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Everything posted by mrmcp1

  1. Here is my X-20 Dyna- Soar inspired spaceplane with a mini cargo bay There is enough room in the bay for a small 0.625m probe
  2. Thanks for the help, I will find my old mouse to see if that works.
  3. Thanks again, the website says my drivers are up to date and I am not using a stick. My decrease throttle is still bound to control so it seems that my trackpad is sending the ''control'' key to KSP.
  4. Thanks for the help, unfortunately activating two finger scrolling had no effect and my touchpad does not appear to support edge scrolling. Weirdly using the pinch to zoom feature seems to decrease the throttle but it is not bound to that control.
  5. A couple of months ago a got a new HP laptop which like my last laptop had a trackpad. On the old laptop I could zoom in using the trackpad (pinch to zoom) but the keys bound to the zoom command would not work in IVA, on the new one the trackpad will not zoom in in IVA or any other in game view and the buttons bound to zoom work in every game mode but IVA. This means that I can't zoom in at all in IVA. I am running a clear 1.05 install but this problem has persisted since around 0.90. The trackpad zoom works fine in other programs which is a bit weird. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. It is bolted to the VAB but if you try to lift something too heavy it will detach.
  7. To post pictures you will have to upload the image to an image hosting website such as Imgur. I have also attempted to colonise the VAB roof and using the KAS mod built a crane on the roof.
  8. Thanks for the advice, I think I may look into learning C++.
  9. I have recently become interested in learning to code but I have no idea of which language I should learn. So I thought maybe I should ask which I should learn. If it helps I am interested in learning to use and program an arduino board. Sorry if this question is a bit vague.
  10. Both ships look good and it good that they look good but are also functional SSTO's. If you want the Starfury to be an SSTO then the thunderbolt version may be better as it looks like it would work better in the atmosphere. I am looking forward to seeing more of your spacecraft.
  11. Thanks for trying, I am looking forward to seeing it.
  12. All of these renders look great. Are you accepting modded craft? If you are could you please render my Mun rover Discovery. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0pk74xi5m3zchhf/Discovery.craft?dl=0 The mods used are: Near future spacecraft, Near future electrical Kerbal inventory system and the asteroid day mod. Thanks
  13. Thanks, the mods it uses are: Kerbal attachment system/ inventory system and the station parts expansion mod.
  14. Today I finished my Mun base and named it Clavius base
  15. Here is my first Mun base named Clavius Base It is fully modular and has plenty of space for kerbals as well as mining capability It also has a large amount of KIS storage You can see the assembly rover in this image
  16. I added another two modules to my Mun base Now I only need to add the fuel tank and mining rig
  17. I docked the first two modules of my Mun base together. Sorry for the dark image.
  18. Looks good, any chance of a few pictures of it on the water?
  19. Landed my long term exploration rover on the Mun
  20. Nice replica, I hadn't heard about this mission before.
  21. Thanks for the reviews, I always forget about the control surfaces.
  22. Although this thread says its for stock craft many people post modded craft here so I think you will be ok posting here.
  23. The Sand-storm is a small all terrain vehicle with a suspention system designed to absorb all the bumps from off road driving. The suspension system was inspired from one of Vangani's videos and seems to work quite well. The vehicle is primarily powered by a large fuel cell and currently carries a large fuel tank as well as a smaller reserve tank. The large tank can be removed so that it can be replaced with more useful equipment. The car also has 4 small aircraft wheels that can be deployed to help repair the main wheels. Action groups 1: Activate fuel cell 2: Deactivate fuel cell Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqzjixsjhtz0ld8/Sand-%20storm.craft?dl=0
  24. Here is my entry the Stearwig D48 It is a small two stage science space plane capable of an 80x80km orbit. It has a full science complement and a disposable air engine stage. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/skq7km67yf2vu6n/STEARWIG%20D48.craft?dl=0 Warning do try not to use physics warp as it seems to overheat what ever is in the cargo bay.
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