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Everything posted by NFUN

  1. Is there currently any way for a controller to be used for the entire game (i. e. not just flight)? A mod is fine if it exists
  2. Nova said that the allegations weren't outrageous.
  3. To be fair, I think they didn't hack through the cable. The computer was supposed to be in a shielded container to prevent the program from accessing the network, but the cable wasn't adequately shielded so it escaped through the hole.
  4. Vermin Supreme 2016! The anthropomorphism of aliens is understandable. It's not an issue that really matters (breeding and other plot devices based on similarity present problems, but that's another story), it helps the audience connect more to the aliens or makes them creepier, it is much cheaper to stick an actor in a rubber suit than to use robots or CGI, and we don't know what aliens would really look like anyway.
  5. I'd think somebody with your handle would like to see that. Apologies if this joke has already been made.
  6. So, nothing that makes in inhabitable. My point about making the atmosphere less dense was: I'd say that a breathable atmosphere would have a comparable oxygen partial pressure, but others might argue against it.
  7. So what if fires are common? Man doesn't have to develop on it, it just has to be habitable. Though the atmosphere might have to be less dense, depending on how strictly one looks at the rules.
  8. I wasn't involved in the debate in the other thread. Sooner or later it would get closed for being off-topic, and it was getting a bit in the way of the original thread which I liked, so I decided I'd provide an alternate outlet. If they don't use this one, I don't really care. I'm just putting in minimal effort to keep things relevant.
  9. Go to the second or third page.
  10. Does mass exist? It's apparently up for discussion.
  11. I have no strong opinions on the matter*. I just created this thread so that off-topic arguments in another don't end up getting the thread locked. *this is a blatant lie of course.
  12. There was an off-topic in another thread about this. I made this for them to have someplace better to debate.
  13. Every four years they freaking swap orbits. That's amazing.
  14. Mass is inertia. Bill Nye is indisputably and always correct. The opening song to his show says "Inertia is a property of matter". Therefore, mass is a property of matter. QED.
  15. It being called a dwarf planet also implies that it is a planet, when the IAU explicitly stated it wasn't. The name is misleading and should revised.
  16. Most definitions of 'orbit clearing' are about how dominant the body is gravitationally in its orbit, not how much total debris is flying around. Since we are theorizing this thing because of gravitational effects on other bodies, it probably fits the definition. Yes it can.
  17. It isn't advantageous, or at least wouldn't be in the near term needed for the trait to be selected for without a host of other adaptations. There is a limited amount of space and resources, and older individuals crowding out the young wouldn't be very useful. Aging also wouldn't likely be completely absent, and the elder individuals might remain virile but have lower-quality gametes. As to "how hard can it be to replace telomeres", directed evolution isn't really a thing. Wings could be useful to humans for example, but in order for them to work we'd need a faster metabolism, other sensory organs, stronger muscles, etc. These other traits might not be selected for, and thus flight is unlikely to evolve in an organism similar to us modern humans.
  18. Yes. And as K^2 pointed out, you were wrong. You had a good simplification, but it had errors. Which is the entire issue, and part of the reason why he didn't want to dumb it down.
  19. Why do most people want Pluto to remain a planet? Simple, they grew up with it being one. Why does this matter? Because being a planet is special, and Pluto was special to them; they didn't like to see it 'demoted'. If every insignificant little asteroid gets called a planet, that designation loses its value, and essentially you've done to all of the planets what has been done to Pluto.
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