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Everything posted by xtoro

  1. Same happened to me. Could not attach more than once, even when using the stock grappler claw. Quicksave, quickload, game restart etc didn't help with reattaching to it. Uninstalled ART and I can release and reattach again now.
  2. Magna Invenitur Bill is hard at work writing up new subroutines to allow the Avalon's system to use both sensors on the ship to triangulate the source of a signal. Unfortunately, he had to take the entire sensor subsystem offline in order to do this, but he did manage to keep the Karbonite scanner online. They are approaching Pol and are getting ready for a capture burn. Bob has now received confirmation that the Lancer II resupply ship will be arriving in Laythe orbit shortly. This will work out perfectly. They have 2 science kits left and plan to visit Bop next, followed by Laythe. Bob leans over and speaks quietly to Bill "I know we have plenty of fuel, but we're going to top up here, as well as Bop and Laythe. I want to have as much fuel as possible in case we need to get out of here quickly." Bill has a concerned look on his face "Alright, but are we in danger or something?" "I don't know, but we can't be too careful and we should be prepared for anything." Bill nods and gets back to work. The crew gets seated and the burn for orbit begins. The mining lander is sent down to the surface to start refuelling procedures. Bill is worried that these extra refuelling trips might wear out the lander faster than they had planned. So from on they're only using one drill instead of two. It takes much longer, but with the low gravity, they can net more fuel since the lander doesn't use very much. But it's still a long process... Jeb pulls Dusk away from Avalon to start his descent. Bob comes up over the radio "Jeb, this is Bob. As you know, Pol is very rocky and doesn't have many flat spots, so watch your landings. If it's too steep, just take off and find another spot. You have enough fuel to do several landings so don't worry about it." "Roger that!" Jeb managed to find himself a pretty flat spot to land. He does the usual, flag, samples, science kit. He decouples the spent science kit and gives Dusk a little shake with the reaction wheels, and it slowly falls to the ground. Back up into orbit was easy. Jeb thinks he could have really just used the RCS thrusters, or even gotten out and used his jetpack to push it up like superman. He really did consider it... He docks, and the mining lander does its final run up from the surface. Bob plans out the next burn to Bop. It works out really well considering Bop's inclination. "Bill, we have to burn now or we'll miss this window which won't take much fuel... How's the work coming along?" "I've managed to get both sensors online and working individually. All I have to do now is finish writing the triangulation routines so that the system can pinpoint better." Jeb is sitting in the middle seat between Bob and Bill, wondering what they're talking about, and why Bill is reconfiguring the sensors. "Is something wrong with our sensors?" Bill hesitates for a second to think of some BS to tell him. "No, everything's fine. I just figured I could make our sensors work better so I'm reconfiguring them." "Ah, ok...." Jeb says, thinking nothing of it. Bill turns to Jeb "Well Jeb, I say we carry on without the sensors towards Bop. We did some scans before the sensors went offline and we didn't find any asteroids or anything floating around that could be dangerous around here." Jeb being the second in command, is required to agree with the mission commander for certain decisions, such as flying without sensors. "I agree, lets get going." The Avalon is aimed, and when the time comes, the engines push it towards Bop. As they approach Bop, Bill finishes with his work. "Ok I'm done, and bringing everything online now." A console in front of him has a window pop up, and a booting screen appears Eventually, the system comes online. Bill starts punching in commands and the sensors start sweeping. "Looks like it's working so far." Bob is very pleased "Good job Bill. Keep scanning and see what you can find." "Will do." They brake for Bop orbit. Joemal checks the Karbonite scanners and finds a huge concentration on the surface. "Bob, I found a great spot, but our orbit is off and it'll make it less efficient to refuel unless we change our orbit. I've plotted a maneuver node that will work out great." Bob checks it over. "Nice one Joe. Been practising creating manoeuvres?" "Yes, well, I read all my books so I figured I would try things out on the simulation just for fun." "Well, keep it up, maybe you'll have my job someday!" Joemal smiles hugely "Really? Well thank you!" Avalon adjusts its inclination and sends down the miner. Jeb heads down to do what he does, and finds himself a great view. Unfortunately it was on quite a steep incline and he started sliding down the hill, but he made it back to Dusk