certainly. But that should be something those mods take care of. As a discussion point; I can already see room for cutting corners here. Why send a three men crew when you can send two pilot/engineer/scientist kerbals (one, and a backup)?
  15. TLDR; it's a game mechanic to encourage multi-Kerbal crews. When going back to older versions, Kerbals, at one point in time, were just Kerbals. Then science was introduced, and career, and in two releases we went from 0.23 to 0.9 to 1.0 and there was joy and happiness all around. Well, ok, maybe not the latter, but I digress. At any rate, the distinction between various classes was added. One can ask, why? The likely answer is to provide challenges. As much as there are all kind of mechanics to encourage manned missions over robotic ones, this is a mechanic to encourage multi-crew missions over one-Kerbal missions. Surely it would be convenient to send just Jeb on that ten year mission to Eeloo, cozily packed in his Mk I capsule (if you're one of those decadent flight planners who doesn't put him on a flight seat packed inside a utility bay, that is), but since certain tasks can only be done by certain crew you can't get away with that. The fact that slapping a remote guidance unit (or even a HECS core) onto your ship is a simple fix for needing a pilot (let alone an experienced one) will be considered bad enough as it is, by some!
  16. Excellent. There will still be plenty of opportunity of hating for those who bought through GOG, Humble, etc. Remember boys and girls, pre-testing is there to do Squad, and the community, a service. You're not entitled to have “exclusive early access;” it’s meant as a way to stomp out bugs. If you can’t somehow access the pre-release, it’s not like you’re missing out on the hot scoop. You’re just not able to help out a community that owes you nothing anyway; no big deal.
  17. Why stop at batteries? Solar cells degrade, radiator coolant evaporates, drills dull... Everything is subject to reduced performance after a lifetime in space. i agree with the "realism for the sake of realism"'critique. I fail to see how it would enhance gameplay.
  18. The “Dry Workshop” doesn’t have a tech category assigned to it. It will show up in Sandbox, but you can’t activate it in Career (which is interesting by itself, but I digress). It would make sense to assign it to Advanced Construction, just like the inflatable units? In addition, since the “Inflato Flat” is designated as a (technically) 2.5m command pod, I would assign it in the tech tree to Command Modules, and not under Advanced Construction, where it is listed now.
  19. 1) Do not mix up trademark and copyright. They are entirely different entities, each with their own legislation. 2) Fair Use is not a license to copy. The limitations and circumstances which apply to Fair Use are extensive and usually well defined in court. "I didn't copy everything" or "it's not for profit" rarely qualifies automatically as Fair Use, in fact it rarely does. 3) copyright is a highly litigious area where I would consult an attorney or study seriously, and not take advice from some guys you've never seen from the internet.
  20. I wouldn't say "all the time" but a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a labor day sale this weekend.
  21. Not really. Technological advances are based on many things, not in the first place what already had been invented. If only time and money were relevant, then why did 13th century african ruler Mansa Musa not put men on the moon? He certainly had the money for it, being the richest ruler ever (adjusted for inflation). More important, KSP is not "real life." Career is a game mode. If you don't like unlocking technology, play Sandbox instead.
  22. Did someone call for pizza? @Just Jim perhaps?
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