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Everything posted by Dispatcher

  1. I see ... you regret that you cannot impose much fear or retaliation or backlash upon me since I do not accept everything that you are writing. You should consider this: ideas, when insisted or forced upon others, are less likely to be accepted, regardless of whether or not they are correct. They stand a better chance of being accepted if they are offered as ideas and not as indisputable fact or dogma. Help them come to an acceptance without insisting that it be immediate. Of course, if you are yelling to someone in the street to get to the safety of the sidewalk, then I suppose that urgency is justified. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6JIE8e2LhQ I know, you don't want me to believe this video because it could be just a clever set of special effects. Then again, it just might be that you must have the last word!
  2. I'm not missing your point, I simply disagree with it. As for speaking to the billions of religious out there, that would take a long time. Heh! As for your forum handle, I wasn't sure whether or not to refer to you as 'he' or 'she' and I didn't know the meaning of the word "camacha" or "camacho" so I figured that a top hit would be a translation, but instead I saw a Wikipedia article on the location "Camacha", which I'd never heard of before but it sounds like a nice place. Judging from your last sentence, you could be female, or just some dude messing with me. At any rate, I hope you have a good weekend. Back on topic, another You Tube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oz7k7Wn_vo
  3. This time we watch SevronLP in "The Last Battle", or is it? (Episode sequence numbers vary between You Tube hosts showcased in this thread.)
  4. How do I control a Kerbal? Bribing with tasty treats works well for me!
  5. Why even play KSP? With access to the right formulas, one may simulate a spaceflight, all on paper. No need to have that pesky computer and game. But then again, it would be more convenient to use a computer to calculate the formulas and use internet access to determine the mass of a metal. The question would be, "is it more fun to play KSP?" I think most people would agree that playing the game would be more fun. Why use mods such as KER? While not necessary for those who prefer pencil, paper or a spreadsheet, its more convenient for me to use KER. If it were up to me, it would be part of the stock game. But since it isn't up to me, nobody needs to feel threatened by KER's existence. Use it if you want.
  6. [In context, Camacha is quoting herself (or himself if his forum handle is a parish in Portugal).] I think we differ in the broader context of life (and that does not trouble me, since I can stir up an argument with anyone and everyone I know when it comes to my points of view on any topic), but I'm having difficulty with our having differences in the tighter realm of "the earth is spherical". I am quite confident in my understanding of my own experiences in life. I understand that others, possibly you included, have less confidence in such and feel a need to seek the affirmation of others regarding "truth or fiction". I don't have any negative feelings towards you. I simply resign myself to the fact that we disagree. I used to be quite hell bent on persuading others to see things from my point of view, but I got over it. Back on topic: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/7-diy-experiments-b-o-b-the-earth-is-round/ Cheers.
  7. Spent enough time in the editors to believe that some bugs in those were squashed. I'll be doing more part testing/ vehicle testing in the near future. Its kind of fun.
  8. You haven't disappointed me. What is your point? That everyone has no sense of what reality actually is, perhaps due to the "human condition"? Getting back to this thread, its scope is limited to peoples' perceptions of other peoples' purported perceptions about "the flat earth". I'm pretty confident that the earth is not flat. You may argue that my senses and beliefs shouldn't mislead me into accepting this notion that the earth is a spheroid (and you want to "enlighten" us to see the "bigger picture"). Perhaps your argument is simply that no matter what people here express, you will call except to those expressions. Right now I really do think that you get a kick out of differing with others for its own sake. Due to that, I'm finding that I'm becoming less receptive to anything you express here. That's too bad, as I was enjoying this thread.
  9. I own it. Some of the control movements required are at times insane. Insane? Well, that describes the game too, eh?
  10. Negative, Camacha. Because I have stereo vision and a resultant depth perception, it is clear to me from those experiences that I am looking down at a 3 dimensional object, not something flat like a pancake. Furthermore, I see water in lakes and on the sea coasts, and that water isn't rushing off the Earth's curvature. But wait ... there's more. What is at least as interesting as the Earth's curvature is the fact that I have moved so that places and landmarks which I am familiar with are now not visible because they are rotated beyond the horizon. Of course, some people will always play "devil's advocate" no matter what anyone else's opinion is and no matter how well researched and observed and corroborated an idea may be. They just must disagree with what someone else expresses, because it must cause such deep compulsion to do so. Everyone has a neighbor, friend, coworker or relative that fits that description. Who knows, I might even be one.
  11. Your problem is: not enough boosters! Seriously, good luck in your future attempts. That looks like it was a lot of work.
  12. I tried "e=mc2" and got a message that e is already defined. Drats.
  13. Actually, what was I thinking?! My favorite velocity is the speed of the expansion of space (which some define as something over C.).
  14. My point is, I think most people will accept true principles if they are exposed to them regularly and clearly. For the purposes of this thread, "the Earth is not flat" or "the Earth is a spheroid". I also indicated that if such principles are supplemented with actual experience (for our purposes here, climbing to the top of a ranger tower on a mountaintop, or flying in a commercial jet; both of which I have experienced on multiple occasions), such notions as "the Earth has curvature because it is a spheroid" are verified by such experiences. Remember, I wrote that I am speaking from my own experiences with others and my own surroundings. However, I have confidence that ultimately most people who are so educated and experienced will accept what is correct (in this case, "the Earth is not flat"). Clearly if people are not taught and do not experience enough to understand "the reality", they will be less likely to understand and accept it. Some may even avoid the understanding of it. The proof of that is that even you will agree that most forum members here believe that the Earth is not flat. Oh there I go again, we can be reasonably certain that most forum members here are biased in that regard. I have no problem with the idea that "your mileage may vary".
  15. All aboooooaaaard! I'll be in the dining car! Yum yum! KSP 1.1.3.
  16. I agree with this, as the trait of being stubborn has less to do with world views and more to do with being human. Thus I think that trait is expressed by everyone to some degree.
  17. You left the Apple Watch out of your poll.
  18. My favorite speed is the one I'm at when I'm standing still on a rotating planet which orbits a sun which orbits in a galaxy which in turn is moving within the Local Galactic Group which in turn moves within the Virgo Supercluster which in turn moves within the Centaurus Wall, which in turn moves within the observable universe, which in turn probably moves within the unobservable universe. Forgive me for leaving out some megastructures in between.
  19. You mention "beliefs of a religion" in connection with acceptance of a belief that the earth is flat. This was the case with a certain religion (the same one that was earth-centric and held that somehow the earth was the center of the universe), however that same religion today accepts the Big Bang theory and is a huge backer of large telescopes. You also claim "... that is the rules for religion." That's a rather broad statement. I have studied several religions and two significant points are clear to me. First, most people I know who abide by these religions (be they churches, synagogs or just simply world views) do not accept the notion of a flat earth. Rather they embrace the idea that the earth is a "sphere" and that there are other planets and stars. Also that the universe is vast and that the earth is not necessarily at the center of the universe. Second, some religions (both ancient and modern) teach as part of their doctrines that the earth is extremely ancient (rather than limiting its creation to only six consecutive creative periods understood as current earth days, for example) and also teach that there are many planets and that stars are suns. It is my belief (based on what I've seen in life) that most people will accept true principles if they are taught such; but also simply by being exposed to life's experiences (such as standing on the top of a high mountain or flying by aircraft and thus seeing the grand curvature of the earth).
  20. Lead Alric to a World Knot, pop enemies like popcorn, teleport reinforcements to back you up as you make your way into "Pools of Iron", as in pools of non-anemic blood! Its just another day of unit mismanagement. Casualties!
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