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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. I thought it was funny :')
  2. Hope this is acceptable
  3. Can't tell you how happy this comment makes me Glad to hear you like it so much! I did the best I could
  4. No - I'm getting a fix out hopefully soon to reduce the haziness. Good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't like it actually xD
  5. Somethings not right...
  6. April fools!

    1. Azimech


      Is March 31st part of the joke? ;-)

  7. Man... This place sure has changed over the years! I still remember when I first found the infant steps of SVE and when you took RealPlume Stock under your wing... A lot has happened since we crossed paths and I have to say everything you've been involved with since has been nothing short of incredible. It's been an awesome ride, and I wish you all the luck in the world. You'll always have a friend in me, Nhaws17. Cheers
  8. Doubtful If it does happen it's not coming directly from myself; I attempted it a while back but didn't get anything worthwhile. If someone else wants to learn the shaders and update it feel free, but I don't use VSR so it's not in my scope. I'd at least try the VSR link in the OP though, I've heard conflicting reports that it's both working and it isn't.
  9. Ah gotcha - I've had a number of long hiatuses from KSP since I started modding (if you can call it that) and as much as I hate to say it I know how awful it can be to work on a project you've got no motivation for. Take all the time you need
  10. One of the asset packs that Kopernicus called on was broken into two separate ones, making it much more difficult (if not impossible) to do some of the things Kopernicus did. Or, so I've heard.
  11. Hm, would be nice to have the window be closed on startup. First thing I do when booting in is close the window since it's only needed when my game starts to stutter.
  12. Looks like the page is down. @sarbian it says your certificate expired?
  13. I heard the bad news from a friend involving the idiocy preventing your next update. I wish you the best of luck Thomas
  14. Going live again sometime around 2:30-3pm PST - got some new progress on my two-point door hinge to show :)

    EDIT: 1:30-2pm --> 2:30-3pm Had to delay an hour ;.;

  15. I was debating adding props to a new transport craft and just realized I wasn't already following you... :blush: fixed now!

    1. Azimech


      Nice! I'd love to see how it develops!

    2. HafCoJoe


      Yeah! It's currently a debate between using goliaths or going all out with a pair of massive propellers. I've got very little practice with propellers though so I might ask your help in the future. Needs to survive time warp... and maybe phys... Concept

  16. Yo Quels autres mods avez-vouz installés? Pardonnez mon Français, j'utilise un traducteur Passons au thread Spectra.
  17. It works! Thank you so much! Time to see if I can get my WindowShine textures running so it's only the windows that reflect
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