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Everything posted by NFUN

  1. Jealous. On topic, I don't think Congress cares whether or not the decision is made by the brass at NASA or random mid-level servants; Congress can influence the leaders into choosing the capsule they like, or were persuaded to like, and the NASA executives will put some amount of effort into not pissing off the legislators. On the other hand, I don't think Congress is in the position to do anything. We will see how it goes.
  2. NFUN

    Hi all

    Welcome to the forums! There is indeed a seperate help forum, but this will probably get moved there anyways. Your exploding Jeb was probably a glitch.
  3. What do you mean by "full-Earth"? Would you mind posting the picture in question?
  4. I don't know why I wrote that, I'm in a weird mood. This contract may not appear too difficult, but without too much help (Jeb might help) it will take likely many hours before you can get close enough for him to fly to you. Since you appear to not mind using guides, there are plenty of tutorials on how to do an orbital rendezvous, making two ships meet in orbit. I would suggest you not do the mission immediately, as it isn't usually worth much money/rep, and a surprisingly advanced mission. And I wouldn't suggest trying to bring him down with a ladder, unless you like creating puffs of dust above the ground.
  5. Welcome to the forums and all, etc. Just so you know, the forums are a pretty laid back place, few members are aggressive or abrasive and mods will filter out the trash. However, there is one particular instance where hostility will rise, one sacred value that must not be besmirched. Jebediah. The forums, as an entity, universally worship two dieties besides our glorious creators and overseers-- Whackjob and Jeb. You will be graced with the Whack's presence soon, and you have already began to achieve enlightenment of the lord of Kerbin. Your enlightenment must be hastened. His name is Jebediah, with a 'B' as in 'ballistic'. You are new here. You may be forgiven. And you must repent, public or only in the eyes of Him! Commander Jebidiah has begged mercy; he has been forgiven. You have not been forgiven. Your space program is off to a fortuitous start. Plead repentance, before it is too late!
  6. Jeb will briefly frown and look upset when in immediate danger (uncontrolled falling and explosions) but will be back to his smiling self when it passes, unlike the other cowardly Kerbals. He is intentionally fearless, as he has the "badass" trait. Kerbal facial expressions are determined by their courage and stupidity, but Kerbals with the hidden trait will be uncharacteristically brave. Welcome to the forums!
  7. Oh yeah? I circumnavigated Kerbin from SPACE!!! A little more impressive than driving a car for a year, don't you think?
  8. Welcome aboard! That is essentially the goal of every member of the forums, so be sure to get right into it!
  9. Or, maybe Titan is lonely being the only big moon around Saturn and wants a hug, while Ganymede has 3 other friends, two of which he dances with.
  10. So far as we can tell, it is sort of a crapshoot whether or not a moon will have an atmosphere, in that many factors and conditions can determine the viability of having an atmosphere. I will try to compare Ganymede and Titan the best I can, but I am not an expert or well-versed in these matters, and am mainly using Wikipedia as a crutch. Ganymede and Titan are both about the same distance from their host, and have about the same escape velocity and mass. Titan is about 20 degrees Centigrade colder than Ganymede. Ganymede is largely composed of oxygen, hydrogen, sulfer and iron, while Titan has more nitrogen and silicon, with some hydrogen and oxygen. Based on this data, a few explanations might be provided. A very thin atmosphere has been discovered on Ganymede, caused by radiation reacting with water on the planet, releasing oxygen and hydrogen gas. Because the tenuous atmosphere is generated by solar wind, and much of these particles are deflected by Ganymede's unusual magnetosphere, not many H20 molecules are ionized into O2 and H2. The hydrogen naturally escapes Ganymede, as the its gravity is not strong enough to retain the light gas, and the oxygen remains. Titan, on the other hand, has an abundance of relatively heavy organic compounds, that, unlike hydrogen, are retained by the body. Titan also spends about half of its time in orbit inside the magnetosphere of Saturn, shielding it from much of the energetic solar wind. The atmosphere it had accumulated, likely when the sun was cooler and spat out less ions, is also thick enough to create an ionosphere, which can slow gas loss due to solar wind by having charge (the ionosphere is an area of the atmosphere where energetic charged particles reside). Ganymede's initial oxygen atmosphere, if it had existed, probably would not have been thick enough to create an ionosphere capable of keeping the solar wind at bay while it got replenished by some form of volcanism. Ganymede has a very low orbital eccentricity, so it is doubtful whether or not its interior could have been warm enough to release gases in the first place to create any initial atmosphere. Titan appears to have a warm interior, mostly driven by radioactive decay, with tidal heating giving only 20% of the moon's interior warmth. Inherently, this