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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Super awesome!!! I'm a volunteer at Seattle's BrickCon which is happening a week from Saturday. Lego's are something I enjoyed as a kid and I still find this sort of thing sweet. I really hope this set catches enough eyes. Though the main rocket is a bit part intensive .
  2. Let's see... I discovered KSP back when there was ONLY a demo in v0.13 (Released 16th December, 2011). I then probably 2 months later stopped playing it. After that I bought the game in v0.21 (Released 24th July, 2013). Guessing on approximates loosely based on those numbers, I've gone around a year and 2 months between KSP I think. A looooong time xD.
  3. Vall. For sure. Good to know you are reading up on it now . Definitely my favorite moon.
  4. Gregrox, you need to start a forum game of the History of the HypeTrain. Or form some group of elitist HypeTrain members. The real question is, why not? HUH?! lol PC master race The HypeTrain never dies!
  5. Hmm... it didn't for me. I had 4 tracks in and it always played the top listed track first. I shall dig deeper into this. Thanks for the replies .
  6. So um... I'd like a texture pack that remodels the stock parts. Maybe remove the dents and make them simpler. I see absolutely no texture packs that mess with the part textures. Only the skybox and planets. Is there a reason?
  7. So this mod doesn't work straight out of download and I haven't found any easy way to edit the FX from the toolbar or in the config files. What settings should I use for a gigantic titan rocket fireball? Can I have an example settings please!
  8. First off I find it funny how in creating posts in "General Add-on Affairs" you have to select a prefix from a list with one option :I. Now on to the request. I've been streaming and producing KSP videos since last month, and I greatly enjoy using my own style of orbital music. I tried THIS mod a while ago, but it has a BIG flaw in it's design. The custom song playlist isn't random. It goes down the list and plays everything in a specific order. I want my songs to be in a random order - like stock KSP songs. Can a modder with an open half an hour+ create a randomized orbital music playlist mod? - Avera9eJoe
  9. Sorry about this random mod question but you did use this in your challenge entry and I don't see a clear description as to where you got it. By "this" I mean the huge fiery engine exact. What mod was it that you used to create the gigantic much more realistic fireball rocket flame? I'd love to have a flame like that behind my rockets. vs: See my point
  10. Add me under EVERYTHING please... loljk... I have a Youtube channel and I Namely do cinematics and challenges like "circumnavigationg kerbin by boat" for a video series as an example. Place me where you want . ALSO I STREAM! So please put me in the stream column if you're doing that additionally...
  11. I am slowly taking over YouTube as well... 23 subscribers currently (and 21 on twitch)!
  12. Yes. NOT TO BE CONFUSED, I think a hypeplane would suit this specific update. Only this once though .
  13. Hype train only train. Top r8 b8 m8. I took the b8 and voted hype train m8. I r8 it 8 of 8 m8. ALTHOUGH the hype train is the original and unarguably the best form of hype transport, I think a hype plane would suit THIS UPDATE. ONLY THIS ONCE as SpacePlane+ is being added. Gregrox would you agree or disagree with this statement. Just this once!
  14. Wait. Does FAR have better water physics? You actually went under water in that thing... That was a captivating video. I'd be lying if I didn't say it was pretty .
  15. This is for everyone in the Seattle and surrounding area. Hello Lego fans and space fans. I will be volunteering for this years BrickCon (a gigantic super lego builders convention with life scale daleks and that sort of thing made of only Lego bricks) just like I have been ever since 2009. I strongly encourage anyone who can come to come to this event. You will see creations you won't forget soon... If any of you is actually planning on coming, tell me what day and time and I'll try to be at the space booth . Unless I'm participating in the minifig fling or other competitions of course. Here's a of one of the most impressive things from last year.Later!
  16. "It's fueled by fear, held together by it's burning hatred for everything that isn't already dead" XD "And someone has activated the fire alarm, but that's not a problem because the dragon is going to unleash death and destruction upon the fire alarms too" DYING OVER HERE XD okee
  17. nuuuu bookmark before it sinks... Any chance you'll be designing a Skylab alternative for either side or is the space station core it's alternative currently? It'd be cool to have a spin of of Earths skylab where instead of abandoning it, it was made into the ISS station core. Get what I'm saying?
  18. I don't have the video but this rover hits 40-50m/s on ground easily on the mun. The reason my ship was falling apart on the slope in that last video was because I was hitting space bar. The tail decouples and the head is an escape system thing . It hits 50-60 on hills and can still more or less turn. This is the video of me doing a stupid refueling job of my mun car. I'm done posting things though I just want to hold to the argument that yes you indeed can go fast on the mun or other non-atmosphere planets if you plan right and pilot right. http://www.twitch.tv/avera9ejoe/c/4423897
  19. FOR SURE. Having your control pointing "straight up" like it would be if you where landing a ship on the surface of a planet makes your SAS try and angle you the opposite way of your turning. Like how the corners of a high speed race track are tilted in, the SAS tries to tilt your ship the same way if your control is straight up. If your control is forwards, it tries and makes the front of your car/plane spin flat - which could help with turning. Does this make sense?
  20. You'd be surprised... Here's an old (and dark and laggy and hard to see but also funny) video of my mountain climbing Gekko. You where saying? http://www.twitch.tv/avera9ejoe/c/4250657 Yes it is using jet engines but that doesn't really effect it's mass to thrust. I could build one of these for the moon easily provided I had an efficient number of SAS units.
  21. Do note that that Duna "rover base" is quite tall so I did have to be careful going up hills but it had enough SAS to handle fine. Better to build with the SOM close to the ground and with a wide base. It is possible to build great rovers with small mass, it just takes extra skill and patience .
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