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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. I must be a couple of decades younger than you guys, but I still grew up with the Shuttle. Despite being a bit of a problematic program, that thing was a marvel to behold, and the tech behind it amazes me. As for my favourite rocket, I think it's between the Soyuz rocket and the Falcon 9 B5 (reusable configuration). The lines on both of them are really aesthetically pleasing, the F9 has a neat light-dark contrast balance thing going on, and they both have their place in history. The R-7 rocket family was the first to reach orbit, and in an extended form it's still flying today. That's some tenacity. And the Falcon 9 finally delivered on the promise of reusable rockets, which while not as big a deal as the R-7, does seem to be as big a deal as they say it is.
  2. "Remember, you only get one take, so make it good." In all seriousness, more HD Soyuz stuff would be absolutely wonderful to see.
  3. Is that because you'll be working on Waterfall plumes or because you just won't be doing plumes in general?
  4. I didn't know they stacked the second stage on before a static fire. I wonder if it's just more convenient to do it that way?
  5. You think the foam cube pits would be as fun to jump into as they look? Pretty sure as a kid I went to a place that had something like that.
  6. It's a bummer, the one place that would best use the Dart's efficiency, Eve, has that advantage mostly neutered by the requirements for TWR Eve demands and which the aerospike can't provide. You just have to use the SSME/Vector if you want to get anything significant off the ground there. I still use it on occasion for when I want a low-profile engine, but I have to admit its best feature is one that's largely irrelevant to the stock bodies. OPM's Tekto would probably love it, though.
  7. Looks like they were around for a few years, directly following from Modding Mondays. Long ago, you see, the Daily Kerbal was, in fact, daily. Modding Mondays, Devnote Tuesdays, Video Wednesdays, Twitch Thursdays, and FanWork Fridays. The community was a bit busier back then, and the game was very publicly moving through development quick, but it still must have been a lot of work to have something to show off every day. As for what happened to them, my guess is showing off something new every week got a bit less feasible as things quieted down. There's still loads to show, but perhaps not loads of people who would get excited by it. Also, thanks. Because of this post, I scrolled back through the kerbaldevteam tumblr and experienced a bit of a reminder of what it was like back then. That was a good nostalgia trip. Well, most of it, anyway...
  8. This has been getting a lot less awful lately, thanks to the Squad IT guys. That's not to say there isn't work to be done, just that the progress made so far is good.
  9. There’s a video premiering (ehhh) on the KSP YouTube channel right now, whose thumbnail is a picture of Bop, titled “KSP Loading... Preview: Bob revamp | 1.11 Update” So they’ll be continuing the visual additions at least. EDIT: Aww, they chickened out and fixed it to “Bop.”
  10. Gotta say, not a fan of the round profile pictures, or having humans as default. The people certainly loses a bit of personality, and I can't help but feel like the circles just waste space.
  11. well, the forum is working, but the layout is still a bit screwy. I'm seeing the "forum, activity, store," etc. tabs overlaying the KSP logo on the top. Also, tags are grey with red text, which doesn't look too hot. Also, as long as we're talking about UI changes, do we have any shot at a dark mode?
  12. Here's my attempt at an Eve ascent vehicle, being seen on the surface for the first time by its crew: ...and a bit closer up, after doing some checks to make sure everything's as they expect it to be. Doesn't sell the scale as much as I'd like it to, should have pulled the camera farther back, but it's good enough.
