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Everything posted by Aphobius

  1. "JebAlike - Under 1 minute and 30 seconds (Jeb difficulty) (if too hard with landing, fly through hangars)" That was added after my entry and it was quite annoying. My time is not unbeatable, it's far from the best, even with that design. Would be nice to see more entries.
  2. Gave up already? I was hoping at least Nanobit would try to regain the first place. Here's a new entry from me. 1:46
  3. Did it long time ago for some other challenge (link in the descriptions of the videos). SRBs only and also returning, it would be much easier with a small lander, if you don't have to return. Launch Landing I think this count as two burns. And here you have the return, it took two more burns (last one to slow down for the landing). Return PS: I'm sorry for sounding like a ...... in the videos. EDIT: HAHAHA, didn't read it properly at first, just saw the last few comments about SRBs. ... if those are the scoring criteria .... I guess I'm not going to win this challenge. xD
  4. Wowowow, I've got really lucky on this one. 0.0m/s at 1:51
  5. You can easily replicate it, the only part that might not be clear ... I use that toroidal fuel tank between the reaction wheels.
  6. I might enter this, please no ground supports, as they would count as losing parts.
  7. Done it for other challenge some time ago, link in the video's description.
  8. From a 100km orbit, around Gilly, I get out of the ship, "land" and return to the ship, using only 8% jet pack fuel (92% left). EDIT: Forgot to mention, it's not really an entry for this challenge, but it's kinda related and I thought it would be interesting to show it to you.
  9. Forgot to add the craft file when I've posted the .Craft file Instructions: -launch the "craft" from the SPH -turn hack gravity on Addition: -enter the first number by using 1-9 -press Backspace (the abort button) -during the transition enter the second number, using 1-9 -read the result by counting the pieces from the center Subtraction: -enter the first number by using 1-9 -press T (the SAS button) -wait for the transition to end -enter the second number, using 1-9 -read the result by counting the pieces from the center Reset: -wait for any transition to end -press 0 (zero) -wait for the transition to end -the craft is in the default state
  10. Some old video of mine, getting to the Mun in 27:52, but it doesn't comply with the rules of this challenge since I've used a chair, instead of a cockpit. Anyway, that design is pretty bad, I can greatly improve it.
  11. Good luck with your mission, I always enjoy competition. My mission was far from perfect, so the time can still be improved by a lot.
  12. I didn't made a "transistor", I think I can make one, but I don't think it's feasible to make a working computer in Kerbal, using "transistors", a simple memory latch would have like 100 parts and that's for only one bit of memory, an working ALU with registers, control unit etc. is out of discussion. Anyway, I didn't wanted to disappoint you, so I've made this. I'm sorry for my English and my voice (it's really late). I could still work on making an usable "transistor", but as I've said, I don't think it could be used to make anything practical.
  13. This is nice, I always liked making computers in sandbox games. I think I have an idea about how to make a reusable "transistor" in Kerbal. But we are pretty limited by the parts number, I think there is a mod that disable the physics on the parts, so you can use much more, that could be useful. I'll try my idea and I'll come back with the results if it succeeds.
  14. You should learn some manners, you've posted your challenge and after people participate in it, you start complaining that they are not using "proper rockets". It's not like I've used some unheard of exploit, like finding the kraken drive for the first time and you couldn't have thought about it before, to disallow it in the rules. For any triple digit IQ person it's obvious that ion engines are the best for this challenge, you could have disallowed them in the rules if you didn't liked them. But since you didn't, it's very impolite (since you were talking about manners) to start complaining about people's entries and trying to make them look like lesser entries, after they've spent their time to compete in your challenge and followed all the rules. PS: Maybe you just didn't knew how else to call the conventional rockets, so you just said "proper". My English is not very good, but I'm pretty sure that "improper" (as opposed to "proper") has a derogatory meaning. If you would have said something like "conventional rockets", I wouldn't have got offended.
  15. Hey, I was thinking about participating, but FAR greatly discourage me, some people just don't like mods. Anyway, in case I'll still participate or maybe you'll allow entries without FAR, I have a question. The rocket/script should be able to complete the challenge starting from any date or all of the 3 tests are going to take place on a new save file? This is very important, since a script with precalculated data (mostly burns) is much easier to make than a script that can complete the challenge by starting from any date.
  16. Next time try to make a PROPER challenge with PROPER rules if you don't like IMPROPER rockets.
  17. I don't know what was the dV total, I was staging the fuel tanks manually and Kerbal Engineer doesn't seem to work properly with ion engines anyway. But I guess it was around 60 km/s.
  18. A little surprise from God of Kerbal. I was too lazy to properly edit it, I just speed it up to 10x. I guess the time is 7d 2:12:35.
  19. There is no rule requiring to have a Kerbal on board and my entry didn't had Kerbal.
  20. Thank you, but that was literally my second try, I can easily get 450km without calculating anything. I don't know how high is the limit if I start calculating stuff, still waiting for competition.
  21. Re-add me? I'm on the first place, but yes, I can get higher, just waiting for competition. You are not duplicating anything, because the scores of other people will not be shown anywhere if you leave only the top 3 or 5. You could combine that 2 lists or something, in any case I really think you should have a list with the scores of all the people that completed the challenge (unlike the ones that were unable to land).
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