radiation would have been stronger during Titan's early days, and could have served to instigate volcanism, creating the initial nitrogen atmosphere of Titan. tl;dr Ganymede has its own magnetosphere, which repels solar wind, but its thin atmosphere is generated by the radiation. Titan is in Saturn's magnetosphere half the time, and has the potential for an ionosphere to further repel atmosphere-killing radiation. The potentially gaseous elements on Ganymede are H and O, with hydrogen freely leaving Ganymede. Titan has lots of N and organic molecules, which are far heavier than H2, needing more energy to escape. Titan also has a warmer interior that created gas during its early days. In regards to Tylo and Laythe, it is a game. The Lords and Masters of Tylo decided it was not to be so, and lo! there was no atmosphere. //holy crap, I love the autosaving of messages... after two more crashes of chrome on the iPad, I apologize to any ill feelings toward VBulletin I may have had and would like to have its babies.
  11. The K-Prize is 'awarded' to those who have made an SSTO. Those who posted an attempt to earn the prize, but had invalidated entries (wings fell off, non-stock engines, etc) they were gatecrashers. Damaske used (or posted about using) a piggybacking plane on a shuttle, which would be a dual-staged plane.
  12. Squamble, just to rule it out, check if the 64 bit application is the same version of KSP as the 32 bit one, if you have multiple versions of the game.
  13. I go with the first one, because when in doubt, sound it out. Phonetics.
  14. Absolutely Not SpaceX's Dragon V2
  15. YellowDart, you could request features/report bugs on the Github page if you'd like.
  16. His fame is due to him using unnecessarily massive amounts of parts for missions, not building effectively and efficiently. I'm not sure this challenge is very relevant to him, it would fit Manley better.
  17. Why back then? What's to stop you from loving it now?
  18. Argh, ninja'd. That was the exact picture I was gonna post, but I had to upload it first.
  19. Phoenix, I am pretty sure that if you have the dev build and use the updater, it will not change any files that you have, so I doubt that is the problem. It is worth a shot though.
  20. Sorry, that post wasn't really for you, mostly all of the other people who come here asking the question without doing research or saying what they did. What servers did you try, only the bottom few work with the dev build. I am not sure that would be your problem though, after I reread your post more closely it seems certain that your server and client would be compatable. The only other instance that the error would appear that I know of (Disclaimer: I am not associated with the mod in any way) would be with corruption between the server and client, but they wouldn't be applicable in your case. My advice to you would be to uninstall and reinstall your files, and if that doesn't work, say so and godarklight could help you, or you could report the bug directly to Github. If you have KSP on Steam, you can download .23.5 and use the release build if you don't mind. Deleting various files has helped other people, so the whole shebang would probably work too, if that is your issue. You should send what server error files you can to godarklight.
  21. No offense, you were actually being helpful, I just want to make this big so it is obvious. I get kind of excited when there's a new post because I hope for confirmation that the release is 1.5 and that more servers will be .24, and I get disappointed. IF... you use KSP Version 0.24, you NEED to use the Development Builds of DMP (the ones with all the letters and numbers, current one is ed6a2f7...) AND to find a server that uses that same build. In order to connect to a server that lists its version as 1.4.2, AKA the current release build of DMP, you MUST play on KSP 0.23.5
  22. Technically potatoroids are parts and sink like bricks... What you can do is take a Stayputnik core, and add a bunch of toroidal fuel tanks to its end. If you do it right, you can clip as many parts as you need into the size of one tank. Test weights might be somewhat better/easier, but you can do this in vanilla, with the added fun of designing rockets with such dense fuel.
  23. Exactly what you thought it meant, except only parts you need to test that haven't been unlocked yet are experimental.
  24. That would be interesting. Put Bob on it, him and Fwiffo and some character traits in common...
  25. This isn't a game for pansies, for wimps. THIS IS A GAME FOR MEN! Look in your cockpit. LOOK IN IT! Look at Jebediah, is he afraid of the vast unknown, is he afraid to leave the *playground*? NO! He is putting his life on the line, and the only thing stopping him from strapping his arse on a 500 ton MISSILE OF DEATH is your...reluctance to let him live his dreams! You talk about the Kerbal Way? YOU KNOW NOTHING OF THE KERBAL WAY! You are a disgrace to those you claim to serve! DO you think the Nemesis was built out of safety and fear? NO, it took dozens of failed launches and hundreds of dead space marines to get it right! YOU ARE BUT *FINGERS* FROM *BELOW*, YET YOU FAIL TO LAUNCH EVEN THE MOST BASIC ROCKET! IF YOU CAN'T MAN UP ENOUGH TO LAUNCH THAT SHIP, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN IN THESE FORUMS! What are you, Spathi?
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