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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Any chance you will be re texturing all stock pods/tanks too? I love all your re-texturing projects.
  2. You should find a word that starts with H that you can stick in the front of your abbreviation. Just think of it... H.A.R.P. lol Awesome mod! I'm bookmarking this for download .
  3. Which I think is cool cuz Amazon is cool cuz drones. Not that Google isn't awesome I use chrome like a champ. It's just that I hear they sorta kinda ruined YouTube.
  4. 722: The banana. er, Kanana. (if not mentioned yet)
  5. I have just the trai- erm, car for this! Well I'd enter twice if I could - one as a no count joke and one as an entry. Is that okay or no? Pill bug. Just do it :I
  6. Sounds good. Thank you so much for the code! I shall update when I get home.
  7. Glad to see this featured on Twitter! That thing is most certainly a beast.
  8. <iframe src="http://coub.com/embed/36ftm?muted=false&autostart=false&originalSize=false&hideTopBar=false&startWithHD=false" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe> - - - updated - - - embeding isn't working anymore... it WAS, but not anymore... Click on the youtube link or go to my coub page here. - - - updated - - ------ - - UPDATED! - - - Thank you for adding the [coub] embed code Moderators! See their post here.
  9. I take the HTML code Coub.com gives me and put it straight in. <iframe src="http://coub.com/embed/36ftm?muted=false&autostart=false&originalSize=false&hideTopBar=false&startWithHD=false" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe> It only loads/reads the code on certain occasions for some reason. Maybe there's a better way of encoding? 1001st post :3
  10. I sure hope so. The Mk2 pod is my favorite. Despite it's lacking innards.
  11. I have a forum formatting problem. I am trying to embed my Coub creations in a Fanworks post. They embed, BUT ONLY IN COMMENT POSTS. And it only works about 50% of the time. I can't embed them in the original thread. I also can't be the first person to comment under my thread. Can someone fix this issue and soon! The forum is STARVING* for my coubs! *May be a gross exaggeration EDIT: To embed your coubs put "coub" and "/coub" inside brackets with the video link inbetween. JUST LIKE IMGUR ALBUMS. Thanks KasperVld! V Here's the embed link: http://coub.com/embed/37rx3 I have more Coubs but I'm not sure how to easily put them up either.
  12. Hello everyone . Before the KSP Coub challenge, I had no clue what coub was. Now that I know of it I can't stop making them! I only want to post 2-3 Coubs in the challenge but, I want to create more than just three coubs. Introducing... The Awesome Coub Repository Extravaganza Or ACRE for short Here are ALL my KSP coubs. Hover over them to see their titles. There is a star next to the coubs currently in the KSP Coub challenge. Enjoy. 1. * 2. 3. * 4. 5. * 6. * Adding and creating more coubs EVEN AS YOU WATCH
  13. Really? I didn't know that! I must find it. Oh and I think I just bumped you to 2 green rep bars... EDIT: And I'm almost to 1000 posts!
  14. Yes. MANY times xD. Someone did a video on flag direction by planting something like 30 of them and recording the results. He had some interesting data if I can find it... EDIT: grahhh can't find it. Anyone else know where it is? Or maybe it was a forum thread?
  15. It says in the list of planned features that autopilot is not coming to stock KSP so you can scratch that off the secret feature . I think it's something to do with scorch mark textures or maybe craters. Lets not aim too high . IMO.
  16. I can't run KSP on full without at least one or two crashes a sit so I pretty much always use 1/2 graphics. Other than that I don't have much problem with crashing (knock on wood).
  17. I usually rotate the pieces until they match well enough. Though the external tube thing is a bit lob sided .
  18. Your signature is awesome! Where'd you get that counter?!?

  19. Put him in bed the kraken's daughter... oh wait. CAPTAIN I meant captain.
  20. Maxmaps/Kerbal Space Program answered my question about the ablative bottom. I asked: "What about the missing black under the mk2 parts? They won't match any other Mk1 or Mk3 parts now! Why!" (It was late) He responded with: and I have snips of the conversations in the Squadcast release post but I think I'll be posting everything here now... Anyways I won't be arguing the Mk2 bottom anymore. Thank you so much for the reply!
  21. Yeah. Maxmaps was busy releasing like 3 new images on Twitter and I asked him about the Mk2 vs. the Mk1 and 3 bottoms. He seems to have answered the same thing twice? I asked 2 questions but about different things. I'm happy with my responses though and I won't be taking up the black bottom anymore . ALSO updating pictures on front spoiler.
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