  13. I don't have any pictures of this event, and I really should have. All I've got is the launch vehicle that initially put my first Eve ascent vehicle into orbit, and a picture from the VAB of that vehicle. It circularized with that nuclear stage, then had to be refuelled by multiple tankers before doing its ejection burn. I had made two decisions about this thing that are terrible for a well-formulated mission, but turned out to save two Kerbals from my incompetence. 1). The vehicle would take two Kerbals from Eve sea level to Low Eve Orbit. 2). I would land it fully fuelled. That last decision resulted in this being the most expensive mission I've ever flown in KSP. I had sent two unlucky Kerbals in a separate orbital base to LEO, where they rendezvoused with the lander and boarded it. A third stayed behind, to keep the seats warm and meet up with them again once their surface ops were complete. After sending a rover and some science down to meet them, I deorbited the lander, inflated its heat shields, and began reentry. Did you know Eve has oceans? I certainly did, and was able to avoid them while getting the rest of the modules down to the surface. But my lander was a lot draggier than those modules, and it didn't have any way to reposition itself or fly to a better location. As a result, as I descended through the clouds on parachutes, I was greeted not by the equipment I'd set down around the planned landing site, but a big ol' explodium sea. When the lander hit the liquid, it would tip over. That might not kill the Kerbals immediately, but even if the rocket miraculously didn't disintegrate on impact, it wouldn't be able to take off. But it wasn't in the drink yet, and after all, I had a full load of fuel. After some frantic reorganising of the staging menu, a "T-Z-Space" maneuver, and enough luck to avoid being destroyed by the landing equipment, those Kerbals were going right on back to the inky black from where they came. I was too aggressive with my gravity turn,, and incurred enough drag losses that I didn't quite get back to orbit, but the Kerbals' EVA jetpacks were able to finish the job. The third Kerbal in the orbital base had expected to meet up several days later with a command pod and service module full of Eve rocks and science report. Instead, she'd met up a few hours later with two Kerbals in spacesuits and nothing else. There were no grand speeches that day, and scientific progress would have to wait for another mission. But all three of the Kerbals I'd sent to Eve were able to return on the next window, and I'd call that a win. My next Eve mission features an ascent vehicle which uses ISRU on the surface to fuel itself, reentry simulations (F5+F9), and a separate descent module that only brings the Kerbals down to the surface once the ascent vehicle has confirmed a successful touchdown. It also doesn't cost over 2 million Spesos.
  14. Oh boy, that is wonderful! Even if everything does sound like dumpsters, it's still adding so much to the experience. Will there be an ability to modify the sounds with atmosphere depth, essentially replacing what Audio Muffler did back in the day, or is that outside the scope of this rewrite?
  15. Yay, a rocket launched! Specifically, NG-14. Broke the streak of scrubs over the last couple of days.
  16. We know that there wasn’t much thought put into the original layout of the world* because it was literally just a horizontal flip of the example planet from that program. *With all due respect to HarvesteR of course - there were more important things to focus on at the time.
  17. I know it’s off-topic, but I’ve been using a continued version of ShipEffects on 1.10.1. Should I be worried?
  18. That does look incredible. This could end up being as essential as Scatterer! Which is why the license choice is a bit unsettling, of course, but I do appreciate having an explanation for your choice. I do get the feeling neither my CPU and GPU will appreciate it, though, despite it running fine for the trailer. I’ll enjoy trying it out!
  19. Have you looked at the new Mainsail model recently? All joking aside, Nertea's work (and others' in the case of Restock at least) usually surpass the quality afforded by Squad parts. I can, however, totally understand your desire to keep your game stock.
  20. I know this is an old wound to open, but maybe engineer Kerbals could drag fuel hoses from one craft to another? You wouldn’t need them to snake along the ground or anything, just straight from point A to B like the ones we have for onion/asparagus staging. KAS has a good example of this. They’d connect two craft together, without applying a physics connection (which would make this harder in orbit, but still possible if you’ve planned well), automatically disconnect if they get too long, and allow fuel transfer on celestial surfaces between craft that aren’t perfectly lined up without using the claw*. With Breaking Ground, I know EVA Kerbals can do more than just stand around looking pretty. They should be able to do this. *come on, from the way the claw looks you’d expect it would make a fuel leak, not a fuel link.
  21. Give us fuel hoses! Like, flight-usable fuel hoses that EVA Kerbals can drag from one craft to another. That’s been something people here have been clamouring for for ages, and I really hope they can finally get some validation.
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