eventually. Luckily, Dusk didn't do the same. The reaction wheels were enough to keep it steady on all 4 legs. It did however, make it really easy to ditch the science kit. He then heads back into orbit and docks. Bill's console starts showing tons of data, and he starts running his algorithms to eliminate weak signals that were likely bounced off of planets. Then he turns to Bob, and nods towards his console. Bob takes a deep breath. He knows, Bill found something. He addresses the crew in the command pod to either go perform some task, or go take a rest. They won't be leaving Bop's orbit for a little while. The crew leaves, and Bob closes the hatch to the pod. "So, you found something?" Bob asks. "Yes, but I don't know what." "Well what is it? Where is it?" "It's a really weak EM signal. I'm also tracking some radiation traces. But it's like nothing we've seen before out in space. It's definitely not background noise. And, it's coming from Laythe." "Laythe? Are you sure?" "Very sure. I'm continuing the scan and concentrating on Laythe now. The longer it picks up the signals, the more sure I am that it's coming from Laythe..." Bob goes a little pale, he didn't think they would actually find anything "So what's the EM signal?" "I'm analysing that now. It's not analogue audio, it's some kind of digital packets, binary. And it's spread across several frequencies, with each frequency having a different stream of data." "Can you decode it?" "If I can get it all, maybe. I'm not getting it all because its so weak. But so far, I can tell that it's a repeating signal. It looks like its just the same thing over and over and over. A beacon maybe? Or an S.O.S. signal?" Bill is just staring at the output on the screen, studying it, and writing things down in a notepad. "Bill, do what you can. We're going to stay in orbit here for a while. Our next trip is to Laythe, and the Lancer II should be arriving there in the next 3 hours." "Yeah, I just need time. Once I can piece it all together and get all the data, I can start trying to decode it. I'm sorry but I don't know how long this will take." "Don't worry about it. We'll be leaving for Laythe in about 5 hours. I'll plan two manoeuvres so that we can either aerobrake, or keep our distance with a high orbit so that we can slowly get closer..." Bob leans back into his seat, staring out the window for a few seconds, and then starts plotting manoeuvres. Bill doesn't even seem to blink, he's just typing away and writing in his pad. What do they do? Neither of them want to even get close to Laythe because they don't know what they're getting into. But whatever is transmitting, it's obviously somewhat advanced if it uses digital signals. But just how advanced is it? Where did it come from? Is it dangerous? Is it alive? Bill turns to Bob "So, are you going to tell the rest of the crew?" "I think I have to. It's the right thing to do. They need to be prepared, especially if things go wrong..."
  3. On another note wrt ftt, I've found that there are some buggy issues if the honey badger has any lackluster labs parts on it. Things like the pod being frozen in place when trying to launch. The rest of the ship can wobble around but the pod doesn't move. No big deal though, I was only using the lights so I switched to stock lights. This is on KSP 32 bit .25 with the latest version of LLL. Tried it and like it as well. Still a little low on resource conversion for my liking but I will tweak it up a bit, or I'll stick with mining on low gravity bodies since I can easily get 18000 units of karbonite into orbit with the honey badger, and probably more if I tried.
  4. Love this! So, other than extraplanetary launchpads, what else can ore be used for? I find tons of it.
  5. I understand that, but then my question is, if it's that inefficient, then why even include the converters? Using up all the rock to get 300 units of karbonite or whatever else just seems a little pointless. And yes, getting resources from asteroids was really the main reason I started using ART, not for storage. I've had plenty of large tankers in orbit around the system, and that's no problem. But I thought it would be nice to get resources while in space without having to land anywhere. I supposed I could edit the cfg files to get more out of them, I think...
  6. Wow. After capturing an asteroid and sending a drill and tanker up, I realized that the 15000 units of rock I drilled only gave me 15 units of Karbonite... Even if I use up the entire class C asteroid, it's not enough to fuel my ship 1/8 of the way. Guess I should have read the inputs and outputs of the converters So, getting so little from an asteroid doesn't really make it worth the resources to get to the asteroid in the first place... And definitely not worth it to capture it in orbit. Is my install broken? Am I missing something or is this the way it really is? Because I can land on Minmus or anywhere else that's low grav, drill there, and yield much more using much less fuel to do it...
