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Everything posted by NFUN

  1. Wow. They updated the headline to say "CHEMICALS" rather than "BACTERIA", but the first sentence is still the same, still claiming that we found bacteria on the planet.
  2. I'm unfortunately well aware of the fact that British tabloids, especially their science sections, cause you to lose IQ. This was just noteworthy in its awfulness, outdoing even itself. You'd think that they'd first report the discovery of loveing life on Mars before fearmongering about it, but, well, it's the Express.
  3. You know an article is going to be good when the first words are "Space boffins". Deadly bacteria like perchlorates, iron oxide and UV radiation would prevent us from visiting Mars. http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/826949/Mars-move-OFF-DEADLY-bacteria-on-Red-Planet Somebody got paid to write this
  4. Odin is doomed to lose Ragnarok anyway.
  5. I have 21 more songs where that came from.
  6. Not many people here probably know about the channel, but I'm sad.
  7. NaNoWriMo is soon. You could participate in that.
  8. Clearly. Somebody died of dysentery! The green should be #BADA56, btw. One off from Badass.
  9. Once in Model Congress somebody proposed mandating that electric cars have windmills on top to power them. It took a few minutes of patient explanation to inform him why that wouldn't work. He was crestfallen, but at least he listened.
  10. Yeah, I was afraid it was something like that. I was in a hurry to do something so I didn't read it over. Apologies.
  11. http://jalopnik.com/congress-just-mandated-a-human-mission-to-mars-1786994598 Science reporting sucks, and so does Gawker Media.
  12. You're right. Dark Energy is weird. Understanding it could change everything we know significantly.
  13. The two most solid physical laws we know of are the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Laws of Conservation. You're not getting more out than what you put in, and it's impossible to eliminate waste. Eventually, we'll run out of energy and life will go extinct. This will happen even disregarding the eventually decay of all matter into energy. Luckily, thermodynamics is statistical and quantum mechanics is strange, so in an unimaginably long period of time things will spontaneously become more organized and perhaps a new Universe will be born. However, there's just about no way we last that long to move on to the next Universe.
  14. Thermodynamically, life is a sustained pocket of local low entropy, which obviously can't exist in a Universe of maximum entropy. Biologically, life needs metabolism to function, which obviously can't exist in a Universe of maximum entropy. A Universe of maximum entropy has no matter. It's a homogenous region of low-energy radiation with no gradients. Even before matter decays into nothingness there wouldn't be enough gradients for life to eke an existence out of. nope. Having perfectly efficient technology is impossible. Eventually the energy will run out, no matter how greased your machines are and how much you try to recycle waste heat. If you have a perpetual motion machine you can do whatever the hell you want with no problem.
  15. l-l-l-l-look at you h-hacker...
  16. I am so stealing your "Wake up Sheeple" tag technique. Brilliant.
  17. Well, I guess everybody will be excited I'm going to buy them all brand new cars for their birthdays.
  18. This is a toy car. Does that mean it is an actual car?
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