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Everything posted by Dispatcher

  1. How about Farming Simulator!
  2. Very nice thread, Slashy et al. I just wanted to share what I had gotten to orbit and back in 1.1.2. I have been able to land with the payload as well, which is over 5 tons (the xenon gas). The ship also carries up to 8 crew & passengers. Take off mass is about 47 tons IIRC. As you might guess, I built this without having first reviewed this thread and even though its my best SSTO spaceplane to date, I'm sure you'll notice some things that are less efficient about the craft. Still, even with my mediocre piloting skills, it works well enough. Passengers don't have much of a view unless the ship is rotated in orbit. There is another ramped scoop under the cargo bay and an RTG near the center engine. There are two ladders just forward of the docking clamp.
  3. I have been to Moho and Jool/ Laythe and points in between but I spend most of my KSP time designing and testing spaceplanes, boats, rovers. I also test new or modified stock parts. I would like KSP to have an orbital VAB (a space dock) so that I can spend less time hauling ships and pieces of ships to orbit before assembling them for interplanetary jaunts. Perhaps the parts could cost more to make up for the fact that they are already in orbit.
  4. Men Into Space. This story hasn't happened yet, but it will ... Its ancient yes, but its cool to see what expectations were during the infancy of space flight.
  5. Ah, toys from my childhood! Thanks for the memories!
  6. The Star Trek franchise is so old ... someone seriously needs to start something original instead of milking the franchise. Hey, here's an idea ... for milking the franchise, that is:
  7. Stormy, rainy swamps, lightning bows, high resolution graphics and sometimes even strategy. Its all part of the journey down ... The Road North:
  8. You are right. But part of that is due to the poor quality uploaded videos. The Invaders goes back to the same decade as the original Star Trek. Max Headroom is a product of the 80s. The Invaders is worth watching. Headroom is an acquired taste, or the lack thereof. Its a little whacked but has some laughable moments. As for vintage, try Men Into Space (and a woman in this episode). Or further back, we see that Post was selling cereal even then.
  9. Space Above and Beyond is better than the trailers. The series started shaky and got better in my opinion. Earth Final Conflict lets the Roddenberry legacy continue. Farscape The original Outer Limits ... and the new ... The Invaders didn't just come for our water. Jericho ... where the walls came tumbling down. Max Headroom ouch!
  10. I just knew I should have added the smiley emoticon.
  11. I have made several craft which rely on various staging methods and I've used most of the ones discussed above (including staging of tanks). I understand why onion staging is so called. I propose that we redesignate "asparagus staging" as "celery staging" due to the celery stalks peeling off the central base. Is this the correct video? I'm not seeing any multiple engine rocket here.
  12. I forgot to mention Andre' Norton's work. This thread makes me want to read a bunch of books.
  13. No need to feel ashamed. Its great that we can choose to a large degree what we do in life. Too bad some people just love to goad other people into watching their "conspiracy" videos. Its all about giving them attention. That is exactly what I deprive them of, because I don't watch their videos.
  14. A secret level. "A Long Awaited Party". I had forgotten how cool Myth gameplay sounded. The ambient sounds add atmosphere and as you can hear, the dwarves don't take direction too well. In this level, we let Jeoku silently show us how important using formations is in this game of tactics and strategy.
  15. Well, you could select the text portions you want, copy, paste into a text editor, save and print.
  16. I always thought the Earth was a half sphere. That way we would see the horizon but still not fall off of the world.
  17. I second the idea of the OP doing the videos. And please do short, well thought out and edited videos instead of long senseless streaming. Thanks.
  18. SSTO (space planes) are the hardest things for me to get right. For each one I might post images of here, it seems 20 versions preceded it. I revise my design approach as new parts come out and the aerodynamics/ physics/ game engine (Unity) are updated. The one I posted on the previous page is my best yet, and hauls a decent crew and cargo. Edit: I usually need to adjust my ascent and circularization variables too.
  19. All the authors I had in mind were already mentioned. Oh well, to reiterate: Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke. Also Poul Anderson, Herbert, Card. There is also a short story by Haldeman which became the nucleus of "Forever War". If you can find it; "Hero". But first ... definitely find and read "First Contact" by Murray Leinster. Not the "First Contact" you are thinking of by Sagan. Leinster's goes way back to 1945 and it still holds up pretty well.
  20. I've used Thuds on small SSTOs. Recall that the iSP remains the same, but the thrust is multiplied by the number of units {radially attached in this case). I think they perform better since 1.1 than previously. Edit: since their being remodeled, they look cool too.
  21. Well, actually in 1.1.1 I had this fishbowl moment: I polished up my SSTO Flaming Bateleur in 1.1.2: As you can see, it has the low/ high cockpits and the crew/ passenger module centering on the docking port/ air lock. The cargo is about 5 tons of xenon tanks. I fine tuned it until only a small amount of O2 remained in the tanks after burning all the fuel: I would have had spare fuel/ oxy as part of the payload but due to my O2 fine-tuning I used it up; see the new apoapsis. The new periapsis was around 76,000 meters. Even if I had fuel left over, I tend to deorbit using monopropellant anyways. Of course one may carry just about anything that will fit as cargo, including the alternative; a crew habitat module, seen on the tarmac next to the SSTO: From below you can see another air intake. An RTG is not clearly seen but is attached just ahead of the center Rapier engine. It safely returns to land or sea. Below is a little picnic. The Kerbals thought the cargo was snacks. Too bad its those pesky xenon tanks.
  22. This video is a departure from the previous ones. This "Myth: the Fallen Lords" level, played using the Myth 2 engine, starts out with a single dwarf. Only later do other dwarves join in. As such, I wanted to show single player game play rather than cooperative play. So this time I'm putting in a video of a level played by a different You Tuber than the ones above. This approach allows for a different style of gameplay to be seen and perhaps a little variety in presentation. This level follows the one above in gameplay sequence, even though the "episode" numbers make it seem that a level was skipped. I think this well makes the point that Myth is fun as a single player game; not just for online play. "Sons of Myrgard":
  23. Strategy? Well, that can mean different things to different people. Puzzles? Real time tactics? Turn based? Even shooters, when its not just about running and gunning? Board games on a computer? Myst series. Myth series. (Yes, there is a distinction.) Portal series. Half Life series. Marathon series. Serious Sam series ... are you serious? Serious Sam is all about running and gunning. Penumbra series. 3D animated chess. Journeyman Project series. Some of those I listed are available online for free. Others can be found inexpensively. Others might be hard to find or pricey. Good luck!
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