  7. I realize that not a whole lot of players actually send or post error logs, I'm also guilty of this. My suggestion is to build it into the launcher. Have the launcher launch the KSP executable and then hide its own window or minimize itself, but remain running. When the KSP executable stops running, the launcher will check the logs. If KSP exited normally, the launcher executable does nothing and closes. If there are errors, it will automatically send the log to Squad. I know this would swamp them with error logs, but if they can write up something to parse and sort the errors for them, they would at least get a better idea as to what is causing the errors. The launcher could also possibly send a list of the folders in the GameData folder so they have an idea of what mods are being used. They could then also use this to filter out people who are playing only stock if they wish to eliminate problems caused by mods and fix the core first. And I do realize that Unity itself has its own problems, but perhaps this would benefit the Unity devs as well if Squad find a common Unity issue and sends them the error reports. I think for both Squad and Unity devs, they could easily use this to find the top 5 or 10 issues causing crashes, and then start working on the #1 issue, and work their way down. As a workaround for people starting the KSP executable directly, it could check if the launcher is running, and if it isn't, then if could start it in the background.
  8. This mod is fantastic! Low part count ginormous freighters anyone? Yes please! So much better than my monstrosities I was building before. One small request though, could you possibly make a single-engine engine cowling for the Honey Badger? I request it because of weight balance for VTOL. With all in the middle being equal, the HB pod at the front of the ship weighs 4t. At the rear, the engine cowling weighs 1t, and a Rockomax Skipper engine weighs 3t which would balance it perfectly. But placing 4 smaller engines never works out to equal the 4t of the pod.
  9. No. I like RT. I used it for a while and it was fun, but then it wore off and started to get in the way of the gameplay that I enjoy. I'll probably use it again in the future for fun, but I don't think I'd like it if it was part of the core game.
  10. I don't remember the last time I actually had the game music on. Turned it off long long ago when it got boring and repetitive. I usually have a movie playing or I'm listening to my own music collection instead anyways... P.S. It's against the rules to bump your thread...
  11. There is a mod that loads parts as you use them : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73236-WIP-Loading-textures-only-as-required And it unloads them when they're not being used anymore... It's still very much a work in progress, but it would be nice if Squad implemented this technique in the stock code.
  12. This! I use this mod and it's great! Sometimes I have no patience to wait 5,10,15 minutes, so now I don't have to. It also comes in handy for the moons with ridiculously slow warp speed limits (Looking at you Gilly!). I keep my max warp at 500,000x and I get to any other planet pretty quick.
  13. I'd rather see gas clouds or asteroid fields. Specifically, crowded asteroid fields that you actually have to navigate through carefully to get to the ones in the middle that have fuel in them!
  14. Mine is simple. Have the stupid navball be visible by default in map view! This is especially annoying when I'm manually flying, and before takeoff, I forget to switch to map view and make it visible. So during flight, as I'm actively controlling the craft, I switch to map view to see my orbit path, and I lose control of the ship because the navball isn't showing... Then by the time I do my panic clicking to show it, I'm pointing straight down at the planet...
  15. Thanks! I'm around, but real life stuff must go on as well. And I'm going away this weekend so no updates till mid week next week
  16. Meh, I don't really care about Win64 either way. I play 64bit on Linux just fine for days on end with tons of mods and it never crashes...
  17. According to http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features http://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-committed-to-multiplayer-career-and-sandbox-modes/ and http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/250 They said almost a year ago that they are supposed to be working on the first steps of multiplayer in 0.24. Oh wait, then 0.24 came out, then 0.24.2 came out, then 0.25..... Then, a year later... Hmm, guess "working on" mean anytime from now until the end of time lol Would be nice to see at least some kind of alpha version that sorta works.
  18. That's funny, because people pay for this. If you buy a car and the headlights don't work, don't you think the dealership owes you working headlights???
  19. Squad said this will never happen. Shame really...
  20. Chasing Echoes Avalon is coasting towards Pol. Bob is in the command module, again, searching, and scanning. Wilbur is on shift with him in the lower level of the module. With no results from his efforts, and increasing pressure being put on him by KSC, he's made the decision to ask Bill for help. That's something that goes against his orders, but if they are to find what he's looking for, he can't do it on his own. "Wilbur, I'm heading out for a few minutes, I'll be right back." "Ok boss!" He heads out to Habitat #2. This is where he, Bill and Jeb share the room. Jeb is in Dusk running diagnostics. Bill is in the habitat listening to some music and going over some calculations for the mining rig's future deployments. "Hey Bill, can I talk to you for a second?" Bob says as he turns off the music. Bill puts his notepad down and hops out of bed. "Sure, why? What's going on?" "Oh nothing's wrong. It's just that, I need your help." "That's what I'm here for. Is something broken?" "No, I need your help with the mission I couldn't really tell you about..." Bill is silent for a second and thinks. So now that Bob needs help, NOW he's willing to tell me what's going on? "Um, ok. So you're gonna tell me what's going on then?" "...." Bob hesitates. "Yes, well, what I mean is, I can tell you what I'm trying to do, but it's not like I can tell you everything." Bill thinks carefully on what to say next.... "No Bob. I'm already having lots of problems with you not trusting me, and it's making it difficult to trust you. You either tell me exactly what we're doing, and what you've been secretly scanning for, or tell me nothing, and I won't help you. Easy as that." Bob's conflicted. He knows that he'll get it a ton of trouble for telling Bill. However, if they were to find what he's looking for, then he's allowed to brief the crew. So what's the difference if he only tells Bill now? Then they'll find it, and everyone will know anyways. "Ok Bill, I'll tell you. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone." "Ok then..." "And you can't tell anyone afterwards that I told you before anyone else." "Ok" "And when I tell the crew, you have to act surprised, like you didn't know." "OK! OK! Yes I get it! Big secret! Come one, I won't say anything, just spit it out already!" Bill is standing with his hands out like he's holding two basketballs out in front of him, fingers spread out and bent. Then he slowly lowers them, realizing that he's losing his cool. Bob looks up the ladder to make sure nobody will hear. "We're looking for a ship. Well, part of a ship at least. And, we think it's a ship." "Ship? What ship? We're the first and only thing out here, EVER." "No Bill, we're not. KSC detected a ship in our solar system, and pinpointed it to the Jool system. There was a beacon of sorts being transmitted after a massive EM pulse came from the Jool system. The beacon has been getting weaker and weaker, and it's barely detectable now." Bill looks at the floor between them. He's thinking about the engine that he worked on so many years ago. Nobody told him where it came from. The technology was completely unknown to Kerbin. It took almost a year just to figure out all the components and find materials that were compatible and similar enough to the original engine parts to get it working again, and to build 5 more of them. Metals that they never saw before, the most advanced electrical systems that Bill had ever seen. Could this engine have come from the ship that KSC found? The ship that they're looking for right now? He wants to tell Bob about the engine he worked on, and the technology that launched them from Mun explorers to solar system travellers. He was there, and he figure out most of the tech. But he doesn't want to seem like a hypocrite. After all, he's been keeping this secret from everyone else. "So, this signal has been transmitting for almost a decade?" "No, this is a new signal. But there have been more in the past, all over our system. When we were orbiting Eve, KSC found another signal near Jool using the Avalon's sensors. That's why the plan changed. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, but I was under strict orders. I mean, I am under strict orders..." "Ok Bob, I'll help you. What do you need? What are you looking for?" Bob smiles. "Great! So our scanners have been set to search for specific radiation traces and EM signatures. The problem is, it's all too weak. The signals have been fading. This Jool system is a nightmare. What with all the moons bouncing things around, the heat and radiation coming from everywhere, the background noise... everything is distorted and I can't pinpoint anything. Every moon is echoing the EM signatures, so they're coming from every direction...." Bill stares at the floor again. "Ok, let me think...." At first he considers a polar orbit, far outside of the moons' paths, where they can look down on the entire system. But the amount of fuel it would take is insane, and they might have a lot of trouble getting captured by a moon again to refuel. If only there were a way to triangulate the signal.... Then he remembered the 2nd backup scanner. And it's like a firecracker goes off in his head. He looks up at Bob with wide eyes. "I got it! We have 2 scanners! One of each side of the ship. There's another backup one remember?" "Yes, I remember, but how is that going to help?" "If we can get the 2nd scanner online, and searching for the same signatures, we could somehow, link them up together... Ok, let me put it this way. If a signal hits scanner 1 a few milliseconds before scanner 2, we're able to better determine exactly where it's coming from, because we know that it's closer to scanner 1. It's simple trangulation! Then we could filter out the weakest signals coming from a different direction to find the source!" "Yes! Of course! But, wait, our system doesn't do that does it?" "Well, no... The scanning sub-system is designed to work with only one scanner. The 2nd one is only used if the first one breaks. But, I could write a new subroutine that can do these calculations. I just need full unrestricted access to the scanning systems." Bob breathes a sigh of relief. "You got it, whatever you need! How long will it take?" "I have no idea... a few hours? Maybe a day?" "Right, then lets get cracking. Let me know if you need anything to help you out." They start climbing the ladder to head back to the command module.
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